Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

anorexic mannequins

(for those of you that have heard this already...sorry...but i am not over it yet)

i was at american eagle tonight with a friend who was picking out jeans. i havent been in an american eagle in something like 3 or 4 years i think...not that there is anything wrong with american eagle...just not exactly my thing...

anyways, i was disgusted by the female mannequins...to say they were tiny would be one hell of a gross understatement. nobody is that small...its not even like they were the token 12 yr old girl model type...they were ridiculously small...if a small child was that size i would seriously consider notifying the department of child and family services of neglect and malnutrition...it was flat out gross.

and the really scary thing...the jeans on those mannequins werent even size 0...they were 2s and 4s. ok...that is gross...in a society where so many people are overweight we are trying to sell jeans to women that are impossible to fit into without starving yourself. its disgusting...why cant we settle in the middle instead of going to either end of the extremes. eat...please, i beg of you...just a little.


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