texas is now trying to throw in an amendment to their constitution ensuring the gays dont royally screw up their plans to run a society full of homophobia and hatred. don't get me wrong, i am all about marriage...there are a few vows i take damn seriously in this life; til death do us part, i swear to uphold the laws of the constitution, and i swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth...i just dont get why you can't use the first one if you happen to enjoy touching tacos or pirating buttocks. i wonder how many of those people would be shocked to know that one of their closest friends has homosexual tendencies (or whatever you want to call it). they're gay, not lepers...and contrary to popular opinion in rome, it does not mean they are drawn to molesting children.
speaking of the catholic church...i wonder when they will figure out that the antiquated view that you cannot serve god and service a lover at the same time is a recipe for disaster. how many more examples do we need before we realize that when you repress sex...it comes out in really messed up ways. let them marry, let them fuck, let them sport whips and chains and leather, let them march through the streets for a pride parade. as long as nobody who doesnt want to be hurt isnt getting hurt...let sex happen, trust me, it's better for everyone.
if there was any doubt remaining in your mind that the end times are upon us...make peace with whatever god you choose to worship. after years of wildfires and the occassional devestating middle eastern earthquake we hit the big time...tsunamis, hurricanes, monster earthquakes, mud slides, and now the bird flu...hundreds of thousands dead. the crazies were right...this is it. i saw propoganda film once for christianity dealing with this, and people went out and got 666 tatooed on their heads so they wouldnt be taken in the rapture...wonder if we will start seeing that. i figure either way i am going to hell...being that i've seriously messed up on the church's teachings...oh well, i can hang with ghandi.
while i'm on the subject of natural disasters...how broke are we going to be after helping out all the folks that need it? how much of the tax cut could've covered that? when is the UN going to step up and live up to it's purpose? is this just gaya's way of telling us she is sick of us screwing this up and that there is too many of us? it's one thing man will never conquer.
yes, i said man...as in mankind...as in all humans, i make no apologies for it, and it does not make me a sexist.
the UN - ah the failed ideals of western civilization. yet another institution of corruption and greed. it talks a good game...but it ends there. how many genocides are going to occur before the UN figures out it can stop one in the early stages. How many blatant human rights violations are going to go unchecked because western nations need joe tyrant in power. When are they going to get serious about all of the so-called norms of customary international law...norms that were never widely followed, thrown upon the rest of the world by a select few western nations, and then claimed to "law" around the world...dont get me wrong, they are good ideas, but the logic behind it is seriously flawed. i don't like the UN...i don't like it's leader. (this is your cue to tell me how it is all the united states' fault that the UN doesn't work and heap all the blame on the current administration...lest we forget the UN wanted nothing to do with bosnia, before this administration...and really hasn't done a damn thing under any american administration...and put a man in charge that let rowada happen when he could have stopped it).
i was talking about the term "legislating morality" with a friend the other day. i don't get how that is a criticism...like you can't do that. every single one of our laws is based on legislating morality. society has decided that certain things are morally wrong, and therefore they write laws against them. i understand what people are trying to say when they use it...but it doesnt make much sense. sure i agree that criminal sanctions should be left out of your bedroom as long as there is consent from all parties involved...but hell, laws against rape and murder are legislated morality, so exactly when does it become ok to "legislate morality"...do you need a certain percentage of the population? because if you go there...there might be a lot of minority groups (race, religious, sex, orientation) that might be in trouble.
it looks like ulr has been paying attention...i hear loveland is set to open this weekend...perhaps i will be taking a little trip shortly. wax your boards.
this is the sound of settling.