if you don't say it...who will?
chicago is considering a ban on cooking with trans-fat within city limits. trans-fat is known to lead to all sorts of horrible deaths that tend to be drawn out, painful, and costly. in a country where a quarter of adults are obese, which will inevitably lead to some serious strains on the health care industry, you would think we could get ahead of the curb on this. why, in god's name, has the FDA not taken such steps? canada did it...and it really doesn't cost too fucking much to change the type of oil you cook with.
bush seems to have remembered that black people exist. he will actually make a stop at speak to the naacp this year. interesting that it didn't happen until tom delay was virtually useless, his poll numbers were laughingly low, and his party was in danger of losing out in the midterm elections. it seems the republican party has learned from the democrats...when in need of help, make a token effort at pretending you give two shits about black people. but there's a problem georgie...your boys came out against the voting rights act...people tend to remember that you tried to take their right to vote away.
the house rejected the constitutional amendment to write discrimination back into the document for the first time in 150 years. of course well over 200 representatives voted for the ban on gay marriage. and it happened after a day of debate over the issue...which was really moot because the senate had already bonged the idea. way to spend our tax dollars assholes...if you aren't hell-bent on spending them on death and destruction, you waste them on impossible dreams of rolling back equality. hooray for congress.
can someone explain to me why the fuck we are still debating embryonic stem cell research which utilizes embryoes that will otherwise be flushed down the toilet? how is throwing away this shit more respectful to human life than using it in an attempt to cure disease?
speaking of stem-cell research...bush says he will veto the bill. the first time this fuckhead decides to keep his john hancock off something it is to thwart scientific research. let's hear it for religious fundamentalism.
the fbi is bragging that it questioned padilla for three hours before he asked for an attorney. of course in those three hours they didn't bother to tell him he was free to leave or that he was suspected of anything. funny, the second he was informed he was suspected of being tied to a terrorist plot he requested an attorney. i don't know about you...but i feel much more comfortable knowing that our current leadership has fostered a culture which brags about constitutionally questionable activity.
when JFK nominated paul nitze for secretary of the navy he was attacked by a baby congressman during the confirmation hearings for being "soft" on defense because he attended a national council of churches meeting where disarmament was discussed. funny thing is, nitze wrote two of the most hawkish documents every written by a government official that advocated the exact opposite of disarmament in NSC-68 (calling for a ridiculous build up of nuclear arms in response to an exagerated soviet threat) and the Gaither Report (using the "missile gap" which was actually in our favor to advocate an even further build-up of nuclear weapons)...oh, and he also strongly advocated nuclear war through preemptive
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