Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

how to get out of a DUI

this takes brass balls...but i promise you it will work if you pull it off...problem is, you might get shot right at the outset.

so here is how to do it...keep an open bottle of liquor in your front seat. if you've been drinking and are pulled over grab that bottle, open it and get out of the car. in the process toss your keys at the cop...or do something with them so that they aren't really in your possession. then, get on the hood of the car so the police officer can see you and proceed to chug that bottle of booze. at this point your blood alcohol level will skyrocket and you will no doubt fail any and all field sobriety tests...problem for the state is they can no longer prove that you were drunk before you chugged the booze. just make sure the cop can see you, and if there is a dashboard camera, let it catch you.

then again...the leaders of the state (namely the completely useless bill richardson) could just recognize that the easiest, cheapest solution to this so-called "DWI crisis" is to spend a bunch of money on public transportation. folks are going to get drunk...give them a safe way to get there and get home. obviously longer sentences aren't working, haven't worked for anything else...but of course we are to believe that will solve the problem. makes me wonder why i haven't run for office...but then i'd have to kiss the asses of "those" people, something i cannot do.


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