Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

putting politics and the world aside and remembering me...more random thoughts...

sometimes awaking from a drunken mistake can bring everything back into focus. funny how royally messing up tends to teach us so much. seems we only decide to trudge forward once our boots become heavy.

once in a lifteime snow in albuquerque...transforms this city from a desolate, brown trampled town into a far away place that just might be home. except that a "city" buried in a foot plus of snow has only served to drive home the realization that this place is not home...it never really was, and I doubt it ever really could be. suppose it has served its purpose well though. three years down here and well over a hundred days on the slopes and I finally began to find myself...problem is, that process has made me more lost than ever. been one hell of a journey though, and I couldn't have been comfortable just sticking where I had always been with what I had always known. besides, along the way I managed to meet some fascinating people that opened my eyes to a world I previously was desperate to ignore.

I've been laying awake wondering how I got here the last few nights. somehow I ended up exactly where I never imagined. I used to tell someone they were the reason, that if it weren't for them I never would have found that spark within myself. they never believed it. (why do we struggle so much when people acknowledge the positive we have done for them but have no problem accepting all their woes are our doing?) of course, once that ball got rolling downhill I could not stop it...and now, with so much I need to do, so much I need to see, so many places I need to visit...I fear the person who gave it all to me will be left behind.

people are filtering into the coffee shop now, coming in from the solitude of the snow to join the warm glow of people coming together to be alone. an interesting phenomena really...gathering in packs to not interact with each other. guess we all just need a warm body around...or a couple dozen...at least when our boots get heavy.

the girl with the horrible cowboy boots...the boy in the brown sweater, forehead crinkled...the couple sitting quietly in front of the faux-fire...the old man at the window who's hair matches the backdrop of snow and his old friend with a small cap and plain brown shoes, both sweatered and weathered, speaking as if they have been having this conversation for decades and it just never has grown tiresome...the girl on the couch having conversations with her thumbs...the kid-rock-knit-hat wearing man...the barista showcasing her chimney sweep talents...the man with dark features and thick black hair who looks as though he should be famous...the round spectacled agent skinner look-alike...the domino player looking for a game...right now I want so badly to know all their stories, what makes them tick, what frightens them, what brings them happiness, who they loved, who they failed, who loved them, who failed them, their regrets, their accomplishments, their hopes and dreams, how it is they arrived here, where else they want to be...are they also staring at the falling snow trying to forget this is albuquerque?

and all I can think is that I want the grand canyon back...despite exhausted legs tempting death...my boots were not heavy there.

I'll only let you down...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

sorry I missed you...I had a meeting in the basement of my brain...

random thoughts that will be meaningless to just about everyone, but therapeutic for me...so feel free to skip...

dane cook apparently has a new DVD out...only one problem, he is not funny...at all...

edwards is running for president again. of all the folks running last time around, he had one of the most poignant speeches delivered by a politician in some time. yes john, there are two Americas...and thanks for giving mine a voice...

how easy it is for us to scorn others, yet how difficult it is to acknowledge the actions of ourselves that are worthy of scorn...

another president died...unfortunately it was the wrong one...

the godfather of soul arrived in harlem one last time...if you ever paid attention to his words, you will know why the nation rightfully mourns him...

as saddam approaches his hanging, I am wondering if there is any driving human emotion more tragic than vengeance...

I got back down to 140...and it isn't because I'm in great shape...

if you've never skied an open 35 degree pitch with fresh snow and not a soul around...well, I weep for you...

the next generation may only see polar bears at the San Diego Zoo...we should be ashamed of ourselves...

cle seminars can drive you to suicide...

and the bathtub did seem like a good place to go to sleep last night...

how many families holidays were ruined by aggressive war this year?

the grand canyon is beyond description...

I really want to see the golden gate bridge again...

there are only two sights more comforting than peering down an untouched field of fresh snow...

cats in the window is one...

the other...you know who you are...

taos is getting dumped on...why am I here? and why am I unable to look forward to it?

if I am the person of the year, why is this nation being run by bozos?

I've lost direction...it was inevitable this time of year...

how does finding yourself result in losing what matters most?

the realization that I am too much of a thinker to ever be a doer has hit me...

I have weird memories...

I wish that I believed in fate...

albuquerque doesn't look so bad with snow and grey skies...

despite my best efforts, I will never understand the logic behind preparing children for life by teaching them what to think rather than how to think...

no child left behind...except for every one below a predetermined economic line...but then someone needs to compete with mexican and chinese workers in the race to the bottom...

of all people...how did I learn not eating from her?

online cle's are even more prone to drive one to suicide...

the bathtub will lose its luster with time...

my mind's not right...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Truth About Lethal Injection...it's not fit for a rabid animal...

Given the horrifying manner in which Angel Diaz was murdered by the State of Florida this week, resulting in foot-long chemical burns from the drugs pumped into his body, effectively burning him from the inside out over the course of 34 minutes, I decided it is time to shed a little light on the realities of lethal injection. Many think lethal injection is a "humane" way to murder someone in order to show that murdering people is wrong (and we will put aside the complete illogical nature of that position, ironically often held by people who go on and on about a "culture of life")...well, they may be right, but only if "humane" has somehow flipped meaning to include brutal, torture, excruciating and the like.

A few decades ago the powers that be could hardly contain their joy when being told they would once again be allowed to lawfully murder minorities that may or may not have commited crime. Problem was, in the meantime the nation had become too "civilized" for the old methods of execution, and so they needed something to hide how disgustingly inhuman execution is. See, when the public sees bodies twitching at the end of a rope, heads literally rolling, disemboweling, slow painful gassing, and heads exploding into fire they tend to wonder if maybe, just maybe, the execution process just might be violating that pesky consitutional mandate against cruel and unusual punishment.

Enter Dr. Jap Chapman, a medical examiner from Oklahoma without a lick of experience dealing with pharmacology. (It is important to remember here what exactly it is a medical examiner does...examine folks that are already dead). Not having the time to research it at all, good ol' Dr. Chapman used his expertise on slicing up already dead bodies to come up with what would become the overwhelming favorite cocktail and procedure for lethal injections in the United States. His brilliant idea was to use give something to cause drowsiness and (theoretically unconsciousness), then a paralyzing agent for voluntary muscles which would stop your breathing...sounds fantastic, until you realize that the second drug does not knock the person out, only makes them unable to move to do pesky things like express excruciating pain which they are still very capable of feeling. Finally, it was decided we needed to really make sure they died, so potassium chloride to make force massive cardiac arrest was added to the mix. This mix is the same that caused the foot-long chemical burns on Diaz.

Here's the thing, the hipocratic oath has this little thing about saving life, and so no doctor can seriously participate in this process without violating THE ethical mandate of his profession (and of mankind really). So you get some schlubs standing away from the prisoner (who has been strapped down) administering these drugs through a drip. The first problem is these numbnuts can't find a vein a lot of the time, and there have been documented executions wherein a condemned, after 30 minutes or more, has had to assist the staff in locating a vein to kill him. And even then, sometimes they miss, which is what happened to Diaz and led to the excruciating end he must have endured...minutes after again professing his innocence.

So there is nobody standing by the prisoner to ensure that the first drug, the one that is supposed to knock the prisoner unconscious so that they cannot experience the excruciating pain of the follow up drugs, is actually doing what it should. There have been countless reports of prisoners continuing to breath while the second and third drugs were administered...meaning they likely felt the excruciating burn, only were unable to point this out because they were paralyzed from one of the drugs. All too often, there are reports of grimaces and small movements from the prisoner which witnesses tend to describe as pain. These people, often on shoddy evidence, have literally been experiencing chemical burns inside their bodies with no way of showing it. The average execution lasts approximately 15 minutes...that is 15 minutes of unimaginable pain without any means of letting anyone know. Cruel and unusual? No shit.

Here is the really disturbing part about the method used to murder prisoners with drugs...the process and cocktail is unsuitable to put down a rabid animal. The American Veterinary Medical Association, in 2002, declared the mix of drugs used is unacceptable for use in putting animals to sleep because one of them basically only serves to hide the incredible pain and suffering being caused by the others. Texas has turned that recommendation into law. It is currently illegal to put down a rabid dog using the process the state uses to kill humans...and that is even if you are trained.

So there you have it...lethal injection, not good enough for a rabid prairie dog, but good enough for a human being convicted on shaky evidence.

They told you who was who and gave you a worldview.

New Whigs. We Are You.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Yesterday I brought to your attention the the double-execution of Angel Nieves Diaz in Florida this week. It was even more horrifying than I originally thought...but there is hope it will never happen again.

Governor Bush took a step I never imagined would come from a Bush and declared he would not sign any more death warrants until he hears from a commission investigating the draconian implementation of state murder in Florida. (ok...the last bit was my own wording...but he did declare a temporary moratorium on executions in Florida until he hears from his commission).

Diaz required a double execution when the first attempt to slaughter him did not quite pan out how the prison officials hoped and 24 minutes after the sending the injection into him he began to open and blink his eyes, lick his lips, blow and grimace in what appeared to be an attempt to mouth words. The response of officials was, of course, to send in another dose. As a result of the murder, Diaz had foot-long chemical burns on each of his arms. But no...it isn't like this procedure is cruel and unusual...chemically frying someone from the inside out is completely humane and totally in step with standards of decency in a "civilized" society. At least Florida is not setting condemned persons' heads on fire anymore.

That being said, thank god, that for the next few months at least, the State of Florida will not be needlessly killing people in horrific fashion to show that killing people is wrong. If it was at all possible to take anything good away from a man being burned from the inside out by the government over 34 excruciating minutes, perhaps his suffering will lead to a giant leap forward towards joining the rest of the civilized world in condemning capital punishment.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

a half hour execution, unaccountable government, and waiting for "peace with honor"...

Jeb Bush wants everything his slower brother has...including the record for signing the most death warrants. Accordingly, Florida murdered another man...twice. Almost three decades ago Angel Nieves Diaz (notice, not exactly a white-european name...he was Puerto Rican...not that our system executes minorities at a higher rate or anything) was convicted of murder, without a single eye-witness, and, despite his claims of innocence up until the very end, Florida authorities took the man's life. That alone would be disturbing enough, having the gumption to once try to slaughter a human being while he is strapped down to a gurney (I mean, at least make it a fair fight and have the Governor put in a ring for a knife fight...if you want the guy dead, you should have the balls to do it yourself). Apparently Diaz was a fighter though...because he just would not die. Almost 30 minutes after the first dose he was still alive...and it took a second dose to kill him, 34 minutes after the execution started. So this is American "justice" for you...an agonizing slow death for a man that nobody saw kill another man. Let's hear it for progress...

Privitization means one thing and one thing only...less accountable government. But that is exactly what Bush and Co. want for you, a government that is completely unaccountable to you...a government that rules over you, not a government that works for you (because those crazy old kooks had it all wrong when they signed that silly, out-dated scrap and called it the "Constitution"...as if the people should have a say in anything). And in keeping with furthering that ultimate goal of an government entirely free of any accountability (which is funny, because if the same government were run by brown folks in a nation south of the equator we would be hearing all about how it is "illegitimate"...but then Bush has already declared that legitimacy does not come from the people when he went after Chavez...just out of curiosity, what fucking country did this schmuck grow up in?) the administration has subpoenaed records from the ACLU, including "any and all copies" of leaked documents. If you can't stop whistleblowers from pointing out to the nation that you are breaking the very laws you are sworn to uphold then you best suppress it before it can be published. Only there is a little problem with that...it's a little thing that America was built on called open government and accountability.

See, if it were a corporation trying to suppress like this, they would be violating federal laws which protect whistle blowers, because whistle blowers play an important role in society...they let you know when you are being fucked in the ass. Like say when the President got his panties in a hizzy because someone leaked information vital to "national security" - that he was violating FISA and had been for years, a federal crime punishable by five years in the prison. This administration likes to tell us that if we aren't terrorists and are law-abiding citizens we have nothing to worry about...right back at you assholes...if you are doing your job, not violating any laws or civil rights and upholding true American values, you have nothing to worry about. If there is anything we have learned from Republican presidents over the last few decades it is this...when they tell us we don't need to know because of "national security" it most likely means they are involved in some seriously illegal activity.

Which brings me to my next point...Bush won't be pushed around when it comes to the Iraq Debacle...because that would just make him a flip-flopper, and it is better to spend the nation into oblivion and order tens of thousands to their deaths than to acknowledge this might end badly. Thus, the talking heads (none of which have actually seen war) are calling for an escalation of the numbers in Iraq rather than a recognition that this has been royally fucked up and cannot end favorably. Remember all that talk about how "this was not Vietnam"? Hmmm...a few years of limited American casualties, an occupation of a foreign land where the people have proven they would rather die in mass than be subject to foreign occupation, government abuses of power (including spying on American citizens - the reason we got FISA after Vietnam)...and now escalation....nah, that doesn't sound like an exact repeat of the Vietnam timeline at all. But take comfort, once we are told "peace with honor" is just around the corner we are only about 20,000 dead American soldiers away from simply declaring victory and leaving the country in shambles and civil war.

I'm here to take you now.

New Whigs. We Are You.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

selective law enforcement, wondering why I should hate Chavez, and good to be Chicagoan...

those damn uppity brown folks were up to no good again...and not just in Nebraska. but do not fret, because the feds were all over it this time, raiding meet processing plants in six states owned by Swift & Co. - one of the world's biggest meet processors (something to write home about). in Nebraska they carted off almost half of the shift. Republican leaders immediately jumped up and down with glee to celebrate the destruction of brown folks families (because foreigners being allowed to marry will destroy marriage for the rest of us good god-fearing, white Americans - the same people who will proudly declare "love it or leave it" in a rather ironic twist seeing as how they celebrate kicking out people that love it so much they risked life and limb to get here and risk imprisonment to stay...but consistency was never their forte). how many schoolchildren stepped off the bus and didn't find mom and/or dad there at the end of the day? how many got home to the tiny apartment whey were forced into because mom and dad couldn't get a decent paying job only to find their parents weren't coming home? family values my ass.

there is good news to come out of the raids of Swift & Co. however...while hundreds of brown folks will likely be charged and hopefully thrown in prison and then dropped across the border sometime in the future, the good folks that run Swift will not be charged. thank god...I was concerned that Big Business might actually have to answer for once, and then total chaos might break out...I'm talking cats and dogs living together...

I have been trying for months to figure out what it is I am to hate about Hugo Chavez so much so that my government tries to overthrow him (pathetically unsuccessfully might I add) and have him killed...and I just can't do it. I mean, was it providing a real roof over the heads of so many of his people that had been living in boxes? or is it putting food on their tables? maybe it is saving a handful of other nations and their people who were being railroaded by institutions like the World Bank and the IMF into murderous poverty? using the natural resources of a nation to actually rebuild its economy? keeping the capital a country generates within that country to facilitate double-digit growth in its economy in direct contradiction to the "globalization is god" crowd? providing heat for poor, largely minority neighborhoods in major American cities when the US Government won't do shit about people freezing to death because their wages are worthless? that all sounds pretty applaudable to me...helping the poor, using wealth in a fair manner to help those less fortunate...hell, that sounds downright christian (and yet Pat Robertson suggests slaughtering the man). but what do I know...I mean, I only read the Bible myself without relying on some insanely rich preacher telling me I needed to send him money to be saved and telling me what the Bible "actually" says rather than what it clearly means.

I just could not figure out what this man has done to deserve my ire...besides briefly be obsessed with a particularly hideous sweater (but hey, even that was endearing). but then I am not an insanely wealthy profiteer who's only concern is my bottom line, regardless of the death and destruction that I cause. finally, my mind has been eased thanks to Greg Palast. it isn't that Chavez has done all these things (things that have been done by other leaders in the past)...it is that he is copying the blueprint of the quintessential white, european nation...Norway. when will brown folk learn that managed resources and intelligent use of capital to benefit all of society is only for extremely white peoples north of the equator? even if they are all the same measures that US leadership (well....kennedy at least) was pushing for decades ago. so with that in mind...I will do my part as a god-fearing, flag-waving, white American male...fire away Mr. CIA.

and lastly, on a lighter note, it is a damn good time to be a Chicagoan. for those of you who have never met anyone from Chicago...we are forever distressed by the lack of acknowledgement our city gets for being legit. I mean, for god's sake, we are known as the "second city"...and even that status has been taken from us. but we have always had our sports teams to fall back on and rally around in an "us vs. the world" way. and with the cubs' ownership finally realizing that bringing in billions means you should be able to spend a few million, the bulls finding themselves, and the bears returning to form as smashmouth bruisers (the blackhawks are lost forever...really...as a hockey player, how can you strike? nobody cared in the first place, what were you bitching about?) the city - and those of us transplanted elsewhere - is abuzz with the joy that always comes before the tremendous let-down and the return to the realization that Chicago will forever be No. 2. but she'll always be No. 1 in my heart (tear).

this one's for Sweetness...running the ball's like makin' romance (pouring beer onto the ground)...

Monday, December 11, 2006

they want another Pinochet, fixing prisons, and conservative "freedom"...

Augusto Pinochet is no more...not that it makes the high ranking conservative leadership happy. Pinochet was a disgusting, horrible tyrant that brutally murdered just about anybody that had the audacity to oppose his rule in any way, shape of form. In the process...the Americans and the British thanked him for "saving" Chile from communism (because murdering thousands and torturing countless others is cause for a pat on the back if it is done in the name of the "free market" rather than "worker's rights"). The conservative blowhards who seized power in this country yet again were particularly fond of Pinochet and his efforts at turning Chile into a nation that stomped on the poor and vulnerable in favor of handing over increasing wealth to the already disgustingly rich international corporations they tended to find themselves on the boards of...it is little secret that the (and, being from Chicago, I am embarrassed to say this) "Chicago Boys" of the neo-con upper-echelon were in love with the man (platonically speaking of course...because homos are bad for the economy). Hell, they even drafted a plan to use Pinochet's Chile as a model for a post-invasion Iraq...turn over everything to their Big Business friends and watch how "prosperous" the nation becomes. Of course they never took note of the growing wealth gap in Chile under Pinochet, or the rampant poverty and lack of any safety net to feed those that got trampled...and so they implemented a lot of their Pinochean dream in Iraq. The result...a staggering 60 percent unemployment rate and the absolute destruction of any industry Iraq had left after a decade of sanctions...people starving and out of work (not to mention far suprassing the embarrassingly low number of folks killed and tortured under Pinochet...hooray for advancement). And we wonder why the rose pedals never came out for us.

California is acknowledging the prison system is a nightmare that is serving only to make the problems incarceration is meant to solve worse. Overcrowding of jails and no flexibility to offer options while abandoning any hope of rehabilitation is simply forcing people into a life of crime while building a system that will inevitably explode in horrific violence (as prison riots have again and again shown us). But at least they may be recognizing that longer sentences and lumping all offenders together was a moronic and counterproductive move. Here's hoping they get it right this time and offer things like job training, treatment for addictions, educational opportunities and the like for those offenders with a chance at succeeding. I won't be holding my breath though...not as long as hypocritical right-wing assholes still have a say in the matter.

Dennis Prager...a non-descript middle aged grey haired white man doubling as a conservative blowhard and self-appointed "moral compass" gave the world another taste of what the modern conservative "freedom" looks like. Minnesota recently elected a Muslim to Congress, and Keith Ellison plans to take the oath of office (or at least the photo op afterwards) by swearing upon the Koran. To logical folks like you and I, this makes perfect sense. Afterall, what good is an oath taken on the Bible if the oath taker does not believe in the Bible? You would think the efforts of Mr. Ellison to swear upon his holy book that he will carry out his duties would be applauded because it would ensure his sincerity (besides...given the conservatives' record of upholding their oaths - cough cough bush is a tyrant cough cough - by swearing upon the Bible, perhaps it is time to rethink the effectiveness of that route). But not to Mr. Prager (who, ironically is obsessed with attacks on religious groups if they happen to be of the judeaochristian variety). He claims any oath to serve America must be based upon one book and one book only...the christian Bible (again...seeing how effective that has been...). Because if you can't swear upon the Bible you obviously are not suitable to serve office in a nation that holds freedom of religion dear and has clear mandates that nothing near an established religion should take hold...that would just be blasphemous. So there you have it...the conservative "freedom" for elected leaders..."freedom" to be christian and nothing else.

We're all in this together.

New Whigs. We Are You.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

embarrassed on human rights day...

Tomorrow, December 10, 2006, is Human Rights Day. A day meant to focus the world's attention on the grave violations of human rights that continue across the globe despite humanty's efforts. Still, that there are still widespread human rights violations does not mean progress has not been made...the very fact that such a thing exists as "Human Rights Day" and that abuses are exposed is indicative of the progress we have made in combatting the disgustingly base elements of human nature that lead to such things as blind eyes to rampant poverty and preventable and curable illness, slaughter of innocents, civil rights abuses and torture. The first step is to make it known what horrible things are occuring, for only with public knowledge can accountability be demanded of regimes that practice human rights abuses.

I wish I could tell you that, as an American, I was proud in the efforts of my government in confronting human rights abuses and cooperating with peoples worldwide to rid our earth of such sickening displays of inhumanity. unfortunately, I cannot. Rather, I can only sit here deeply ashamed that my government is largely responsible for doing nothing in the face of poverty and illness while taking a proactive stance, not against dispicable and obvious violations of human rights such as torture, but openly admitting and proudly declaring such violations as prudent policy.

I wish I could tell you that, as a nation with heretofore unimagined prosperity, all of mankind benefits from deeply ingrained American generosity and concern for the plight of our fellow women and men across the world. I wish I could tell you the insane amount of wealth generated by a controlled capitalistic market was being reinvested in a manner consistent with basic human dignity and an effort to lift all workers and their families worldwide out of the depths of poverty to share in the prosperity. I wish I could tell you that the interconnecting of the world had led to America calling for greater protections for all workers and all peoples in order to hitch a ride on the train. Unfortunately, I cannot. Rather, all I am forced to sit here and acknowledge that my government has failed the world...acknowledge that rather than simple measures that would make immeasurable differences in the lives of so many, within this nation and the world, in overcoming the harsh realities of poverty my government chose to hand trillions back to those that do not need it, those who already have more wealth than most nations, those who's greatest concern is which of the five yachts will be ready for sailing on Tuesday. I am forced to acknowledge that rather than using its position in the world to pressure nations into rising standards for workers, the Bush administration is using America to pressure governments into accepting Big Business' race to the bottom. So much good could be done with all this wealth, so little could go such a long way in providing education, housing, health care, and stability to countless people, Americans and our fellow human beings...but instead, the Bush administration gave it away to their friends.

I wish I could tell you that with all the money that American taxpayers throw towards research and development in the pharmaceutical industry no person went without the medicines they needed to keep them alive in this country. I wish I could tell you that with all the capital that America has available, preventable disease was being aggressively fought in impoverished nations where millions are dying unnecessarily. I wish I could tell you that with all this wealth, there was not a child in America that did not have access to a doctor when they needed one. Unfortunately, I cannot. Instead, I am forced to acknowledge that 18,000 people die yearly in this country alone unnecessarily due to lack of proper medical care and medicine. Instead, the Bush administration is raiding buses of elderly folks trying to find medicine that is remotely affordable because the "prescription drug plan" of his would be more aptly titled "Big Drug's Return on its Campaign Contributions." Instead millions of American children are without medical care through no fault of their own. Instead, the Bush administration refuses to allow money earmarked to combat AIDS in Africa to be spent on anything but brand name drugs...effectively cutting the number of sick people that could be saved in half. After the world made the great leap of humanity in declaring health a universal human right...my government is working to deny that right to people simply because they cannot afford to buy access to the white house.

I wish I could tell you that America continued to lead the fight against intolerable brutality and police state-type actions from those in power. I wish I could tell you that America was on the side of the vulnerable masses of the world. I wish I could tell you that American might was fighting to protect those that could not protect themselves. Instead, I am waiting for a Congress to leave that has overseen the destruction of all that was great about America. The most basic of human rights, the very cornerstone of any democratic government and the foundation of all other rights, the right to be free from imprisonment without charge...now given away, even though, when backed into a corner and forced to prove any allegations in a court of law the Bush administration opts to set "the most dangerous" prisoners free. The President of the United States bragging that he violates the civil rights of Americans on a daily basis, that he is above the law despite his office being the leader of a nation founded upon the rule of law...and the legislature and the press lacking the gumption to so much as question his actions, even though everyone is well aware that the actions he ordered are violative of federal laws and punishable by five years in prison. And worst of all, America has become a nation that tortures...the most dispicable act a government can commit and one of the most outrageous human rights abuses imaginable...and the leaders of my government outwardly espouse their commitment to it.

If you tolerate this, then you children will be next. Impeach in '07.

New Whigs. We Are You.

Monday, December 04, 2006

a backlog of insight...

it's that time of year...the snow is falling and the state is trying to murder some folks...so I am busy...and without being able to think, I will let some others do the explaining for me...

"liberty loving liberals founded our country and enshrined its freedoms. dedicated, fair-minded liberals ended slavery and brought women the vote. hardworking liberals fought the goon squads and won workers' rights: the eight-hour day, the weekend, health plans, and pensions. courageous liberals risked their lives to win civil rights. caring liberals have made the vulnerable elderly secure with social security and healthy with medicare. forward-looking liberals have extended education to everyone. liberals who love the land have been pressuring our environment so you can enjoy it. nobody loves liberty and life more than a liberal. when conservatives say you're on your own, we liberals know we're all in this together." - G. Lakoff (and yet THEY claim to have "traditional american values")

"in our personal ambitions we are individualists. but in our seeking for economic and political progress as a nation, we all go up, or else we all go down, as one people." - FDR (it's not only good humanity, it's good business to care about your neighbor across the tracks)

"upward redistribution of wealth - transfers of wealth from ordinary tax-payers to wealthy owners, managers and stockholders. these interventions in the market [corporate bailouts, no-bid contracts, subsidies for agribusiness and drug companies] promote what conservatives believe is the vital national interest. but when government intervenes on behalf of working people, consumers, or the environment, conservatives scream foul and invoke the 'free market.'" - G. Lakoff (apparently hypocrisy isn't hypocrisy if it screws the rest of us)

"every time we as black americans stand up for what is right, they say its for greed of money. its a fight for longevity, truth and justice for the betterment of life, the environment...and government is the stairway to upward mobility." - Margie Eugene-Richard (the woman fought Shell and won for poisoning poor black communities)

"the motivation for conservative tort reform is to make the market 'free' from the loss of profit through lawsuits for harming or defrauding the public." - G. Lakoff (because responsibility ends with the rich for conservatives)

"preventive war is committing suicide for fear of death." - Otto von Bismarck (thanks for slitting our collective wrists george)

"we reject absolutely any notion that the United States should justify its actions by the standards of totalitarians [or terrorists]...of course we must defend our democracy. but in defending it, we must resist undermining the very virtures we are defending." - Church Committee (1975) (thank god we conquered the scourge of totalitarianism, fascism and communism so that we could spy on our own citizens in violation of federal law and the constitution, hold folks indefinitely without charge in violation of 800 years of our tradition, and torture folks in violation of the constitution, our laws, and every international law)

"much as we celebrate the exceptional example, americans all too readily condemn its counterpart - the immigrant whose luck and station in life will never correspond to the effort he puts into bettering himself and his family, and who can consider himself to have succeeded only because the circumstances he left behind were so horrific. [that immigrant] provides insurance against our own failings: we will not fall as low as the foreigner, and we will have an outsider to blame." - Michelle Wucker (and so we look to the mexican and know we are better...shame)

"americans had lost confidence in the founding values that made ours the greatest country in the world, and so they betrayed those values." - M. Wucker (and now we again learn that we do not learn from history)

"the first US soldier killed in combat during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Lance Cpl. Jose Antonio Gutierrez, had once been an illegal immigrant." - M. Wucker (wait...you mean they aren't a horrible scourge on our nation?)

"we want the american image in the middle east to be good, and one of the best ways to make that happen is to bring in students." - Lisa Anderson (dean of columbia school of international affairs remembering former libyan students' fondness of the US) (how the fuck are we going to do that by slamming the doors?)

"i hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." - Thomas Jefferson (1816) (so did we tom...unfortunately, after some 200 years...they used an over-the-top move and have our government all but pinned)

"a couple with two children would have to work 3.3 full time minimum wage jobs to make ends meet. that's 132 hours a week." - Holly Sklar (but really, the conservative schmucks who hate the working man are the one's with "family values"...because there is nothing better for a family than not having parents around)

"we raised the minimum wage by 90 cents for about 9 million workers and inflation remained so low the effect was almost undetectable." - Ross Eisenbrey (and the lies keep coming...and the people keep buying them)

"the US Department of Agriculture issued a comprehensive report in 2000 analyzing what would happen if the minimum wage was increased by 50 cents an hour. The agency found that such a move would raise food prices 'by less than 1/4 of a percentage point.' that's like going to the grocery, spending $100 on food for your family, and having to pay less than a quarter more on the whole bill. for minimum wage workers below the poverty line, the extra $1000 per year from such a raise is sure to cover that." - David Sirota (but really, they care about you...that is why they won't give you a pay raise yet give themselves big raises...and they won't give you government health insurance because "it wouldn't be quality" and then use the same government health insurance...throw the bums out)

"according to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, such an endeavor [the government paying for extending private health insurance coverage to the 45 million uninsured americans] would cost about $69 billion a year. by contrast, the wealthiest 5 percent of americans are getting an average $75 billion a year from the Bush tax cuts." - D. Sirota (but seriously...what is more important? 45 million more americans with access to medicine...or the obscenely rich getting another few yachts?)

"over the last five years the amount the major medical malpractice insurers have collected in premiums has more than doubled, while their claims payouts have remained essentially flat." - Jay Angoff (former insurance commissioner of Missouri) (and yet those same obscenely wealthy insurance companies tell us it is the fault of medical malpractice lawsuits that rates are so high and doctors have to raise prices or leave town...so tell us Big Insurance...why exactly are you robbing us? why, in D.C. did you raise premiums on doctors over 50 percent while the total paid in claims dropped 10 percent between 2000 and 2004?)

"the truth is that we can no longer afford not to have [a single payer] system. we now spend more than $5,000 a year on health care for each American - more than twice the average of other advanced countries. but nearly half of that amount is wasted." - Marcia Angell (NE Journal of Medicine, editor) (yup...your "free" market health care is costing us twice as much as guaranteeing it to everyone)

"in 2004, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, one of the world's biggest drug makers, actually sent a memo to its own employees asking them to refrain from using their health insurance to purchase brand-name medicines. the reason? the drug company was having trouble paying the astronomical drug prices in the US." - D. Sirota (and while the government raids buses of seniors trying to get cheaper medicine and they pressure canada to cut off sick folks our tax dollars pay for one third of their R and D...their share of R and D? half of what they spend on marketing)

"americans are dying without appropriate drugs because my industry and congress are more concerned about protecting astronomical profits for conglomerates than they are about protecting the health of americans." - Peter Rost (Pfizer VP)

"i know that in almost every case of strikes, the men have just cause for complaint." - Abraham Lincoln (every time somebody blasts unions - who Big Business outspends in the political arena ten-fold - ask them if they enjoy not having their children work...or their weekend off...or their 40 hour work week...or their pension...or their insurance - if they are lucky enough to have it...and then tell them to fuck themselves)

"corporations are 69 percent more likely to be sanctioned for frivolous cases than individuals represented by trial lawyers." - Public Citizen (10/4/04) (and those same corporations tell us that the lady bringing suit because their product killed her child needs to be stopped...never mind that the average jury award is around $40,000 - down $25,000 from the early 1990's - and punitive damages only are dolled out in 6 percent of all trials - which barely any cases get to - and even then...a whopping $50,000 - hardly punitive for a multi-billion dollar corporation).

and finally...more deceit from the biggest disaster ever to occupy the white house...

"these measures were enacted with broad support in both parties. they reflect a firm resolve to uphold and respect the civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, while dealing swiftly and severely with terrorists. now comes the duty of carrying them out. and i can assure all americans that these important new statutes will be enforced to the full." - GW Bush (commenting on the revisions to FISA as he simultaneously ordered their violation...a federal felony)

"any time you hear the US government talking about wiretap, it requires - a wiretap requires a court order. nothing has changed, by the way. when we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so." - GW Bush (4/20/2004) (years after approving a program that violated FISA - punishable by 5 years under federal law - and spied on americans without a court order...but really, you should only be concerned if he is lying about who sucked his dick).

New Whigs. We Are You.
