Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, October 03, 2005

here we go again: random thoughts

today a spokesman had this to say of a high profile american, see if you can guess what organization/cause they works for:

"the small pieces of information we do know are disappointing. For example, she's Southern Methodist..." oops...might want to rethink your words before you put them on the record. i'll give you a hint...i would be willing to bet they think of themselves as open-minded...

speaking of rethinking your words...i am sure you've heard what william bennet said on-air the other day...and if not...here it is:

"If you wanted to reduce crime, you could--if that were your sole purpose--you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down" wow. maybe we haven't come as far as we like to think. or perhaps both these people are just complete assholes...the world may never know.

somewhat along those lines, i am reading barack obama's autobiography at the moment (i think because as much as i try to lose it, i will never get rid of the midwestern, illinois boy that hides in me). and last night it got me to thinking, and i remembered an incident i am not particularly proud of, but very telling of the world that is chicagoland (thats the chicago metro area for those of you not in the know...where ketchup on hotdogs is a sin). at one point in college i was walking home and walked past an apartment building where a fight was ensuing on the front lawn. when later relaying the happenings to my buddies i managed to describe those involved as "2 black guys and a white guy." the moment i said it i was ashamed that i felt it necessary to include that bit of information. still embarrasses me to this day. that's kind of how chicago works though...us suburban kids learn to see everything in black and white. it just gets engrained into your head, and it is hard to lose.

which reminded me of a time i was working at the local hardware store and another suburban whitey mentioned to me she was not at all racist...to which i basically replied with a big phooey. i guaranteed her that if she were walking down the street and it was dusk or later and crossed paths with a black man (or multiple black men) one of the first thoughts/feelings she would have would be fear of a criminal act on their part. we've (crackers) all done it...if you claim you haven't, you either haven't crossed the path of a black man at night, or you are just lying. anyhow, sure enough, next time i saw her at work she was practically in tears because in the interim it happened to her, and it was the first time she was aware of it. point is...everyone has racist thoughts here and there...we know they are wrong, but they happen. doesnt necessarily make you a bad person, just try to recognize it, deal with it, and learn from it.

interesting story in the times today about juveniles being sentenced to life without parole...a bunch of them for felony murder (i.e. they were doing bad shit with someone else, and that other person decided to do some worse shit and kill someone in the process). kids...getting caught up with the wrong crowd, maybe going out one time when they shouldve stayed home, and their buddy pulls the trigger/runs someone through...and they will never get outside those barbed wire fences again. of course, if they were a few years older we would damn sure try to make sure we got to flip the switch on 'em. yet another example of the serious problems with our criminal justice system. i still think it has the potential to be the best in the world...if only we could figure out the sentencing aspect (and yes, i am well aware there are other problems...too many to go into here).

i miss blues clubs. i miss the smokey, dark atmosphere. i miss that token guy in the front...unaware of anything else in the world. if anyone out there has some pull...bring a good one to albuquerque...this town is a shithole...it would embrace the blues.

i've been through hell too.


Blogger Jenni said...

I would have to politely disagree with you regarding how you considered it shameful to have identified the individuals in the fight as "one white guy and two black guys". To me a comment such as that sounds merely descriptive. It is not racist to identify visual differences in people. It becomes racist when you're actions are negative toward a person or group stricly because of their race/ethnicity/religion.

11:29 AM


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