Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

making the world less safe for democracy...

If that is what this administration had actually set out to do...then congrats...go ahead and fly your embarrassing "Mission Accomplished" banner high above a floating home to the machinations of death. Hoo-fucking-ray.

First up, the amazingly consistent increase in the drug trade anywhere the United States Intelligence Community gets involved. As has been the trend ever since the Taliban was toppled and the "democratic" regime of warlords (exactly the kinds we went into Somalia to take out years ago) and American appointed leaders was installed...opium production is headed for the statosphere. Up 50 percent from last year and at an all time record high in Afghanistan after it had been all but wiped out by the Taliban. (Yes, the Taliban were ruthless and immoral rulers...but then what are we when the will of the people is not listened to, illicit drug trade ensues, and innocents die from war and crumbled infrastructure? One cannot accuse others of evil without first recognizing the tendency for it in oneself). So here is the end result of the "War on Terror" (as if it is possible to go to war against an ideology...to go to war against a method of conflict used extensively by the very nation that now sets off to "end" it through just about every major conflict it has been involved in - Sherman's March, Dresden, Toyko, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, "Shock and Awe"...) - CHEAP HERION! Thank god, it was beginning to cost me way more than it was worth for the quick high and emaciated look. Interesting how the party that started the "War on Drugs" seems to be the one that is always involved in the behind the scenes growth of the illicit drug trade...Iran/Columbia, Los Angeles, Afghanistan. Where would we be without the moral guidance of the far right?

In other news, and another attempt to ensure that the United States and the world remain less safe over time...the military is claiming it has successfully tested the missile "defense" system (more aptly named the sole right to offensive strike system). So the tally is now at 50 billion dollars per successful test...and assuming that any country sending in missiles uses missiles that are completely obsolete and weapons incapable of any counter-offensive measures (a laughable presumption)...it should only cost this country about 500 trillion dollars to knock them out of the sky before they hit an American city. Forgetting for a minute the insane waste of money and effort this is...lets look at the effects.

The North Koreans have already publically called the "defense" system what it actually is...offensive measures. It is the same bullshit that drove the nuclear arms race with the Soviets for decades. "Defensive" measures meant to ensure second-strike capability actually make everyone less safe. To overcome "defensive" measures, the other folks go ahead and bolster their "defensive" striking capabilities...and the next thing you know there are enough nukes on the planet to destroy it a couple thousand times over. This is not a defensive system, it is a way to ensure that if the United States strikes...say North Korea...North Korea cannot counter. It is a way of attempting to grant the United States (and its friends since the last time we tried this it led to proliferation) sole stewardship over the most destructive and inhuman device every manufactured. (Which seems counterintuitive since the United States also happens to be the only country every to deploy the most destructive and inhuman device ever manufactured...and, as Truman so aptly put it immediately afterward...for vengeance, not necessity). This of course leads other countries to need those weapons to deter the United States from using them, which leads to massive proliferation...the kind that was kept in check by the treaty regime which this administration has denounced.

If this is Bush's world safe for democracy...illicit drugs and weapons of mass destructions abound...I think I'd rather have something different.


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