Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

crooked illinois politicians, confirmation hearings gone bad, minivans and feline dreams

i don't think it is possible for a major politician in illinois not to get covered in sludge from some nasty scandal...crooked politics is a way of life where i come from. apparently the newest governor's (who's name i will not even try to spell here) administration had someone high up that had a role in a little extortion number involving firms trying to land teacher pensions. of course this means he will win in a landslide next time around...probably run for president.

speaking of running for president...how bout that grandstanding done by those crazy cooks in the judicial committee on capital hill. i am frightened enough that joe schmo on the street has so little knowledge of the legal system that he feels it is necessary to know ahead of time how a judge would rule in a case (seeing as how a judge deciding that prior to a case showing up would be violating his oath, not to mention telling people that would be a serious ethical violation)...however, now we have senators on the judiciary committee that apparently dont have a clue either. they went on and on about how roberts should answer their questions and give them an idea on how he would decide this case or that case and got all pissed off he would not answer them. anyone who votes against this guy, who by most accounts is one of the most qualified candidates ever for the job, should be ashamed of themselves...especially if they voted for the previous justices that used the same damn answers.

on that note...i noticed the guy climbed into a minivan on the way to the hearings one day with his family. anyone that is one of the best appellate lawyers in the country and a federal appellate judge that still drives a minivan is alright in my book.

hermione was laying on her back dreaming tonight...her limbs were twitching like crazy. it was amusing, and it got me to thinking...i wonder what she dreams about. is she chasing birds? is she back in the front yard running on her hind legs, front legs spraying the air after a butterfly? does she relive that afternoon? is she remembering the times she saw the light? do cats see the light? that lady on montel seems to think so...i like to think so. hermione deserves it...i'm glad she had atleast one life left.

love me like sunday again.


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