What this campaign is about...
Politics in this country have become removed from reality. The folks in Washington are so far removed from the rest of us that they have completely lost touch with America. Look around, the most successful politicians are those that can bring in the most dollars. Unfortunately, to raise barrels of money politicians then begin to vote according to the wishes of those that pay for their campaigns. The vast majority of American's cannot afford to give "meaningful" monetary contributions to political campaigns and, as a result, they are turned away by the political machine, even when they reach out unselfishly. This was the final straw, the last push throwing me into the coliseum, the launching of my candidacy.
I have this vision...a vision of a nation where elections are decided on ideas rather than money, catchy phrases, and straight party line votes. A nation where the people relish their freedom to vote and their freedom to choose because that choice is there. A nation where we reject the notion of voting for the lesser evil, because it only slides the scale farther away from the common good. A nation where leaders are respected for looking past the next quarter or even the next election. A nation with a government that serves the people rather than oversees them.
Hence my vision of a campaign without connection to a party or to monied interests. A campaign based on the lost realization that if you avoid the politics of fear and hatred, that if you give them ideas, if you give them a vision of hope, if you give them a reason, the American people will respond and the greatness of this nation will shine.
Thus, over the course of the next few months I will share with you my ideas. Some are polished, some are rough, some are practical, some are idealistic, none of them are an attempt to pander. There may even be times when my vision shifts, when my ideas are updated, or when new ideas are brought to my attention. This is called "flip-flopping" by some, but those of us who remain connected to the world outside Washington know it to be growth. While you peruse my thoughts, my suggestions, my solutions, I ask that you share with me your own thoughts, your own suggestions, your own solutions.
Spread the word, make some waves, help me in awaking the sleeping giant that is the American electorate.
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