i'm just gonna throw this out there...
"those people who have the industrial power and the power of invention and science will be able to defeat all others." - Leo Avery. good thing this country has adopted policies that ensure our industrial strength crashes while stifling invention and science. but we're god's chosen folks...so we'll be ok...just like the romans, and spanish, and dutch, and british, and german...oh wait...
a female member of the national guard unit which will help patrol the new mexico border is a mexican immigrant. how did she get here? she crossed the rio grande illegally. but the rascists in washington don't want you to hear stories like hers.
anyone see now this weekend? the bush administration refuses to enforce royalty provisions in lease agreements with oil companies granted the right to drill for oil on taxpayer land. that's right...they are giving away your oil for free...and then letting them inflate the price on you to give themselves record profits.
"goddamn big suv. when the arabs see you drive one, it makes 'em do a dance." - papa joe grappa.
i was watching the line (new mexico's version of the mclaughlin group) this friday and the old white man was talking about health care and why we shouldn't guaruntee it to everyone. he started talking about food...and i expected him to say "it isn't like it is food"...an embarrassing stance in it's own right...but he went on to basically say "it's just like food, and we don't guarantee food for people, so why should we do it with healthcare." nevermind foodstamp programs...but wow. how do you respond to that? he also went on to note that housing should also not be guaranteed. i think he's the republican candidate for governor now.
patsy madrid or heather wilson...is this the best we can do?
the truman doctrine, there are only two ways of life..."one way of life is based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions, representative government, free elections, guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion and freedom from political oppression. the second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed on the majority. it relies upon terror and oppression, a controlled press, framed elections and the suppression of personal freedom." apparently we chose the later.
truman went on to say it would be the united states' policy "to help free people to maintain their institutions and integrity against aggressive movements that seek to impose upon them totalitarian regimes." that didn't last very long.
it's father's day...how many fathers are not with their children today because they were sent to war against an "aggressive movement that sought to impose upon iraq a totalitarian regime" which was helped to power by this country?
i like that reagan made people feel good about being american...although that has now led to a superiority complex that is unfounded and idiotic. that being said...his economic policies weakened the overall economy...republicans need to stop lying to people and claiming they work. unless you are already on top...they are a disaster. families' trust funds explode...the rest of us...left behind.
the funding of education in this country is flawed. those that need the most out of their schools get the least, while those that need the least get the most. but god forbid your tax dollars are spent outside of your white, wealthy neighborhood to the benefit of all society. hell, you moved away from the poor and minorities for a reason.
along those lines...how, in this country, can we accept that there are people that don't go to college because they can't afford it?
skilling says he considered suicide as the feds were closing in on him. i feel for him...really, i do. nothing like a really rich crook begging for sympathy.
jack kemp is being demonized by members of his own party for suggesting they are on the "wrong side of history" in race matters. today's republican party likes to point back 50 to 150 years to show it is down with the brown. they conveniently ignore the last 50 years. not only would this country's founders call for a revolt against your leadership...but your own party's founders would campaign against you as ignorant, rascist assholes. as clarence page wrote today "my family did not leave the party of lincoln; the party left us."
if you'll excuse me, mark prior is finally on the mound...
i wonder if you miss your old friends once you've proven what you're worth...
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