jesse jackson and refugees, the president and pictures of dead and actual gay marriages...
jesse jackson has resurfaced...that good old preacher who gave our last president advice and guidance when he got caught cheating on his wife...and lest we forget the entire time he was managing to father children without the benefit of marriage (not that i give a shit if you are married when you have kids...but it seems a bit odd to counsel one on relationships under the circumstances). he is upset over the use of the term "refugee" to describe those people seeking refuge after katrina (hmm)...jackson claims it is rascist to refer to americans as refugees...although i must admit i have never been aware of anyone seeing that term as racially loaded...seeing as how we refer to folks, rightfully so, as refugees from all corners of the world, including europe. apparently he feels the term implies that the persons seeking refuge from the natural disaster are foreigners. never mind that during prior natural disasters such as the drought of the 30's american folks leaving middle america (plenty of them caucazoid...i love that word) were refered to as refugees...rightfully so if you look it up in websters. mostly i find it interesting that a man who has built much of his career pointing out that americans are not better than the rest of the world and are just like any other people has suddenly taken a stance that is so blatantly "we are better than those damn foreigners."
apparently GW doesn't want pictures taken of all the bodies that will inevitably be uncovered in the gulf coast. kind of goes along with the whole lack of photos of coffins of service men and women thing...just keep the pictures out of sight and folks will forget about it...forget that the man in charge of FEMA couldnt hold down his job heading an arabian horse outfit, was grossly underqualified, and managed to play a roll in a number of those bodies...forget that it took 3 days for the leader of the country to take a look at the area, from the air, and still hasnt been anywhere near the worst of it...forget that the feds turned help away...forget that the administration was apparently unaware that folks were even at the convention center days after tv screens nationwide had been plastered with pictures of it...forget the overall inept nature of your response... perhaps he wouldnt be so quick to shut down the pictures of the dead if it made people remember that the local officials had a hand in it too.
on a side note...can somebody shoot geraldo please.
the california legislature apparently has passed a bill that would define marriage as between two people...thus opening the floodgates to hell as all the gays come out of the woodwork to get married, inevitably destroying the sanctity of marriage and corrupting all our youth, turning them into (gasp) homosexuals. but seriously...wonder how far this will go...if it will get past the many crazy groups will try and get an amendment into the california constitution the next election to "fix" the mistake. it will be interesting...especially since the gay couples seeking marriage tend to be a hell of a lot more stable than most hetero couples that are married. and since god apparently had no problem with incest (ever notice how the bible started out with only one family) i find it hard to believe he has a problem with gay sex....but thats just me.
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