text messages, fallen soldiers, jimmy kimmel and clean mexico
i know...random combination...but its whats on my mind at this late hour.
first off...text messages and why i hate them. people dont talk to each other anymore..i mean really have conversations. i know i am somewhat guilty myself of utilizing technology to avoid actual contact with someone...but it has gotten way out of control. text messaging must have come from the devil. now, not only can you avoid actually seeing someone because you have a phone with you 24 hours a day...but you can also avoid actually having to talk to them at all and just send them mindless shit over the phone for them to read. ah technology...how wonderful it is to stop being human.
my next gripe goes back to dying soldiers...our president (yea...dont give me that "he's not my president, i didnt vote for him" bullshit...if you are an american, this is how our system works, deal with it...maybe if you actually had taken a civics class or american history class you would understand...or perhaps you were too busy reading the latest harry potter book which you waited in line for despite the fact that you are old enough to buy your own liquor) finally mentioned the sacrifice that our boys and girls are giving overseas. its about fucking time. dont know what else to say...just its about fucking time.
next...i was watching jimmy kimmel live and he had one of his usual suspects on...guillermo. if you havent seen it, guillermo is a hispanic guy with a thick accent...basically the joke is that guillermo talks funny. while i am all for mocking anyone and everyone...it occured to me that i am rather amazed that that was on the air...on network tv. hmmm.
lastly...there are shirts you can buy online that say "new mexico...cleaner than the original." wow. not sure how to react to that one. met somebody that had one the other night...cracker...of course...probably votes democrat too and will relate to you that "some of my best friends are mexican/black/gay/insert minority group here." again...shit like this is why people run from the left. with crackerness comes privilege, with that privilege comes responsibility...live up to it.
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