if you're not angry...you're either stupid or don't care...
"in war, it's not enough to justify. you also have to win. lebanon, like iraq, is a reminder that the capacity to kill the enemy does not necessarily mean you can defeat him...you can end up creating terrorists faster than you can kill them." (steve chapman - chicago tribune)
true hundreds of women and children are being shelled to horrifying deaths by israel, and tens of israelis have been killed, and the chinese authorities are beating dogs to death because they failed to properly protect their population from rabies...but there are issues of far greater importance people. i mean, for god's sake, mel gibson asked a cop that popped him for dui if he was a jew! anti-sematism rears its ugly head again and proves that hollywood (and anyone who dares to question israel) is just a mindless anti-sematic...which we all know is much worse than being a mindless neocon/lib that never questions israel.
speaking of israel and their brilliant approach to fighting an organization that spawned from the last time they attacked and invaded lebanon (afterall, it makes all the sense in the world to attack a group with the same tactics that led to its existence in the first place)...a couple weeks of shelling and destroying the infrastructure of a nation, and israel is hit by a new high of missiles. i am amazed at how well conventional military might has proven at fighting unconventional enemies using unconventional tactics. look how stable and productive and democratic and safe and nonviolent afghanistan and iraq and lebanon have now become. the best of intentions often result in the greatest of evils.
speaking of military might...it seems that with all its might and resources the united states had to rely on simple old age to bring down one of its greatest enemies in cuba.
bad news for the fundamentalist christian right...you have awoken a sleeping giant...the majority of americans, who happen to be progressive and realize that your interpretation of the bible is no more valid than theirs. the folks on the kansas board of education which apparently wanted a repeat of the humiliating scopes trial and took steps in favor of intelligent design (better referred to as the continuation of the "the great ball of fire in the sky goes away every night so it must be controlled by a giant being riding through the sky on a chariot" theory) were ousted. a sign of things to come.
generals testified before congress that the situation in iraq is spiralling towards civil war. they are obviously un-american haters of the military and are siding with the terrorists and hurting the morale of our troops.
joe lieberman claims his democratic rival is trying to buy his way into office. excuse me while i collect myself from laughing at the idiocy of any candidate claiming another is trying to buy their way into office in a day and age where every significant national politician whores themselves to an array of hired guns backing deep pockets.
the administration is asking congress to define what exactly would be a war crime and going too far in interrogations. funny, the military never needed clarification on what exactly violated the geneva conventions before this administration...no, they prided themselves on going above and beyond the geneva conventions so that it was never in doubt. apparently "supporting the troops" means pushing them as close to criminal activity as possible without being reprimanded. it is the equivalent of complaining that driving while intoxicated does not define intoxicated...and even though we know that drinking and driving is wrong, we need to know if we can have 5 beers before hitting the road, or just 4.
your congress is making it easier for corporations to take your property and sell it back to you. that oil they will be drilling in american waters...that is yours...and you will be paying 4 bucks a gallon for gas made from that oil soon. but don't fret, the company selling it to you will probably only be making $60,000 a minute in profits while they take your oil and sell it back to you. kind of like stealing your car, washing it and selling it back to you for blue book value.
california governor terminator is making a deal with the british to work to avoid rising carbon emmissions. even a steriod-filled womanizer (translation - sexist asshole) figured out that destroying the environment is bad for business. when it comes to protecting the environment the one percent doctrine becomes the 1000 percent doctrine for the white house.
speaking of protecing the environment, there is a lot of uproar of protecting our children from sexual predators. of course, if you were truly concerned about protecting children you would be horrified at the companies that poison the air they breath, the water they drink, and the food they eat. so keep supporting capital punishment while your child develops diabetes, heart disease and asthma.
while the international community considers sending troops into lebanon i wonder when the troops will arrive in africa.
the analysis utilized by the national security counsel in determining just how much the pakistanis are gearing up to produce more nuclear weapons says the new reactor pakistan is producing will be substantially less capable than reported. of course these are the same people that told us hussein had all kinds of this shit all over the place...the same people that would bomb iran for doing the same. so forgive me if i have a difficult time accepting this at face value. hooray for proliferation of nuclear weapons!
a young man was sentenced to four years in prison yesterday (two already served) for a drug trafficking offense. during his sentencing i realized the only real difference between him and a whole lot of people i knew growing up was that he grew up in a neighborhood wraught with poverty and gangs and his mother was addicted to crack. but that will mean nothing to some people who will call me an "apologist"...of course those same people claim we cannot completely blame soldiers for murder, torture and other war crimes because the circumstances of their surroundings in combat.
Genius! The analysis of what Israel and Lebanon are getting into is spot-on. They're like children, and all of the "adults" who might be able to put a stop to their bickering are just standing by allowing Hezbollah to recruit and get stronger and be seen as the saviors of Lebanon. GREAT POST!!!
5:05 PM
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