Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

good god...those are breasts! we can't let the children see those...

an austin high school art teacher lost her job...the reason? get this...for making art. that's like firing a biology teacher for discovering a new species. (although, if it were the missing link, i would be willing to bet texas would fire them for blasphemy). here is a young woman that not only dedicated her life to one of the most thankless jobs on the planet for far too little pay (i.e. teaching in a public high school)...but did so in a department and subject that is often the first to lose it's funding and the maligned by ignorant yahoos running schoolboards and administering our schools. she was recognized time and time again for outstanding achievement as an art teacher...and given the importance of art to growing minds, and the often otherwise disinterested and/or outcast students in our high schools (not to mention it's vital importance to society, culture and humanity) that is saying something.

well...it appears she posed for photographic art, pictures which wound up posted on the internet by the photographer. and here is the horrifying part...her breasts were visible in the pictures. SWEET JESUS ALMIGHTY! how can we expect to raise good, god-fearing, arab-killing, evangelical, oil-loving, consumerist-pig, overweight and ignorant children if they are exposed to such smut? thank god the administration immediately put her on leave and the school board sent her packing. i mean, for god's sake, seeing breasts, especially those of an attractive teacher, will turn all our children into little harlets...and eventually rapists and murderers (and not the good kind of murderers...you know, the ones that do so in the name of "protecting our border" or through their constitutionally protected right to own a gun even though they never dreamed of serving in either the military or a militia of any type or sign bills that call for expanding capital punishment).

so remind me again...why did we want texas? and this is austin...hardly your typical bastion of frightening theocracy and shoot-em-up in the name of god, especially if they are queer attitude. which reminds me...did i mention she is a lesbian...and the photographer was her partner. ah yes...those godless gays are at it again...this must have been an attempt to convert the little girls off of dick and on to taco. nevermind that members of the school board with a penis under their clothes probably took copies of these pictures home to hide from their wives and use as material later when their daughters aren't available...yet the artist is the sick and twisted one.

so there you have it...this is where our country is headed as we let these ignorant evangelical/southern baptist/christian coalition fuckheads take over...talented art teachers are lost...for making art. we can't get qualified, caring teachers into the classroom because we refuse to pay them even a fraction of what they are worth and what the importance of the job would indicate...and now when we manage to con a good one into taking that ridiculously low pay and put up with all the rest of the shit...we fire them for partaking in the subject they teach outside the classroom.

send a letter to the austin school board...and tell them fuck you and your fascist homophobic ways. in the meantime, support this woman in her fight...you can find her at www.myspace.com/mshoover...and no, her boobs are not on display at the sight you cultureless heathen.

we'll inherit the earth...but we don't want it...


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