political corruption and chronyism....
so good ol' tom delay was indicted today. one would think i would be shocked and appalled at his apparently unethical practices. (especially since i will go to my grave believing bill clinton should have gone to prison for violating one of the most important and sacred laws in this country...and if you don't believe it do some research before you try and tell me he "only lied about sex"...figure out the meaning of perjury and it will be clear he committed it...why laws against perjury are vital to our judicial system...and why it is especially troublesome when officers taking oaths to uphold the constitution and laws of the united states, namely the most important officer taking that oath, decide to just toss aside one of the most important ones) (and furthermore...dont give me the "bush lied to take us to war" line...obviously if someone else commits a wrong, especially one perhaps more grievous...then my committing a serious wrong is totally ok...atleast be consistent).
well...i am not shocked...nor am i appalled. see...i managed to grow up in the chicago area believing that that is how politics is done. chicago managed to have the last great political machine...still does, although it is crumbling now that the feds have actually gotten close and are indicting and investigating anyone and everyone involved in illinois politics. hell, a few of the suburbs were still run by the mob in the 90's (i think cicero still is). so handing out no-work jobs to your friends doesnt upset me...it seems normal. and grabbing money unethically and possibly illegally from any and every source...seems like a good way to win votes (even those of the dead folks).
guess i just have a warped view of how elections work.and yes, he should be punished...although i havent read the law and my initial thought is it can't possibly be constitutional. but i find it amusing how things have flopped and with whitewater (or whatever it was called) and perjury in the white house group A was crying "there are more important things to worry about! this is a partisan witchhunt!" and group B was crying "laws were broken by powerful people! the people have the right to know! nobody is above the law!" and now it is group B crying the old group A song and vice versa. ah politics. maybe the chicago way is better.
if you'd only move away because i'm scared that if you stay....
I guess you will be telling God, to His face, that He is "gay" and smokes, among other things. Oh, that's right....your god isn't the One I know. If you knew the real and only God, you definately would know better.
1:01 PM
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