Progressive and Proud...
It is high time that Progressives and Liberals stood up and reclaimed the high ground which the conservative movement has wrongfully usurped. Liberalism is founded on compassion, empathy, and true concern for yourself, those around you and your environment. Yet we have allowed the conservative movement to brand liberal as an insult, as if being a good human being should be seen as some sort of problem. If you, as I, believe in the most basic of religious teachings, that a good, moral person is one who seeks to help without harming, then stand up and declare it with me...I AM PROGRESSIVE AND I AM DAMN PROUD OF IT.
We know it is our moral system that is based upon nurturing and caring for other human beings and the environment we rely on for life. It is our moral system that develops people of strong character that seek not only to better themselves and their own situation, but to better those around them.
It is our moral system that is grounded in the ideals which created this nation. We understand that the first European settlers in this country survived through a strong sense of community and lifting up those that are struggling. We understand that it is our obligation to help those that have difficulty helping themselves, we recognize the absurdity of a moral system that built around the notion that if you are not fabulously wealthy it is because you are lazy and unworthy. We recognize that the basic premise of the American economic dream is that if you work hard you will get ahead, and if that is not possible, you should at least be guaranteed adequate food, shelter, medicine, education and dignity necessary to pursue happiness. We understand that it is not enough to talk about individuals repaying their debt to society without acknowledging the debt that society owes to individuals.
We believe that America, at its core, is a system striving towards equality of opportunity, and that, although it has seriously erred in the past in fulfilling that promise, the course of history and the American people have worked to progress towards that goal, but that a false belief in American infallability hinders efforts towards further progress. Our moral belief system is based in hope, on the understanding that people respond best to nurturing, education and opportunity rather than the threat of severe punishment. Our morals are those that led to end of slavery, the end of child labor, the end of disgusting working conditions, and the rise of equal rights for women and minorities. Our beliefs are those that recognize the right of all peoples to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Do not let them call you un-American. You are, in fact, the very embodiment of the ideals that are America. So stand up and proudly declare, I am a Progressive, I am a Liberal, it is morally right, and I am damn proud.
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