Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, July 24, 2006

liberalism is dead, surprise, and proliferation...

this morning while preparing for another week at the office i was confronted with my first political commercial of the season for patsy madrid, the corrupt shitbag running against heather wilson for the privilege to rape and pillage the good people of the 1st congressional district of new mexico, and, if all goes well, the world. patsy madrid, the democrat, the supposed liberal on the ballot, ran her add based on her time as new mexico's attorney general. this is what she bragged about...creating a capital crimes unit and heading up tougher laws directed at methamphetamine. so this is what this country has come to...this is how far towards fascism we have drifted, that state-sanctioned murder and sending folks away for longer prison terms passes as liberal. everyone make sure to run out and vote for patsy madrid...afterall, she has streamlined the process of killing people who have killed people to show that killing people is wrong (nevermind that this state has not executed anyone in some 30 years...which basically means she wasted money, not a surprise for patsy - see below). and lest we forget, she threw meth addicts away for long prison terms to ensure that when they got out they were doomed to further addiction and crime. three chears for the democratic party!

speaking of wasting money...i've probably mentioned this earlier...but patsy madrid recently sent out pamphlets on child molesters...with big old pictures of her all over them. those pamphlets cost about $120,000...money that came from the state. she tried to justify it by claiming it was from the tobacco fund, and thus not tax dollars. (never mind that the tobacco fund still is money that belongs to the tax payers). funny thing though patsy...that tobacco fund pays for school projects in this state. your pathetically disguised campaign add could have paid a new teacher for four years...it could have fixed up a school in one of the many rural, impoverished areas of the state...it could have bought enough updated textbooks for a school in the south valley. but hey...300 people called in to ask about your sex offender bullshit...so i guess that's a fair trade. do us all a favor patsy...whore yourself somewhere else...and make sure not to do it in the name of new mexicans.

it's a bird...it's a plane...no...it's the secretary of state in lebanon...10 days late. and at the risk of sounding sexist...did anyone see the ap photo of her shaking hands? after taking a week and a half to get her ass over there i would at least expect her to not have hairs out of place. i mean...if she was rushed over there completely understandable...but she took her fucking time.

condi plans to offer financial aid to lebanon. anyone who supports this administration needs to think about that statement for a minute...

ok, gave you some time...do you now see the idiocy behind this that i do? financial aid will go to lebanon to rebuild it after israel has destroyed the country...again. interesting...so instead of spending a couple bucks on a long distance phone call that could have stopped this madness, americans will spend millions, if not billions rebuilding a country that was unnecessarily destroyed while we sat back and did nothing. makes you want to run out and salute the flag don't it?

the administration is still spouting the same bullshit line when trying to explain why it is not pressuring a cease fire. "we all agreed that it is urgent, but the framework is clearly to do this in a way that will help the lebanese government exercise sovereignty over all of its territory." just curious condi...how exactly does destroying the infrastructure of a country and pissing off it's citizens so that they are more likely to support radical organizations that will partake in terror tactics helping the lebanese government exercise sovereignty over all of its territory? how can she say this with a straight face while supporting the government that is violating that sovereignty?

of course what do we expect from the cronies of a man who simplistically views the situation as "all that needs to happen is syria to call up hezbollah and say 'hey, quit that shit' and all this shit will stop." nevermind that no hezbollah rockets were sent into israel until a massive air campaign was launched against lebanon. nevermind that syria and the arab world is sitting around saying "all bush needs to do is call up israel and tell them to stop this shit and it will end." and THAT is why they hate us.

pakistan is picking up it's efforts at expanding it's nuclear capabilities. the united states failed to learn the lessons of the cold war...which only ended when the soviet union unilaterally decided under gorby that it would cut way back on it's armed forces, including it's nukes. (which horrified the fucks in this adminstration back when it happened). the united states response...expand the arsenal (under clinton democrats, don't get cocky) and reinvest in "tactical" nuclear weapons and a "defense shield"...then go into countries that don't have the bomb to make sure they don't get the bomb. (oooo...and protect the pakistani government, which, don't forget, had one of it's physicists give the bomb to a whole bunch of characters...like north korea and iran...that government we protect, never did shit about it). so now it is clear that the only way to avoid the united states military is to get a bomb, and get it quick.

and sadly, that is the american legacy after the cold war...a time when we could have worked to clear the planet of nuclear weapons, to expand democracy and prosperity. instead...we push ahead towards armegeddon. a big thank you to both bushes and mr. clinton.

we have arrived too late to play...


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