poison spews from a speech writer's pen...
was anyone else secretly wishing that the naacp would end up telling the president to fuck himself and not bother coming because they had no interest in what he had to say?
bush's speech writers were mocking him i think...during his speech to the naacp he said "i understand that many african americans distrust my political party." the crowd responded with a hell of a lot of applause. you are damn right they distrust your party george...how else are they supposed to feel when your party pushes blatantly inherently rascist policies?
the people of lebanon have now been shelled for over a week from the south. hundreds dead...many children...the majority civilian. israeli civilian dead is somewhere around twenty. two soldiers were kidnapped by a group not supported by the lebanese government and immediately their return was offered in exchange for arab prisoners in israeli prisons. instead israel responded by destroying the best hope for a new democratic movement across the middle east and shelling innocent civilians. what has the american government done? NOT A FUCKING THING! the administration hasn't even shown up yet. but yea...they really give a fuck about middle eastern peoples. as long as those middle eastern peoples happen to speak hebrew and live in a militaristic society with a stratification of wealth that rivals the united states.
oh...i almost forgot...it's ok that israel is slaughtering innocent people...see, they dropped pamphlets telling the people they were going to be shelled. i can only imagine what these pamphlets said "hey uncircumsized asshole and especially his wife and children...you might want to leave because we are going to drop some big fucking bombs on your house...but you should probably find a way out other than the roads, because we destroyed those...and if you were planning on flying out, well, we took out your airport...and any massing on the beach will probably be taken for a meeting of terrorists, so boat isn't a good way either. so if you can magically transport yourself to another region, like star treck and shit, we suggest you do so." that makes it morally acceptable to kill them. at least that's what we learned from iraq and afghanistan.
oh...by the way...just so israel doesn't run out of bombs to drop on arabs...we're fast tracking a shipment of more. what's the over-under on more bombs getting there before condi rice does?
condi rice says that when she finally goes to the middle east it will be to fashion a lasting peace, not just a temporary cease fire. that is bushspeak for "once israel has demolished the entire country and run out of things and people to blow up i will show up and declare a victory for peace." i know this may be difficult to understand, and seem totally irrational...but how about trying to stop the killing WHILE we fashion a lasting peace. novel idea i know. then again...not sure i trust these bozos to try multitasking...they haven't proved very adept at it as of yet.
it took our government a week to begin to evacuate american citizens from lebanon. if they realized these people would then talk of the horrors they witnessed at the hands of mindless israeli action i'd be willing to bet they would have had them evacuated much sooner. "we lived through horror...i’ve seen little kids burned alive. a country is being destroyed, people are being killed, and the whole world is watching.” (tom charara). "i felt more sadness in the past week than i ever have before in my entire life...the atrocities going on in Lebanon are out of control and are unjustified and unwarranted.” (steven mcierney). "one woman came to me and said please call america, please call america for us." (marion brannon). soon these people will realize america stood by as they were slaughtered and their country was destroyed...the same america that claimed a solidarity with their blossoming democracy. thank george and his friends for another generation of terrorists.
louisiana is suing the feds for the royalties from the oil the government is giving away for free off it's coast...you know, the oil that the american people own, the same oil that is taken without pay and then sold back to it's original owners so a few midland, texas assholes can make record profits. here's hoping the bush administration takes another one on the chin...but i wouldn't count on it...afterall, the government has been practicing how to take resources from a people and not pay them what they are entitled for that resource for centuries...just ask an indian.
the house is investigating the administration because it's boy, who had no background in science but a history of being paid to lobby for oil, edited reports relating to climate for the white house. and these are the people pissed at russia and china for rolling back democracy? we haven't had a crackdown like this on transparency and democracy since...well, since king george replaced some governors a few hundred years ago. hey "patriotic" conservatives...your forefathers started the revolutionary war over less.
turns out chicago cops were torturing suspects for decades...lots of them black. on behalf of anyone who has ever lived in the chicago area, let me just say...no shit. not that we didn't all already know this, but shouldn't there be a hell of a lot more outrage nationally over this? but of course not...not that we now have a culture where torture is expected against people who may have committed a crime.
mayor daley says he had nothing to do with it. i think he meant the perpetrators were just left over from when his dad ran the city.
republicans are pushing school vouchers again. they forget to mention that this is their plan for decimating poor schools even further by removing the best students and the most involved parents along with funding connected to the only parents that can afford to ship their kid across town. a continuation of the impeccable logic of removing funding from poor schools that already are struggling.
speaking of schools...here is a shock...public schools do just as well as private schools. but at public schools your cracker children might have to associate with minorities...and not as cafeteria workers, as equals. the horror of such a thought is enough to move further out in the suburbs to avoid the black and hispanic incursion into your area. may i suggest a gated community.
dick cheney is trying to use the new war (it is hard to say that with a straight face when it is basically the second most powerful army in the world against a handful of guys with bombs on the back of their toyotas) in the middle east as a campaign boost for the republican party. has any group ever been more adept at convincing an incredibly mindless populous that it's complete and utter failures are reasons to support it?
kofi annan is asking the "fighting" to stop in lebanon. the UN, made completely inept by america's refusal to participate in a useful manner, is wagging it's finger again. it is really hard to take it seriously from the guy in charge of overseeing the non-response to rwanda.
let me leave you with this quote from an american president..."wouldn't it be better to save lives than to avenge them?" i know, spoken like a true liberal nutcase. except that came from ronald reagan.
as they take an eye for an eye until no one can see...we must stumble blindly forward repeating history.
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