Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

omitting the truth is lying...

ever wonder why the government is so concerned about meth? maybe it has something to do with the traumatic effects on your brain...maybe it is because, unlike marijuana, herion, and cocaine...they can't get their piece of the pie.

"when richard nixon started the war on drugs in 1972 the federal budget allocation for the war on drugs was $101 million. today the federal budget allocation is $20 billion. and yet today there are more drugs in this country, they are less expensive, and they are of better quality than they were in 1972." - j. mcnamara, former san jose police chief.

if the government keeps fighting the "war on terror" like it does the "war on drugs" every major city in america will be leveled before i hit my mid-life crisis.

"it is useless, while sitting in chicago, to start driving east with a wishful expectation of getting to el paso. and yet, millions of americans are doing just that when they insist that the united states is a great and free nation; that it didn't do anything wrong; that its economy is the best, the healthiest, and the cleanest in the world; and that it never victimizes other nations." - m. ruppert.

contrary to popular bumper sticker rhetoric, people in fact did die when clinton lied. of course the vast majority of them were poor and in countries necessary for control of the world oil supply and the stock market was soaring...either that or starving in the third world compliments of globalization...so i guess they don't really count.

american soldiers dead in iraq - over 2,500. american soldiers seriously injured in iraq (including serious mental illness) - approximately 60,000. iraq civilians dead since the united states invaded iraq - over 125,000. even if saddam actually had a connection to 9/11...which he didn't...at what point to we call it even?

the war in afghanistan had nothing to do with oil and gas reserves...really, it is completely coincidence that the major military installations in the country just happen to be right along the route of the proposed unocal pipeline. and relations with the taliban just happened to go sour right around the time we figured out the oil reserves in kazakstan weren't as big as thought and the taliban wanted too much for a natural gas pipeline.

to be fair the taliban had just put a stop to opium production about that time too. the year of the american invasion opiate production in afghanistan shot up over 400%. hmmm...

you could double the population of albuquerque and still not have the number of nonviolent offenders serving time in prison in the united states. land of the free.

as the prison population continues to climb, the amount of your money spent on the upkeep in the criminal justice system has climbed about 400% in the last decade. talk about a productive way to spend money.

anywhere the united states intelligence community goes...illicit drug traffic skyrockets. hooray for american values.

over the last decade american philanthropy among the richest of the rich has dropped significantly. more and more are hoarding away larger and larger portions of their fortunes. the more money you have the more you need to hold on to. ain't capitalism grand?

so obviously we need to get away with the estate tax. i mean who wants people to have to actually earn their wealth through good old fashioned ingenuity and hard work? hell...if your great-great grandfather got rich of a war...why should you have to do the same?

the vatican wants to excommunicate people working on stem cell research. nothing says godliness like thwarting scientific advancement. of course maybe the vatican is onto something, scientific advancement hasn't done much for the planet or the human race. "after ages during which the earth produced harmless trilobites and butterflies, evolution progressed to the point at which it has generated neros, gengis khans, and hitlers. this, however, is a passing nightmare; in time the earth will become again incapable of supporting life, and peace will return." - bertrand russell.

a constitutional amendment to ban desecration of the flag failed in the senate by one vote. that's right...66 of your senators voted to add an amendment to the constitution that removes political speech from the first amendment. thank god for that 34th senator.

now that the supreme court has declared we actually have to give some semblence of rights to folks being held indefinitely at gitmo people are complaining that if we give them all these rights it will be tough to get a conviction. no shit. that's the point. "the power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is the highest degree odious, and the foundation of all totalitarian government whether nazi or communist." - winston churchill (1943). good thing we "defeated" fascism and communism.

capitalism is based on infinite growth possibilities...the problem is that growth needs to be fueled by energy...the world's energy reserves are not infinite, especially not given the vitality of oil and natural gas to our current technological state. but really...keep using it all up at record rates..just hope you are dead in 20 years when it all comes crashing down.

i thought you'd ask me not to leave...


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