Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

dead justices, new jobs, puppies and fat

chief justice william rehnquist died over the holiday weekend. although i am convinced he was weekend at bernies for the last year or two. whether or not you agree with the man's politics you have to give him credit for giving almost half of his life to serve the country on its highest court. not to mention, like another evil genius on the court (cough, cough...scalia...ahem), he could actually write well (a quality that seems to elude supreme court justices at really inopportune times, like when they are handing the country and its welfare to the gay agenda...speaking of which, as long as scalia doesnt go into his highly amusing "my fellow justices are complete and utter morons and should be beaten for their stupidity" rants he really does write fantastic opinions, they can make you agree with some crazy shit).

anyways, there will be groups up in arms over roberts appointment to chief justice and trying to block it with everything they have. wonder what they will argue though...seeing as how, at the very "worst" he is a younger version of the man that just spent two decades in that post. will be exciting television...lots of not answering questions that shouldn't have been asked in the first place...thrilling shit.

i got a new job...interesting stuff, murder, rape, pillaging...i feel like i should sport an eye patch. seriously though, its good shit. interesting thing i learned on the first day...the government won't pay shit to defend someone who is up for the death penalty. the state will spend hundreds of thousands trying to put someone to death...will give the defense attorney about 10-20% of the same amount and expect him/her to cover all their overhead with it. apparently when the most important right that a person has in on the line we can't afford to give them the representation they are guaranteed by the constitution. however, the state will pay civil tort lawyers defending state officials in lawsuits for money 10 times what they will a criminal defense attorney defending a man's life. seems like backassward priorities to me.

there is a new puppy in the house...she is confused. one of the cats finds her a great new playmate...the other wants to claw his face off whenever she comes within a few feet. poor thing cant figure out why the bitchy cat wont play nice.

my diet is failing miserably...i need motivation to get back in shape again. which means ed needs to get back in town with his fat fuck self. that nasty beer gut always gave me motivation before...nobody wants to get to that point.


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