Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

don't use condoms because they don't work

that is what the government is telling you...well, indirectly anyways. they are giving lots and lots of money to groups preaching abstinence...but only if they refuse to tell kids about the benefits of condom use, only how they aren't going to protect them. wow.

tonight on 60 minutes (i think its an old story) they had the leader of one of these abstinence pledge groups...he claimed that if his daughter came to him and told him she was going to have sex...he would not tell her to use a condom because it wouldn't protect her in the long time. shit. scary, scary shit. makes me actually miss the days of my sex education classes where this kid jason asked the teacher "what happens if you're having sex and you have to go to the bathroom?" to which Mr. Peterson responded "Well, hopefully you've taken care of that ahead of time." but i digress...

i wonder what planet these people are on thinking that kids that "pledge" abstinence aren't having sex. reminds me of the no drug pledge groups in high school...the kids that signed up were always the biggest stoners and junkies. and now we are doing it with sex...and these kids run out and fuck like rabbits, without condoms (because they obviously don't work).

apparently its all or nothing...either you protect yourself 100% by not fucking...or you get no protection at all. ah yes...and oddly enough these are likely to be the same people up in arms about young welfare moms.

I know you'd disagree with me.


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