Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, July 03, 2006

end of days...

if you live on the pacific coast send a thank you letter to the white house for playing games with your life. tell ol' georgy and his cronies "thanks for acting in a way to all but ensure my being vaporized by the most horrific invention mankind ever thought up. really...you guys are fantastic...i can feel the love."

north korea's media sent a warning to the united states...any "preemptive" strike will be countered with an "annihilating strike and nuclear war." normally i would believe leaders in the united states would not be so brazen as to play with a lunatic with nothing to lose and really, really big guns...especially since north korea really doesn't have anything to offer (cough, cough...oil...cough, cough...natural gas). but with this current crop of complete fucking nutbags i am not so sure.

american troops have been quietly moved back from the infamous 38th parallel. at first glance one is tempted to think "oh good...we are finally learning that military might isn't the best way to protect ourselves and our future" (unless of course you are incredibly short-sighted...like, for instance, just about anyone in washington). but then you think again, and realize that the american troops near the 38th parallel were within artillery range of the north korean lines. so by pulling troops back out of range, they are protected from the inevitable artillery onslaught that would accompany any bombing campaign from the united states. that artillery is north korea's only defense against an invasion from the south...except for one thing...fucking big bombs. and now the north koreans may have missiles that are capable of sending a present to hawaii, california, washington, oregon, and maybe further. thanks george!

of course it may just be a ploy to further the cause of the military industrial complex. see...south korea wants to buy patriot missiles...and we want to sell some missile defense stuff to japan now (which is amusing since japan has virtually no need for self defense while half the united states navy protects it's shores). those sales will likely come out to hundreds of millions of dollars. and i would be willing to bet haliburton, brown & root, and/or the carlysle group will be involved in the profits. hmmm...go figure.

either way, we've really backed ourselves into a corner now. if we don't go after north korea we telegraph to the world, even more so, that the only way to escape american wrath is by possessing nuclear weapons. (of course it doesn't hurt not have oil or natural gas reserves and not be along a proposed pipeline for those resources). so now everyone realizes they need nuclear weapons to hold off the american empire...proliferation gone wild. although at this point the rest of the world very much realizes this...hell, gw said as much every time he talked shit about that guy that tried to kill his dad. so we could attack north korea...and hasten the end of the human race. i gotta admit...sometimes i think that might not be such a bad thing in the end.

in the meantime...iran was given a deadline to drop it's efforts to enrich uranium. the threat...sanctions. yup...those things that worked so brilliantly against saddam. those same sanctions that effectively murdered hundreds of thousands within iraq, destroyed the middle class (necessary for a real revolution and democratic change), consolidated power even more under saddam, and made the people completely dependent on saddam for any hope of survival...not to mention helped to solidify anti-american sentiment. although after a decade of destruction it made it easy to overrun the country...of course we are having problems controlling things now...and people came from all over the world to fight against us. having an empire is a bitch.

why are your's fluffier than mine?


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