Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, June 19, 2006

you might be part of the problem if...

you see the world in black and white...you're either with us or you're against us...

you don't recognize that the foreign policy of the united states, and the accompanying death, destruction and poverty it brings is why they hate us...

you ever decided not to vote for someone because a bullshit ad told you they were "soft on crime"...

you ever voted for someone simply because they weren't someone else...

you see abortion as an all or nothing issue...

you honestly think bill richardson is a democrat, competent, or clean...

you think ann coulter is anything but a useless shitbag...

you don't recognize that michael moore makes ridiculously exaggerated claims...

you ever talked about arnold's family's nazi connection but failed to mention al gore, sr. was a bigot that didn't believe in racial equality...

you thought the economy in the 90's was actually getting stronger...

you wanted clinton impeached but give bush a free pass...

you want bush impeached but gave clinton a free pass...

you ever voted straight party line...

you think the democratic party offers solutions...

you fail to realize the policies of the republicans have been failing for decades...

you ever quoted scripture during a political debate...

you ever quoted scripture...

you claim criminals must be held accountable for their own actions, that society doesn't share the blame...and then turn around and defend troops involved in slaughter because of the conditions they are living under...

you ever wanted more crimes to be punishable by death...

you believe the american dream is a reality...

you ever called homosexuality an abomination of god...

you read the left behind series and have modeled your life after it...

you think abstinence programs do anything to keep people from fucking...

you feed your kids fast food all the time...

you think the united states is different than every other empire that came before...

you still buy that bullshit your high school history teacher told you that the civil war wasn't over slavery...

you think voting in another clinton is a good idea...

you think voting in another bush is a good idea...

you ever agreed with jerry falwell...

you worship at the altar of reagan...

you worship at the altar of clinton...

you worship at the altar of globalization...

you honestly believe the united states practices free trade...

you've never voted for a third party...

you've never voted...

you are a complete fucking moron and you insist on voting in every election...

if you're not angry, you're just stupid or don't care...


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