Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, August 15, 2005

are men really dogs?

for the most part....no. i know far more guys that prefer real women than disgustingly skinny woman in ridiculously tight clothing that showcases what underwear they happen to be wearing that day. most guys like a girl to look healthy and dress and carry herself professionally and with respect. WE WANT YOU TO EAT. we think it is gross when you dont...and we know who you are if you don't...it's easy to see and it isn't attractive. i know more women that put pressure on other women to stop eating then men.

and have you ever noticed the guys that do want a scantily clad woman so skinny she looks like a 12 yr old boy have nothing going for them (not to mention they obviously have some suppressed homosexual tendencies)? why try to please the small percentage of the population who's life's goal is to move up from bouncer to bartender and keep the 21 yr old party going until they are 60? these are the few guys that prefer a woman who doesn't think highly of herself an needs to please everyone because they are easy prey. we all know who they are...so next time you see one of them kick them in the balls if you are female or knock em out if you are male because they give the rest of us normal guys a bad rap.

in conclusion, for the women out there...eat, have curves, be merry, give us something to hold onto when we throw the arm over you at night. for those guys out there that are appalled by this...keep tending the door buddy.


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