things on my mind tonight...
if only the "conservatives" in this country realized that encouraging democracy around the world, upsetting the current balance, is actually quite liberal at it's roots...this of course assumes, falsely, that conservative leaders give two shits about encouraging democracy...unless democracy means "puppet government of the united states in a region of the world vital to oil, either by it's own reserves or by it's geographic location making it a necessity for a pipeline."
at least this kennedy didn't take a girl with him...
what in god's name possesses a person to ride a motorcycle without a helmet? is having your brains splattered on the highway a macho way to go? perhaps i just don't get it because i'm not man enough...
speaking of, anyone else notice that the maniest man you know is probably gay? thank god he can't be on the front lines if someone questions him about it...don't ask, don't tell...thanks bill, that one was pure genious...
and while we are at it...thanks for nafta. working brilliantly.
a headline today..."oil politics and bloodshed corrupt an iraqi city"...sounds like washington is on the move...
speaking of washington being on the move, why can't we uproot it? kevin phillips suggested years ago we split the capital evenly between d.c. and denver to throw lobbyists for a loop and force them to choose one. i say we go one step further, and have it switch weekly which of about 5 cities it will be located in...only we don't tell anyone until sunday night.
while we are in the midst of a make-it-punishable-by-death-results-be-damned stage, how about we add political corruption to the list. that way, when politicians and lobbyists are realizing they might as well kill someone since they are eligible for death anyways, they will end up knocking off other corrupt politicians and lobbyists...and if corrupt crony on crony crime were to increase at the rate regular old violent crime is, washington could be cleaned up in a few years...
ten thousand pounds of marijuana is a shitload of pot...
tofu still feels funny to me...
congress accepted a pay raise again...these assholes are now getting close to $170 thousand a year (if you can call it a full year...of course, if you add in all the time wasted running for reelection it is) despite royally fucking up the country and the world. is there another job on the planet you get an automatic 3 to 4 thousand dollar raise for no reason as long as you don't turn it down. must be fucking nice. and in the meantime, the average american's salary remains stagnate...send a letter to your congressman/woman and tell them to keep up the good work...
sometimes cats make the best people...
the fed thinks household debt is managable because people aren't falling behind on their mortgages or short-term loans...could have fooled me. suppose managing debt and finances no longer has anything to do with saving for retirement...which nobody is able to do anymore. and with social security on the outs thanks to money thrown back at really rich fucks who invest it overseas rather than in this country (watch that trickle down cuts here means more sweatshop jobs in china) after 60 doesn't look like so much fun anymore, unless you like being a greeter at walmart...for minimum wage...without benefits...
rove will not be indicted...kudos to fitzgerald for not caving to political pressure. if only a certain north carolina district attorney who happens to have duke university in his district was as wise as good old time do some investigation before you promise the world a vicious crime occured, or maybe just bring charges before you get on tv during your reelection campaign and tell us you will bring them down. and THAT is why I cannot stand some prosecutors...
why am i still waiting for the cubs to go on a tear and climb back into the playoff race?
gw told the iraqi people today "that when america gives a commitment, america will keep its commitment." isn't that what the world is afraid of?
and he obviously meant...from now on...or in the past you forgot to check and see if we really gave a commitment, i mean, we sort of implied we would not allow saddam to slaughter you if you rose up against him over a decade ago...but we hadn't really decided on a commitment yet, and you pulled the trigger before we could have that meeting...
i'm just sitting here wasting my time 'til you come home from your escapades...
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