Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

disappointment after abu ghraib and gitmo

so with all the uproar over american treatment of prisoners outside of the united states i figured that a similar uproar regarding our internal prison system would follow. never happened. sure it got a mention here and there for awhile...but then it went away. well i got news for anyone appalled at what they have heard about abu ghraib and gitmo prisoners...its worse in american prisons and it happens every single day to thousands of inmates. only nobody gives a shit. is it any wonder so many prisoners are repeat offenders?

speaking of repeat offenders...talk about a catch 22. i had the privilege to meet a man that had been incarcerated for 20 years for a brutal murder when he was younger. he was remarkably intelligent and had made an attempt to contribute upon his release on parole. trouble is they kept a very, very tight leash on him...and given his past, it is very understandable. only it made him not want to keep it up...and eventually drove him back to crime. treat a man like an animal, and he will become one. but then what else can you do? especially when nobody is willing to put the money needed into our kids in school...let alone spend money to help convicts straighten themselves out.


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