Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, May 29, 2006

things to consider...

when government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fear the government there is tyranny. - thomas jefferson

the most serious sorrow of empire is the irreversible damage we do to ourselves. - chalmers johnson

the winner will inevitably face the imperial problem of using power in global terms but from one particular center of authority, so preponderant and unchallenged that its world rule will almost certainly violate basic standards of justice. - reinhold niebuhr (1952, about the cold war)

every single empire, in it's official discourse, has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that is has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy, and that it uses force as a last resort. - edward said

the american military is being used more and more for the protection of overseas oil fields and the supply routes that connect them to the united states and its allies. such endeavors, once largely confined to the gulf area, are now extending to unstable oil regions in other parts of the world. slowly but surely, the united states military is being converted into a global oil-protection service. -michael klane

although many of us have been taught it is not polite to discuss religion and politics in public, we must quickly unlearn that lesson. our collective failure to challenge presuppositions, think anew, and openly depate central religous concerns affecting society is a recipe for disaster. - c. kimball

the past is never dead. it's not even past. - william faulkner

once before, when a united states political party in control of the white house became captive to an excessive southern ideology and hawkishness laced with fundamentalism and adherence to scripture, national governance was transformed and the republic thrown off course. war became inevitable. - kevin phillips (referring to the buildup to the civil war)

values are what society holds; what churches hold is theology. - k. phillips

when john f. kennedy made his famous speech that the vatican would not tell him what to do, evangelicals and southern baptists breathed a sigh of relief. but today evangelicals and southern baptists are hoping that the vatican will tell catholic politicians what to do. - gary bauer

the republican party of lincoln has become a party of theocracy. - c. shays (r-conn)

ideology is a lot easier, because you don't have to know anything or search for anything. you already know the answer to everything. it's not penetrable by facts. - paul o'neill

if human nature has changed, the gene modification must have occurred almost overnight. - k. phillips (pointing out that the first financial mania collapsed around 1720, and the last the nasdaq in 2002)

even though war-related debt seems to have been part of each fatal endgame, the past leading world economic powers seem to have made another error en route. they did not pay enough attention to establishing or maintaining a vital manufacturing sector, thereby keeping a better international balance and a broader internal income distribution than financialization allowed. - k. phillips

banking is not the creator of our prosperity, but the creation of it. it is not the cause of our wealth, but the consequence of our wealth; and if the industrial energy and development which has been going on for so many years in this country were to be hindered or relaxed, then finance, and all that finance means, will follow trade to the countries which are more successful than ourselves. - joseph chamberlain (1904, addressing bankers in britain as the sun began to set on the british empire)

historically, the financialization of society has always been a symbol that a nation's economic position has entered a phase of deterioration. - william wolman and anne colamosia

the lesson of history is that we don't learn the lessons of history. - t. donlan

maybe if these fuckasses had been "reborn" through a study of history rather than a misguided and blatantly false interpretation of the bible calling for a final war between the forces of an anti-christ and those of god, a god who failed to appear with his or her armageddon every single time a former world empire has faded and believed the end-times were upon them, and espoused by evangelical, hellfire breathing conmen we could have avoided this mess. - me

your dream world is just about to end...

war correspondents and my proposed constitutional amendment...

two cbs war correspondents were killed in iraq. i have the deepest sympathy for their families, as it is just a few more families left empty for nonsense...but prepare yourself for the inevitable week of tributes as the news media tells you everything about these unlucky souls and marks them as heroes. i have no problem with the media paying tribute to one of their own...ok, that is a lie, i do have a problem with it...but only because of the way it is done. a few thousands american boys and girls haven't come home from the middle east...a few hundred thousands middle eastern boys and girls met their maker at the hands of our bombing raids (carried out by clinton need i remind you...the administration that really took the "war against terrorism" to heart...but democrats conveniently forget this these days), shock and awe campaigns (named that because the incredible amount of death and carnage is meant to dishearten the opposition to the point that they see resistance is futile...only problem is, they figured out that resistance is not actually futile), and "precision" bombs...and the media gives them a short listing at the end of a newscast during some silence. where are their life stories? where are their weeklong tributes?

i propose a constitutional amendment...and no, not to ban peoples with the same genitalia from marrying or keep anybody with a bit of an accent and brown skin from coming into the united states, or even to lock "under god" into the pledge (and seriously...why the fuck are we arguing over that? no wonder why this country is going to hell)...i propose swapping the driving age with the voting age, and then taking the inverse so that only those under 16 are allowed to vote. see...we adults have so fucked up this country and forgotten what it is that america supposedly stands for that i think we could learn a lot from our children (provided they haven't been brainwashed yet), and they could probably pick better leaders than we can (hell, you could throw darts at a phone book listing and get better leaders then the schmucks we've been sending to washington). in support, i submit this letter from an 8th grade class here in albuquerque sent to the alibi regarding the debate over immigration...

"We are the eighth grade advisory class at Harrison Middle School assigned to Mr. Chavez. These last few weeks have been hard for us. We are worried about what is going to happen with the immigration bill before Congress. Harrison Middle School had the highest absentee rate in the district on the day of the immigration rights protest. This is because we understand how much the immigration bill will change our community. We have been discussing what we think in our classes; we don't always agree. We didn't agree with our teacher, and he didn't agree with us. But we took the time to listen to each other; sometimes it wasn't easy. We found out that mostly we are all worried and afraid of what will happen to our family, friends and neighborhood if everyone that was here illegally were forced to go home.

We think America is a nation of immigrants. New Mexico was once part of Mexico. We could all have been from Mexico if the imaginary line in the sand had not been redrawn. We think all human beings should be treated the same and have an equal chance to hold jobs, feed their families, give them good homes and have them get a good education. We told our assistant principal we did not want to be judged by where we came from, but by our personalities. She responded that Martin Luther King, Jr. "dreamed of a world where we would not be judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character." It seems those words are still important.

The government needs to hear our collective responses, because our voices want justice for all humanity. Mostly, we worry for our friends. They cry because they were born here but their parents weren't. What will they do? They are 13 and 14 years old and they are worried for their parents, for their future. They are good people, good students, good friends and good to their parents and good for our country's future."

how is it that a group of kids can have intelligent, civil political discussions but we adults cannot even look at each other without pulling out obsenities and threatening military action? they figured it out...they listened to each other even though they didn't agree with each other...and they realized that these are good people that have a lot to offer. these kids want all humanity to have some basic rights to work, education, family, homes, and equal treatment...what the hell happens to us after we hit 16 that makes us forget this? that makes us begin to judge people by their country of origin, their religion, their color, their accent, their inability to realize american moral superiority and chosen status? (that last one was sarcastic...sad how that actually needs to be pointed out these days)...

we're on a road to nowhere...

Saturday, May 27, 2006

murdering soldiers and ignoring a lack of freedom...

it seems even the military is convinced that one of it's marine units murdered iraqi civilians, men, women and children after losing one of their own in a roadside bombing. can't write this one off as "collateral damage"...it is a lot easier to ignore civilian casualties when the trigger man is hundreds of miles away staring at a computer screen than it is when the trigger men are surrounding unarmed families in their home for slaughter. but then this is what happens when you throw young kids into horrible environments overridden with death, murder and other horrors...they become "desensitized to civilian casualties" as the military is now saying. what these kids did was wrong (and i emphasize kids...these are kids on the battlefield too quickly asked to become too much man), and they should be punished for it. but i can't help but think a large part of the blame lays on the government and the pentagon for sending these kids in there without a plan, without a hope and helping bring about a culture that leads to this.

and it's funny...suddenly the same people that refuse to examine the root causes of crime in poverty ridden areas, the ones who declare that the criminal is a criminal because he is a bad person, that he should just pull himself up by his bootstraps and make something of himself, are now the same ones loudly proclaiming that it was the "desensitization" of being war that caused these marines to commit these horrible acts. i agree...i doubt any of these kids would have committed murder if left to their lives back in the states, but put them in iraq during a civil war backed by a pentagon that views civilian death (hundreds of thousands) as "collateral damage" and the "price of freedom"...and you get murderers...but why can't these people see that environment effects those that commit horrible crimes on the streets of the united states as well. but no, instead we lock them away for longer and longer sentences and refuse to examine the causes of crime. much the same way we wage more and more war without examining the cause of blowback terrorism against the united states...only to continue the cycle, hastening the united states' fall from it's perch as world hegemon.

which brings me to my second point...gw told graduates at west point that we can no longer ignore the lack of freedom in the middle east. tell me george, is that because the people in the middle east haven't ignored their lack of freedom, nor the fact that european powers had a large hand in supporting tyranny in the region, followed by the soviets and the americans, and now solely the americans? funny that you should say this george, because we haven't exactly ignored the lack of freedom in the middle east for the last 50 years, we have actively attempted to subvert it in order to ensure that vital oil keeps our economy humming. perhaps we should wonder if that lack of freedom has anything to do with our buildup of military bases in the region over the last 15 years...bases which then needed to be used, and 9/11 provided the convenient cause for their use...leading to more bases being built...and we will need a reason for them to be used. is this why there is a permanent base being established near the iranian border? or will we wait and utilize our permanent bases in south korea for the next imperialist campaign?

yes, i am feeling rather pessimistic and preachy today...the state of the world commands it though...

revenge wears no wristwatch...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

so sorry, so selfish...

with the world crashing down around us my brain is scattered...and today it is more about me...or at least the randomness that is running through my head before lunch...

enron verdict is in...guilty. and the government is claiming a big victory on how this will send a message to all those corrupt corporate ceo's who want to fleece their workers and the american public. except these guys will go to a joke of a prison, and will still live very, very comfortably afterwards.

and it is hard to send a message to corrupt businessmen when you turn around and bitch and moan because a housemember's papers were seized from his office as part of a search warrant after he was busted taking a $100,000 bribe. that's right, our house of representatives is so intent on cleaning up washington, that they want to make sure that no law enforcement agency has access to their offices, even after a neutral magistrate has offered a warrant. they bitch when the administration doesn't use a warrant, and then they bitch when they use a warrant, but they are the target. and we wonder why nobody trusts washington anymore...

our drug laws are racist and classist. a rock of crack will get you thrown away for far longer than a bag of cocaine. herione will get you far less time than meth. interesting how the drugs that are more frequently used by poor or minorities garner the longer sentences, and those used by uppity kids in the suburbs and their parents and lawmakers get you a slap on the wrist...

for a country that loves our freedom so much, we have an awful lot of the population in prison. no other "free" nation on earth puts anywhere near the proportion of people we do behind bars. at least we are beginning to admit it has nothing to do with rehabilitation though and is purely for revenge. although god may be smiling for smiting his enemies, the founding fathers are laughing in horror. if you would've told george washington he could get life for being caught with opium three times he would have told you to fuck yourself as he lit the pipe...

people bitching about the southern border are rascist...don't give me your "security and rule of law" bullshit...you are rascist, plain and simple. your solutions are rehashing of old rascist, xenophobic and know-nothing ideals. it is pathetic and embarassing.

people bitching about the southern border also seem to have no knowledge of american and world history. but then nobody really does. i blame people like me for giving up on teaching history in favor of a job that requires putting up with less crap, is less stressful, and more favorably looked on by society...namely defending rapists, kiddy diddlers, and murderers. what does that say about how fucked up our priorities are?

dry heat is still hot...it just means there is no water around to cool off in.

i used to think the american public would be appalled if it knew what it's government (or rather it's intelligence services and military) were conducting in their name. now i realize that these bozos would most likely cheer the development of a new world empire while shrugging off the collateral damage of millions of people...

lincoln is embarassed to be a republican...

everyone should be embarassed to be a democrat...

when will we stop voting for someone just because they aren't someone else? until then, we deserve what we get...

a judge in nebraska refused to sentence a man to prison time after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a child, partly because the man is 50, and only 5'1" and would not survive in prison. while i would hope people would applaud his courage in finding ways to avoid turning someone into a useless drain on society while keeping an very, very close eye on him (he is on very stingy probation)...i'm putting the over-under on death threats against this judge at 1 day. god bless america.

greg maddux beat a water cooler with a bat in the dugout after his teammates blew another game in which he was crusing along. this season is done, call up the kids and find a taker for greg. i will forever resent the cubs for trading him the first time, but i will forever resent them for not trading him this time. he deserves more than this at the close of his career...chicago will understand.

here is a shocker for you...the feds already had all your phone info if they wanted it, despite not having warrants or anything of the like. the english speaking nations of the world have agreed to share all their intelligence info on each other...which means they only ask another country to keep an eye on one of their own and take the info. one of the many things you had no idea the military-intelligence-industrial complex was up to...but if anyone cared to investigate, you would.

the "humanitarian" aid we've been promising to areas ravaged by mass slayings...well, it wouldn't have been necessary if your military-intelligence-industrial complex hadn't taught those governments how to "silence" opposition and create "stability"...and somehow the rest of the world knew about the role of the united states, except for the united states. and THAT is why "they" hate "us"...

i've been informed that american children develop atherosclerosis by age 5 compliments of things like fast food...people laughed at me years ago when i said that lawsuits against fast food would eventually win, and win big. it's big tobacco all over again folks...so fatten yourself up and line-up for a paycheck.

another century pointing guns at anything that moves...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

cross-dressing teens and why liberalism won't catch on...

a kid in indiana was turned away from his prom because he is too fabulous. after wearing women's clothes to school all year long, he showed up for his prom in a slinky prom dress and they wouldn't let him in. but it had nothing to do with him being gay...of course not...(just like the immigration issue has nothing to do with rascist attitudes towards mexicans)...no, it was because he broke the "dress code" for prom. it isn't like he showed up wearing a g-string and pasties on his nipples...he was covered, so what's the fucking problem? my guess is the dean/principal/whoever was pissed off because this kid looked better in a slinky dress then they ever would in anything...ever. fabulousness is a curse...trust me.

why are americans so goddamn hung up on homosexuality? what is it about a man that likes to wear panties that is a danger to society? although i guess i can see it...i mean, if my son (if i had a son) saw another man in a dress, he obviously would run out and buy women's clothes and start having unprotected sex with thousands of dirty old gay men...although the more realistic scenario is that the fucker that kept this guy from attending his prom is at home on the computer sending pictures to a future student of his penis. i guess this is what happens when you repress sexuality in a country for centuries while claiming to be a freedom loving nation.

the aclu wants to stifle dissention in it's ranks. and this is why liberals get a bad rap in this country. the aclu...the organization that will defend anyone's right to say anything...wants it's folks to shut the fuck up if they don't agree with the company line. who's idea was this? how did this get to the point where enough people at the acl-fucking-u decided "let's release some standards that call for our officials to never disagree with the party line." good god. we are all doomed.

fuck this time and place...

Monday, May 22, 2006

more ignorant bigotry on immigration...

yet another forward started by an elitist, bigoted nativist copied from a letter sent to bill frist. ironically entitled common sense...which apparently no longer has any basis in history, rationality, or information. complete with my response in brackets...

the letter begins...

Dear Senator Frist:

There is a huge amount of propaganda and myths circulating about illegal
aliens, particularly illegal Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan and Honduran aliens.

[translation..."i am about to throw some rascist propaganda your way.."]

Illegal aliens generally do NOT want U.S. citizenship. Americans are very vain thinking that everybody in the world wants to be a U.S. citizen.

Mexicans, and other nationalities want to remain citizens of their home countries while obtaining the benefits offered by the United States such as employment, medical care, in-state tuition, government subsidized housing, and free education for their offspring. Their main attraction is employment and their loyalty usually remains at home. They want benefits earned and subsidized by middle class Americans. What illegal aliens want are benefits of American residence without paying the price

[americans are also very vain in thinking they are a chosen people.

yes, the main attraction is employment and the promise of opportunity (albeit a false promise that has been scoured by elitist economics and an overemphasis on capital). that is why people come here. but the funny thing is, they tend to stay, and by the second or third generation they are "integrated" into american society. despite the problems and the raping of american ideals over the years, people do want to come here, and they are thankful for the hope that it brings.

i wonder if the writer of this ever lived anywhere with a large hispanic population. and i doubt it, because he/she would have immediately left the neighborhood as they feared their property values would be hurt and the influx of darker skinned folks would bring crime and drugs.]

There are no jobs that Americans won't do. Illegal aliens are doing jobs that Americans can't take and still support their families. Illegal aliens take low wage jobs, live dozens in a single residence home, share expenses and send money to their home country. There are no jobs that Americans won't do for a decent wage.

[it's funny, they like to talk about these people coming in and getting all the "benefits" of being here, yet then proceed to say it is impossible to support oneself and one's family on the wages these people are paid. our obsession with the bottom line, capital, and "globalization" (which has always historically been the last chance grab of a dying world empire to hold onto it's glory days...and has never worked) means that americans would not do these jobs ever, decent wage or no. instead of paying a decent wage, we will insist our companies make more profits, and these jobs would move overseas.

this argument just points out how badly these people do want to be here. despite having no protection, no job security, no wages...they come. and we encourage it, and have encouraged it for decades.]

Every person who illegally entered this nation left a home. They are NOT homeless and they are NOT Americans. Some left jobs in their home countries. They come to send money to their real home as evidenced by the more than $20 billion sent out of the country each year by illegal aliens. These illegal aliens knowingly and willfully entered this nation in violation of the law and, therefore, assumed the risk of detection and deportation. Those who brought their alien children assumed the responsibility and risk on behalf of their children.

[american policies encouraged the massive movement of people. only now it is popular again to be a "know-nothing" and "nativist"...the same philosophies that were exposed as misguided time and time again in our nations history, most notably by abraham lincoln himself.

"assumed the risk on behalf of their children"...to those of you that don't know bigot-speak, what he means is..."let these kids get sick and die and remain uneducated so they are pushed into criminal activity rather than becoming productive members of our society. they should've stopped their parents."]

Illegal aliens are NOT critical to the economy. Illegal aliens constitute less than 5% of the workforce. However, they reduce wages and benefits for lawful U.S. residents.

[tell me this when you can't afford a middle-class lifestyle anymore because the cost of living skyrockets. not that many can afford it anymore anyways, thanks to the dismantling of a manufacturing infrastructure and obsession with the stock market.]

This is NOT an immigrant nation. There are 280 million native born Americans. While it is true that this nation was settled and founded by immigrants (legal immigrants), it is also true that there is not a nation on this planet that was not settled by immigrants at one time or another.

[280 million native born americans...i am sure the american indian will be glad to know he has survived in such massive numbers. apparently the genocide committed by european immigrants to this continent didn't happen. and never mind the native born children of illegals. perhaps you should tell this to the german midwest, the old english northeast, the spanish and mexican southwest, the asian pacific coast, the african cotton belt (oh, but they weren't really immigrants so much as slaves). but no, this isn't a nation of immigrants...not at all. i'm sorry, but this argument is just assinine, ignorant and devoid of any support. i am embarrassed by it.]

The United States is welcoming to legal immigrants. Illegal aliens are not immigrants by definition. The U.S. accepts more lawful immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined.

[the united states actually is not very welcoming to legal immigrants. unless of course you can show that you will reside within the upper classes. otherwise, expect a good 10 to 20 years to get your citizenship]

There is no such thing as the "Hispanic vote". Hispanics are white, brown, black and every shade in between. Hispanics are Republicans, Democrats, Anarchists, Communists, Marxists and Independents The so-called "Hispanic vote" is a myth. Pandering to illegal aliens to get the Hispanic vote is a dead end.

[but there is the bigoted-hellfire-evangelical vote. and they love it when you dump on foreigners and non-whites.]

Mexico is NOT a friend of the United States. Since 1848 Mexicans have
resented the United States. During World War I, Mexico allowed German Spies to operate freely in Mexico to spy on the U.S. During World War II, Mexico allowed the Axis powers to spy on the U.S. from Mexico. During the Cold War, Mexico allowed spies hostile to the U.S. to operate freely. The attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 was cheered and applauded all across Mexico. Today, Mexican school children are taught that the U.S. stole California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. If you don't believe it, checkout some Mexican textbooks written for their schoolchildren.

[interesting how this one forgets to mention that in 1848 we launched an imperial war against mexico and for decades afterwards talked of taking the rest. i wonder if the mexican textbooks quote abraham lincoln and most of the original founders of the republican party who were horrified at the illegal war launched against mexico. i just ask because the textbooks here forget that part. not to mention our economic imperialism has kept mexico in it's depressed state.

so mexico thought of teaming with the germans, who we consider an ally now, who was teamed with the italians, another ally, who were all teamed with the japanese...not so much an ally as an american satellite. oh, and the japanese bombed pearl harbor. really, if you are going to talk about WWII alliances, know your history because everyone on the other side became an ally, and our most important ally became the "evil empire" of the soviet union.

besides, we really do not want to get into what some countries have tried to do to other countries...if it is really looked into, the united states might actually learn why the rest of the world isn't a big fan.]

Although some illegal aliens enter this country for a better life, there are 6 billion people on this planet. At least 1 billion of those live on less than one dollar a day. If wanting a better life is a valid excuse to break the law and sneak into America, then let's allow those one billion to come to America and we'll turn the USA into a Third World nation overnight. Besides, there are 280 million native born Americans who want a better life. I'll bet Bill Gates and Donald Trump want a better life. When will the USA lifeboat be full? Since when is wanting a better life a good reason to break the law and trash another nation?

[when did american's become so self-important as to believe that all were not entitled to a shot at a better life? those 1 billion that live on less than a dollar a day largely due so as a result of our economic empire and fiscal policies of arms of our government mascarading as multinational organizations.

as for "trashing" this country, i am sure some will be amazed to know that illegals are actually far less likely to be involved in violent crime and drug crime than are "native born" americans. they also tend to have much closer-knit communities that more closely resemble those that originally spawned this nation than the individualistic give-me-mine neighborhoods the rest of us reside in.

and actually, bill gates probably thinks you are a moron and a bigot for wanting to deny so many the opportunity that this country pretends to offer.]

There is a labor shortage in this country? This is a lie. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American housewives, senior citizens, students, unemployed and underemployed who would gladly take jobs at a decent wage.

[again, before you complain about jobs going to illegals due to the low pay they will accept, look at the things around your house and ask yourself how many of those items you purchased at low prices because the labor was ridiculously cheap.]

It is racist to want secure borders? What is racist about wanting secure borders and a secure America? What is racist about not wanting people to sneak into America and steal benefits we have set aside for legal aliens, senior citizens, children and other legal residents? What is it about race that entitles people to violate our laws, steal identities, and take the American Dream without paying the price?

[jim crow laws were necessary to "secure" the south from the horrors of an animalistic and ignorant black...leave it to the rascist to be the first to claim he is not. need i remind you his letter began by specifically noting his complaints were directed at people from a select few latin american countries, none of which have ever been an even joke of a threat to american security.

notice there is no talk of a wall on the canadian border, actually the larger of the two...also easier to cross. and if you are talking "security"...a foreigner coming in through canada raises less red flegs because of the large immigrant community in canada than it would along the mexican border, where brown skin or an accent from outside the southwest will get you searched. i would have much more respect for you if you admitted that you really just don't want mexicans here.

and have you "paid the price" for the american dream? when was the last time you risked your life by crossing a barren wasteland to get to a job that will pay you $2.00 a day whilst you have to live in the shadows lest you be throw in prison?]

For about four decades American politicians have refused to secure our borders and look after the welfare of middle class Americans. These politicians have been of both parties. A huge debt to American society has resulted. This debt will be satisfied and the interest will be high. There has already been riots in the streets by illegal aliens and their supporters. There will be more. You, as a politician, have a choice to offend the illegal aliens who have stolen into this country and demanded the rights afforded to U.S. citizens or to offend those of us who are stakeholders in this country. The interest will be steep either way.

There will be civil unrest. There will be a reckoning. Do you have the courage to do what is right for America? Or, will you bow to the wants and needs of those who don't even have the right to remain here? There will be a reckoning. It will come in November of this year, again in 2008 and yet again in 2010. We will not allow America to be stolen by third world agitators and thieves.

["...because as good christian soldiers we have stolen this country in the name of god and we never really were good at sharing."

i am wondering where these riots by illegal aliens occurred? was it during the marches of hundreds of thousands that ended remarkably peaceably? was that the sign of them "stealing" this country? because us western european immigrants didn't steal this country under the guise of "god's will" and manifest destiny. the war of 1812, the indian wars, the mexican-american war, the spanish-american war...and there is no further room for any other agitators, our intelligence and military community kind of has a monopoly on that now, and has for the last 60 years...but then i suppose asking someone to realize the history of their own country is too much. all we need to know as americans is that we are ordained by god.]

David J. Stoddard
U.S. Border Patrol (RET)
Hereford, Arizona

"Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow." - Mahatma Gandhi

[this might be my favorite...this asshead quotes gandhi. nothing else needs be said about that.]

so this is freedom? they must be joking.

Friday, May 19, 2006

torture chicago style, gitmo, speaking english, and those damn gays...

torture is bipartisan...chicago's cops were at their worst with the old democratic machine in place. the UN looked into torture by chicago cops which is somewhat amusing. wonder how much time and energy they spent on this inquiry...hell, you could ask anyone from the chicagoland area and they can tell you that chicago cops, especially years back, were dirty as hell and beat the crap out of prisoners. maybe next they will send an inquiry to look into allegations of genocide in rwanda. i'm going to guess they learned this brilliant tactic from congress...set up an inquiry, and then you don't actually have to do a damn thing about it until the populous forgets and moves on to the next issue.

speaking of torture, the UN told the united states to shut down gitmo, but not to send any of the prisoners to countries where they will be mistreated. be careful what you ask for folks. i am all for tearing into the establishment for their abuse of the world in the name of my "security" (which apparently everyone else can see is code for "retaining american superiority in the worst way," and by that i mean wasting an opportunity to actually live up to american ideals and the american dream and instead desparately clinging to hegemon status through military buildup against non-existent enemies and actual enemies made by our obsession with military buildup and retaining too much improper influence around the world...maybe we can try the good old fashioned tried and true role model approach and just be a good neighbor and use our market power to produce changes...but that would mean abandoning our global military presence and the idea that the best way to enforce "human rights" is by trampling them)...where was i...oh yea...closing gitmo is a double-edged sword. sounds great on paper, except that the folks in gitmo have it made compared to the folks our intelligence agencies and military never bothered to bring to gitmo...and forcing the entire operation underground won't end up helping much. although closing gitmo would send a message, and maybe folks would begin digging into other activities of our intelligence services...but it would have to be average citizens or foreign media seeing as how our media has shown it is scared of entrenched washington.

the senate wants english to be the national language. part of me is mad...but a big part of me just can't help but laugh at these morons. seriously, how in god's name do you suggest making any national language work, and making people actually enforce it. instead of making a english speaking population and integrating those crazy foreigners, we will end up alienating folks more and making government even less responsive to millions and millions of people's needs. did anyone pay attention when france was burning? i have a better idea, let's run with the national language idea...but pick a more interesting language...how about ancient greek? make everyone start from square one, it will build a sense of community.

a constitutional amendment to define marriage as a man and a woman got out of committee...not that it stands a chance to actually get through the senate. still, i seriously want to know if anyone'e life has been adversely affected by the long-term partnership of the gay couple down the street? is it just that these christian nutjobs worry that all this repressed sexuality will explode and they will suddenly be craving anal sex with their fellow senators? i don't get the obsession with the gays...especially when those crying out against the gays will likely be the ones responsible for the end of civilization.

the comedy is over...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

time for a brain dump...

god told pat robertson the tsunami was coming...maybe he didn't fill anyone else in on the secret because the disaster was directed at heathens. and with god talking to the likes of pat robertson and gw, i'm rather glad i abandoned the catholic faith ages ago because he either has a twisted sense of humor, or he has just lost his damn mind...

the cubs managed to give me a slimmer of hope before again showing how completely useless this team and it's manager are...two in a row, but against one of the three teams worse than us. and then kerry wood comes back and gets out of the first inning on 8 pitches, 7 for strikes, and two strikeouts. then proceeds to give up three homeruns. and of course, with a possible rally in the bottom of the 9th, down two runs...with two outs...neifi perez lays down a bunt...interesting choice. and this is dusty's boy. why do i still believe?

danielle won america's next top model...my ability to pick them is seriously beginning to freak me out. i didn't watch the first season, but i chose the winner within the first two weeks every year since (last year took me a little longer). i need to put money on this...or become a scout.

saw a friend of mine for the first time since his stint in iraq. the look on his face and in his eyes was eerie...enough to make you wonder the obsession with war.

americans are mad because the intelligence community was looking at their phone records. apparently the country missed the last 50 years when the intelligence community got way out of hand and had it's hand in everything, everywhere...but the rest of the world noticed...and THAT is why "they" hate "us"...

america contributes more to death around the world than just about everyone else combined (ok, that is an exaggeration)...but the pentagon and it's buddies at the cia do sell a hell of a lot of destructive weapons to folks that use them for not-so-good reasons. but we sell them for good reasons...so it's ok right? i mean, really, how are we to know that things designed exclusively to kill a bunch of people will be used for bad things? and THAT, too, is why "they" hate "us"...

i like how self-proclaimed "liberal" politicians like to talk about not leaving huge debts to our children and grandchildren. of course these same politicians never seemed to have a problem leaving a much worse legacy to younger generations...the military-intelligence-industrial complex and it's dominance of life in washington. hell, they need the pork it generates for their constituents.

someone finally filled me in on the women protesting downtown in black once a week...they are protesting the death penalty. to which i say...woot. it always drove me nuts that i had no idea what they were doing there...now, it drives me nuts that i used to have no idea what they were doing there.

25 anti-amnesty folks marched the same route marched by immigrants and their supporters in chicago. 25. wow. keep it up guys...only about 399,975 people to go before you catch up. perhaps bigotry isn't as catching as i thought it was...

the state of new mexico wants to put some folks to death...but they don't want to pay for a fair trial. they are spending lots of your tax dollars in an attempt to make sure they can ask for death rather than life without parole...and then will spend a lot more of your tax dollars to ask for death. with the money the government is spending on this case...they could seriously fix up some schools. just a thought...

bill richardson is a crook. don't try to convince me he's done good things for this state or brought recognition. he is a crook.

mayor daley is going down and machine politics in chicago will temporarily go with him. think about that.

i saw a middle school (the home of the jets) watering the street yesterday...in the desert...during a drought.

the united states is a lot closer to soviet russia than you ever imagined.

i've been pissing in the wind...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

rwanda de ja vu, bird flu, resegregating our schools, drug morals, and gators...

well, the force currently trying to hold the shaky peace in darfur and protect the folks in the region from the killing that has become common place in this day and age is having a tough go of it. they are inadequately equiped and have orders to basically not do a damn thing. starting to sound a lot like the international force which was in rwanda to protect it's people...a force that had to sit by and watch as people were slaughtered because other nations wouldn't admit what was going on and refused to give the UN force the ability to actually use force to end the bloodshed. (side note - how fucked up is this world that apparently the only way to end needless killing is to kill more? boy did humanity take a wrong turn). don't expect things to change much once the UN force makes it's way to darfur.

bird flu hasn't developed into the mass killing machine we were told it would. so maybe you can unpack the left over bomb shelter and give all those canned goods to charity. sure enough, bird flu isn't killing millions...because it is BIRD flu. go figure.

nebraska is looking to redraw it's districting lines, and critics are worried the new district boundaries will basically become racial divides. well no shit. there is a reason bussing had to be done to integrate schools...us crackers refuse to be neighbors with any serious number of black or brown folk. i wonder when we will figure out that increasing the educational opportunities for the entire community, rather than just those with the best property values and lightest skin will actually benefit everyone...including those with the best property values and the lightest skin. of course, that would entail not only sharing our schools with children of disadvantaged folk and minorities, it would also mean sharing our tax dollars. and god knows, if there is anything americans hate (well, at least the americans that vote in large numbers and have the money to influence politics), it is sharing their tax dollars. afterall, you are poor because you are morally wrong, because you won't work hard enough...economic and political realities stemming back to slavery have nothing at all to do with it...really...i mean, that was almost 150 years ago...and i didn't own any slaves...so what's the problem? just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and git 'er done. as if the american dream is possible anymore...

watching south park last night there was a speech to the children about how drugs are bad and if you do drugs you are bad...and all too frequently held view in this country...as if addiction is a moral issue. of course, if poverty is a moral issue, then drug use must be as well...plus it is a lot easier to blame the sinner than to examine the sin itself. i wonder how many of those condemning drug addicts as immoral people partake in alcohol?

gators have gone wild in florida after finally figuring out that humans make for easy meals...and probably pretty damn tasty with how damn fat we are in this country. of course our solution is to round up gators and kill them. never mind that we have paved over their habitat to make room for old folks that can't figure out a ballot. although i guess at least they are getting to the point in the process where not being able to figure out a ballot is an issue...maybe if we all did that we could "accidentally" elect someone worth a damn (and no...i do not mean al gore or john kerry...neither are worth a damn either). again, you move into a nasty carnivores habitat and take away his/her home and food supply...and plan on becoming a main course at some point. but again...it's the gator's problem...not mine. i'm american...i can do no wrong...and the everglades were put here for me to fill in and drive over. why else would god give us pavement?

people of the earth...your world is crap.

Friday, May 12, 2006

random quotes and advice we've ignored...

"a republic, if you can keep it." - B. Franklin, on whether the Constitution created a republic or a monarchy.

"even more than money, political inheritance mocks our pretenses to equal opportunity." M. Kinsley

"as a nation we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' we now practically read it 'all men are created equal except negroes [insert minority or foreign group here].' when the know-nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal except negroes and foreigners and catholics.' at that point, i should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty...where depotism can be taken pure and without the base allow of hypocracy." - A. Lincoln

"convince the majority they face wicked people and the miscreants' rights evaporate." J. Morone

"observers have faulted our intervention in vietnam as evidence of american arrogance of power - attempts by the united states to be the world's policeman. but there is another dimension to american arrogance, the international version of our domestic great society programs where we presumed that we knew what was best for the world in terms of social, political, and economic development and saw it as our duty to force the world into the american mold - to act not so much the world's policeman as the world's nanny. it is difficult today to recall the depth of our arrogance." Colonel H. Summers, in 1982

"america would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like vietnam [insert any of the latest war effort led by a the last three presidents from texas] continued to draw men and skills and money like some demoniacal destructive suction tube." M. L. King

"oil is high-profile stuff. oil fuels military powers, national treasuries, and international politics. it is no longer a commodity to be bought and sold within the confines of traditional energy supply and demand balances. rather it has been transformed into a determinant of well-being, of national security, and of international power." R. Ebel

"in many cases, the united states has been busy arming opponents in ongoing conflicts - iran and iraq, greece and turkey, saudi arabia and israel, and china and taiwan. saddam hussein, the number one "rogue" leader of the 1990's, was during the 1980's simply an outstanding customer with an almost limitless line of credit because of his country's oil reserves. often the purchasing country makes its purchases conditional on the transfer of technology so that it can ultimately manufacture the item for itself and others. the result is the proliferation around the world of not just weapons, but of new weapons industries [to the least stable of areas]." C. Johnson

"this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the american experience. we must recognize the imperative need for this development. yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications...in the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. the potential for disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. we should take nothing for granted. only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense so that security and liberty may prosper together." D. Eisenhower, upon leaving office

if only people would examine history, perhaps we could avoid these messes...

go on and lose the gamble...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

it's the economy stupid, not another dynasty, and hope...

well, some of the gains tax cuts will be extended another few years...joy. as the dow has gone back near record highs suddenly these tax cuts are responsible for a bustling economy and growth, growth, growth...only, just like in the 90's when the dow really took off i wonder where is the benefit for 99% of the population. funny, when the dow is at record heights, the average american has a harder and harder time making ends meet...the middle class family falls farther and farther behind their uppity neighbors...and blue collar wokers witness the salary gap skyrocket to record highs, leaving them behind while their ceo's take home hundreds of millions based only on the bottom line. sometimes i feel like i am in all too small a minority in realizing that an overemphasis on capital and the stock market is a giant, flashing sign that a world economic hegemon is on it's way out...but then people don't bother to pay attention to history anymore (witness the shock people display over the "recent" trend of wars for oil...as if this isn't a century old phenomenon in itself). if you measure economic growth by growth in capital and the stock market you are dooming the united states to hasten it's slide into the position formerly filled by the dutch and the british as the last great world economic superpower...only problem is, we don't have a friend to latch on to as the next one history has previously allowed. as far as i am concerned, our leaders can take their goddamn tax cuts and backassward economic theories that are proven failures and return to their city council seats...but then as the growth in capital came, so came the growth in the power of lobbyists and those with capital...and since 99% of americans don't have it...we will continue to see the same bullshit and the same jackasses in office.

speaing of the same jackasses in office...i am horrified that after witnessing the disasterous effects of making the presidency into a dynasty for the bush clan...many people are seeking a solution of turning the presidency over to the rival clinton clan. fantastic...now we can set up for our very own war of the roses to pick which royal family will continue despotic rule over us. now don't get me wrong, i dislike ms. clinton for all kinds of reasons...but add to that the fact that she is the former first-lady (what a condescending term) of only one administration ago...and we get the same problem we are dealing with now...a monopoly of certain views and interests in the white house. there is a reason that term limits were imposed in the first place, there is a reason over two centuries ago folks here worried about a hereditary ruler...but we've apparently forgotten.

along those same lines, if jeb bush makes a serious run for the white house...i'm learning how to say aboot and write all my signs in english and french.

the cubs won a game...and in the process kept barry bonds from hitting 714 for another day. also in the process...they managed to revive the light of hope that has been hidden deep within the caverns of my soul. losing eight in a row...ok, we can come back from that...but 9 in a row...not a chance. and kerry wood will be back next week. and derek lee in a month. and maybe dusty is finally figuring things out (mabry played first last night...imagine that, the back-up playing his position when the starter goes down, pierre was taken from the leadoff spot and responded with a couple hits while cedeno took over the leadoff spot and singled, stole second, advanced on a sacrifice, and scored on a groundout in the first...wow, fundamentals...briefly). of course it will all come crashing down again soon. being a cubs fan is torture on your soul...but it's probably the only reason i can stand to watch the goings on in washington without completely losing my mind as well...it gives you eternal hope.

we've been had...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

rolling stone, lecturing the president and drug prisons...

a friend of mine left rolling stone out on the coffee table and i perused the cover last night...i should not have done that, it left me depressed for the state of american society. the big story was a historian wondering whether he and his colleagues rank gw as the worst president ever (although i am totally unsure how you could historically rank a president while he remains in office, and i am not sure how much i trust a group that ranked andrew johnson as one of the worst ever for "thwarting" reconstruction, when any examination of history will clearly point that the radical ferver of the republicans - previously kept in check by a perfectly practical and realistic lincoln - quickly brought a backlash that crushed any hope for meaningful reconstruction and led to another 150 years of striving for civil rights, and ranked nixon at the bottom too...although they did throw buchanan down there, which i would say is accurate)...anyways...another cover story was about soldiers returning severely injured from iraq and then being ignored by the government. i immediately thought to myself "wow, perhaps popular culture is pulling it's head out of it's ass and taking notice of important things"...but i thought much too soon. for the other two cover stories involved pearl jam (ooo...whatever could their top ten albums be?) and nick lachey (goody, i could not live without knowing how nick is taking the tragic divorce and without seeing that his jeans were resting so low he needed another haircut). yes, lets give lip service to things that matter and then get to what is really important, pearl jam and boy band rejects.

the iranian president gave bush a good old-fashioned tongue lashing via the pen in his recent letter (which apparently did not deserve a response). it seems he tried to explain to bush what 90% of humanity has tried to explain to us for the last few years...the unending and unquestioning support of israel, the invasion of iraq, the treatment of prisoners, etc. are totally unchristian. although i think maybe the iranian president is mistaken in what it means to be christian...he doesn't quite understand that to truly be a worthwhile christian you must always blame the sinner for his lot in life (especially if his lot in life clearly indicates him to be a sinner...i.e. poor people), waging war in the middle east in the name of god (afterall, christians have been doing this for centuries...usually to disasterous results...hint, clue), and blatant hypocrasy (see the catholic church and american puritanical trends) are all totally in line with christian values. but thanks for the lesson.

(side note, perhaps the more important missing part of this story is that the iranian leadership is continually reaching out to us to try and work out a solution...and for some reason we will deal with that nutbag in korea but not them - and by "some reason" i mean geographic location and biblical importance - why is this not appalling to more people?)

some states are beginning to wake up and see the light when it comes to fighting crime. more and more prisons are being built to specifically house drug addicts (namely meth) and work on their rehabilitation rather than just teaching them how to commit more crime to further their drug problems. low and behold, recitivism rates for folks in these programs are staggeringly lower than for folks just tossed in prison. hell, the governor of montana even actually said, out loud, to press, that just throwing people in prison will not help them with their problems. yes, it is a public health and safety issue...and clearly our lock 'em up for longer and longer approach has failed. i hope more states take notice and start to go the route of montana, illinois and the like...we lost the drug war...not that it was ever winnable...or a war...but let's figure out how to actually deal with narcotics in an intelligent, useful and productive way. but that would be unchristian...helping neighbors and all...since they are sinners i mean.

it's not right that someone so stupid can so easily screw up your life...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

david blaine and barry bonds should go away and more UN troubles...

david blaine lived in a fishbowl for 7 days. hoo-fucking-ray. does anybody else out there find themselves disappointed that something didn't go tragically wrong with his latest bullshit stunt? i know it makes me a horrible person, but something about this asshole just really, really irks me. i mean, i am all for testing the limits of human endurance...hell, i want to be an adventure racer...but living in a box and in a fishbowl for a week is just plain fucking stupid. and then, the moment of truth...could he hold his breath underwater for 9 minutes and break the world record. no...you failed asshole. yet still there were thousands of people on hand to see a man, in a giant fishbowl, hold his breath. and we wonder why the rest of the world looks on americans as ignorant shitheads. please david...just go away.

speaking of going away...barry bonds looks softer this year, maybe his hat size is shrinking as well. another asshole that needs to leave, immediately (especially considering my beloved cubbies are in line to give up 714 and 715, after we had to give up 62 to big mac...it just keeps getting worse for us). i got news for you barry...people are not rooting against you because you are black, or even because your juicing habits make jose canseco look downright law-abiding...they are rooting against you because you are a complete jackass and fuckhead. they hate you not because you can hit a ball or because you are a cheat, they hate you because you are you. god i hope the feds move in for an arrest before he hits another one...and in the meantime, i suggest rich hill throw every pitch at his gargantuan head tonight.

the UN is having some bad press again (at least try and act surprised). darfur refugees went on a rampage and killed an aid worker. they are demanding UN forces get in and administer law and order to protect them. of course the UN is claiming they are going to, but it takes time. which makes me wonder...given that this is one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recorded history...why the fuck is a major UN force not on the ground already? of course they had to wait for Sudanese approval...which just makes you slap your head and saw "wa?" although i suppose if you have to await approval in situations like this, they you never have to worry about botching it like rwanda. makes me a proud member of western civilization.

speaking of being proud of the UN...now their workers are raping little girls in liberia. according to a report by Save the Children, UN workers are making little girls give them sex for favors. but don't worry, the UN is all over it, handing down punishment for such disgusting behavior...even calling it "unacceptable behavior." (understatement of the year goes to jordan ryan, the UN humanitarian coordinator in liberia). seriously, they even suspended someone. what other job can you rape a little girl on company time and only be suspended? if you can get away with that shit, imagine how us average slackers would fare. but seriously...it makes me rather ill that the organization in charge of giving these people humanitarian aid reacts to it's workers sexually abusing little girls by suspending only one worker. no jordan ryan...THAT is unacceptable behavior. once again, the UN should be ashamed.

now and again it seems worse than it is...but mostly the view is accurate...

Monday, May 08, 2006

still waiting on the U.N., problem chief, and walking...

there is a peace pact in darfur compliments of lots of hard work from the U.N....just don't try selling the folks in the area that it is true. once again the U.N. has managed to show it is near-entirely useless when it comes to halting mind-boggling genocide in africa. but then is this really a surprise anymore? hell, they wouldn't even admit rwanda was a genocide until it was over...perhaps because, god forbid, the U.N. might have had to flex it's entirely-too-dependant-on-the-united-states muscle...or maybe because they didn't want to make kofi annan look bad...instead they promoted him. now the killing in darfur has continued for years...and the U.N. has managed to sit back and wag a finger. thanks guys. way to live up to your charter.

speaking of an entirely useless U.N., iran is mocking it. it is starting to look a lot like the league of nations prior to WWII when some "axis" powers basically said "fuck off...what do you do for me anyways? what are you going to do? bleed on me?" and then proceeded to just take themselves out of the international body and move forward with their armed forces. now iran is telling the U.N. it basically doesn't give two shits about any "edicts" from the U.N....and if they are pressured further, they will pull out of the nonproliferation treaty and discontinue any even nominal efforts towards cooperating with U.N. nuclear authorities. yea...the U.N. carries a lot of weight in the world these days...

and yes, one of the main reasons the U.N. is nigh completely useless is the fact that the united states never really bought into the idea in full...not once the soviet union collapsed anyways. and seriously...as rwanda aplty showed, when the united states isn't backing the U.N. is a serious, serious manner...the whole thing goes to shit. stern warnings have never halted genocide...yet that is all we continue to give. recent developments in the middle east have shown you can spurn U.N. edicts for decades unless the united states is really pissed off...and even then, if they are tangled in a few other wars there really isn't much they can do about it...so spurn away. and now we are seeing the first stages of the disasterous effects of sending troops in massive numbers into iraq after failing to live up to our word and toppling saddam the first time around...we don't have them when we might actually need them, and one little country seems to have the ability to hold the western world hostage. oops.

the university of illinois (my alma mater) lost its appeal to the ncaa to hold on to chief illiniwek. never mind the inherent hypocracy of the ncaa's ruling in disallowing some indian mascots/symbols and allowing other equally offensive ones...and never mind that the ncaa is an evil organization drunk on power...let it go illinois. if for no other reason, for your athletes there now. the men's tennis team does not get to play the national championships on it's home court...because of chief illiniwek. this is when, as a student-athlete, i say enough is enough...stop the bullshit and let me play...i mean, seriously, what are we arguing over? the ability to keep the chief, who really only appears for about 5 minutes on a few occassions...and keep his likeness around for those other sports. fuck that...i'll take the ability to host the national championships in anything, anyday.

i've taking to walking again lately...just wish i lived close enough to work to be able to walk it...or at least that this city had the public transit infrastructure to allow me to make the 5 minute commute via bus without it taking 2 hours. i miss walking everywhere...makes me long for my college days...when i was in shape, and i didn't need a car. god i hate this town.

and you're my favorite thing...tell it everywhere i go...

Friday, May 05, 2006

too easy and just desserts...

kennedy's kid got loopy on something and crashed his car...it's just too easy. i suppose it's nice that he didn't bring a young girl along for the ride. i mean, really...how do you get hammered, and then go for a late night ride around d.c., crash near the capital, and expect to get off? especially with your dad being who he is. wow. of course if he were a poor black man rather than a wealthy white aristocrat, he'd be in lock up now...as it is, he got a ride home from the cops and is willingly going into rehab. american justice for you.

a florida teen died at boot camp...the state originally tried to claim it was sickle cell, but then someone got a hold of surveillance tapes that showed the guards beating the crap out of the kid. he eventually died of suffocation. and why was he there? he and his cousins stole his grandma's car...and he missed a court date. sounds like a capital crime if i ever heard one. this is what happens when you get all high and mighty about "fighting crime"...you end up treating "criminals" as subhuman, and they wind up tortured and dead. and then when it happens on the world stage, your fighting men and women get beheaded, and the UN gets pissed off (not that that means anything)...maybe this will bring attention to the inhumane treatment of prisoners in this country...but i doubt it.

the big mouse went down swinging...and the judge shouted him down. good for those twelve people refusing to send him to death though. although, to be honest, death might be more human than life in super-max. either way, the sentencing phase was a ridiculous waste of money. we knew he would be spending the rest of his days alone in a cell in colorado. yet we really, really wanted to kill him...so we spent millions trying to convince twelve people he should be dead. and they said no. good job buddy...you did it.

these drugs ain't workin...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

mexican high, my lobbying reform bill, more immigration thoughts, and impending doom...

mexico is on the verge of decriminalizing just about every substance the united states has declared immoral...and the united states (well, it's high and mightly leaders anyway) is pissed. i find it rather telling that a man swept into office in mexico by the promise to undue cartels and fight them to the death has realized the best way to end crime associated with an illicit drug trade is to stop criminalizing people that want to put something in their bloodstream that makes them feel funny...you would think we learned the same lesson with prohibition, because that worked out just so well. some political leaders north of the border are ranting about the inconsiderate action by mexico, even calling it hostile...basically implying that the world should be more concerned about our "moral" well-being than straightening their own nations out and helping their citizens. of course they should...i mean, we've made it pretty clear, especially between the united states and mexico, who is the important one...hell, we did the same for them, just look at the good we induced for mexico via NAFTA. and this is the way they repay us? by allowing their citizens to carry a couple hits around with them? my god, what if our college students drop across the border for some drugs? then again, who will fucking do that when they can walk down to the corner and get it from their congressman's dealer? anyways...i am watching with interest the effect this has, especially after the UK had such luck in giving herione addicts prescriptions for herione and watched drug-related crime fall.

the senate passed a lobbying reform bill...of course it ended up being weaker than promised...amazing isn't it, our lawmakers promising to clean up their act and then hoping we don't notice when they balk...who would've thunk it. so here is what i propose...swap lobbyists and illegal immigrants, deport all the lobbyists and build a huge wall around capital hill to keep them out. fine and jail any employers that hire a lobbyist, and organize militia groups to protect washington from the invasion of lobbyists with their funny way of speaking and their unamerican ways. i'd vote for anyone that even suggested it.

and apparently there is a junior senator from oklahoma that is going that route. he pissed off some colleauges (i can't spell) something awful when he called them out on specific pork projects attached to hurrican katrina spending. pretty much the entire senate was put on the defensive, and a few of these frivilous spending projects almost were knocked out of the bill (a vote here and there and we would've had a miracle). i forget this guy's name...but he makes me want to move to oklahoma just to vote for him. maybe all is not lost afterall.

steve chapman of the chicago tribune had a column about responses to the immigrant demonstrations and the irrational fears of big wigs that want all those people to go back to the shadows or go home. apparently with nearly half a million people crowding in chicago streets...there weren't incidents...shit, us citizens can't even have our hometown sports team win a championship without a shitload of incidents...and we are scared of the folks that can gather in huge numbers and remain happy and civil with each other. seems to me we need their "unamerican" ways.

he also mentioned trent lott (who i hear is auditioning for the next american idol) and the anger over the use of foreign flags in these demonstrations (which, if you saw any of them, is ludicrous...the american flag was far and away more prevalent). chapman noted that while lott is aggravated by the appearance of foreign flags, he seems to have forgotten that while in college he ran around with a confederate battle flag for football games (as a cheerleader, and i leave the comments about worries about the homosexual agenda to myself at this point...and please, no angry cheerleaders, i was a gymnast, i got it too)...and as chapman put it "unlike the architects of the Confederacy, those people waving flags from Mexico or Honduras never tried to tear this country asunder."

we encouraged these people to come here, and as they come, they do learn english, they assimilate just as much as any immigrant group before them, and they become a healthy, law-abiding part of the social fabric...and much less violent type than us "natives" anyways. yes, they are breaking the immigration laws...but those are laws we never bothered to enforce, and by our actions, actively encouraged their being broken...so lets at least turn a couple of those fingers around.

the bird flu is coming. you will all die. and if you think i am wrong, watch the made for tv movie coming out soon. just try to forget that bird flu has killed, what, a whopping 10 people worldwide so far...in third-world living situations. seriously, it's armageddon...dust off the biological warfare shelter and stock up on bottled water and canned beans.

i hope you're happy now...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

happiness, european shuttlecocks, and well-meaning grants...

the other night as i was leaving the office and driving home through downtown (if you can call it that) albuquerque thousands of folks were on their way to a rally at the plaza in support of the day without immigrants. something struck me, and apparently i was not the only one to immediately recognize this...all those people were happy, very, very happy. reading accounts from other places in the country, it seems the same good cheer was present all over the country. that kind of open happiness is infective...and ever since i got stuck in traffic watching scores of cars with people hanging out the windows cheering and waiving flags in the back of pick-ups i've been in a much better mood. we can't ignore these people anymore, we can't pretend we don't know about the folks doing those jobs we like to forget about...they out...get used to it, and find a way to deal with it.

my friend shannon is headed to europe to train for the upcoming olympics in badminton. anyone with any money and/or ties to anyone that does and wanting to do something good should visit her site and do what they can to extend her stay in denmark. shannon is one of the most purely beautiful human beings i know...i love her and miss her (even if i am bad at showing it sometimes)...and nobody deserves this shot more than shannon, even if it means i may not get to see her for awhile. so help her out...if you don't you must not have a soul.

the feds put together a bit of a program to help out students heading to college in math and science. the grants will apparently be available to students who participated in a rigorous curriculum in secondary school. that sounds all well and good, but there is a part of me that worries that these grants will end up going to students that don't need them as much as others. afterall, the students most likely to go through such a curriculum in high school will also be the ones that will tend not to need the help as much as their struggling peers. i worry that it may end up with negatives like the lottery scholarship here in new mexico (which, for the record, i think is a great idea...when it helps those that need it) and end up passing out free education to students that could afford to pay for it. but maybe when they finalize the requirements for these grants they will emphasize potential and need more than past performance in a curriculum that may not be offered in many schools in poorer neighborhoods...

there's a treasure in your heart, just like a pirate's booty...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

executing a father on a mistake and condoms from the pope...

cameron todd willingham was killed by the state of texas in 2004. texas killed willingham because it said he deliberately set a fire that gutted his home and took the lives of his three small children. willingham always proclaimed his innocence, stating he awoke to find the house full of smoke, and was unable to save the children before escaping himself...even as he was strapped down for the state-sanctioned murder, he declared he was an innocent man convicted of a crime he did not commit. now, thanks to a story run a few years ago by the chicago tribune and the innocence project, we may learn those were not just empty words...

recently we have learned all too often (all too often being once, given the extreme consequences of a blunder when it comes to capital punishment) that some of those on death row could not have committed the crimes they await the ultimate punishment for...but we are yet to hear anyone come forward and declare, we executed someone on a mistake...oops. now it seems that the prosecutions "experts" in the willingham case, the ones that testified that the evidence showed a fire that could not have been a mistake, but burned in such a way that it must have been deliberately set, got their expertise from the equivalent of old wives' tales in the arson industry. science has shown they were wrong, that the very evidence they said pointed to deliberate arson, actually occurs when water is sprayed onto a fire...oops.

so now in texas we have a man that the state poisoned, based on evidence that we know to be a lie. a man that went to his death after being told he was responsible for killing his three children, and now we realize that very well may have been a collosal blunder. oops. and we now wonder why the rest of the "civilized" world has done away with capital punishment.

i am a big advocate of the jury system, i think it may be the best system mankind has provided to decide guilt or innocence...but it isn't perfect, especially when the jury is given wrong information. and when you are dolling out the ultimate punishment, you damn well better be perfect. you better have dave chappelle reasonable doubt covered...strong enough to overcome the fact that the defendant made thriller...thriller.

until that time comes, how can we, as a society, condone sending people to possibly excrutiating deaths without absolute 100% certainty they committed the crimes we claim they have. but then, i guess if you are like the vast majority of society and manage to completely ignore any human aspect of criminal defendants, you have no problem treating them like vermin...unless of course Geraldo pops up on tv and points out that those defendants are suspected terrorists/insurgents being held in iraq...then you become appalled at the manner in which they are treated and demand all associated are impeached or sent to prison...but then the next week you totally forget about it and never realize that the prison system in this country is run much the same way...but given that most of those folks were poor and/or black, you don't really give a shit anyways. but you didn't hear that from me...

in the end, just another example of what can go wrong when a society begins to overemphasize the rule of law...

the pope may tell catholics they can slap a rubber on and go at it...of course only in the confines of a marriage when one partner is infected with hiv and the other is trying to avoid it....but it's a start i guess. on the other hand...gee thanks pope, it appears you caught up with the rest of industrialized catholics. of course, if your concern is saving life, as the pope is claiming, then why in gods name would it not also be acceptable to use a condom as birth control given that so many in the third world die from starvation and such? and i guess the pope would be admitting that fucking for fun in marriage is ok...seeing as how you wouldnt be doing it to have a kid...but i guess that is a small loophole that didnt occur to them. and i wonder...what happens if the young child you are molesting has hiv? do you get to use a condom then? or what if the young child doesn't and you are trying to avoid giving yours to the kid? then is a condom ok? or do you have to wed them first? but then the church won't do that...so i guess giving aids to kids is ok.

i've always been a late bloomer...

Monday, May 01, 2006

racism, elitism, nativism, bigotry...all alive and well in the good old u.s. of a...

was reading through some responses to the walk-out today...and became horrified at the ignorant bigotry of my fellow americans directed at illegal immigrants, namely mexicans. funny enough, the worst of it came from people with obvious german surnames. germans, the group that was once responsible, along with the irish, for the inevitable decline of american society thanks to their refusal to assimilate and their love of beer. centuries ago it was the same old arguments, the germans were coming over here and refusing to become american, only seeking a germany to take a foothold on this continent...hmm, but it never happened. instead the midwest became decidedly german, and yet decidely american...overtime it turned into the heartland. imagine that. but of course now we immediately condemn mexicans that cross the border and do our dirty work because they dont immediately learn english and assimilate into "our" culture.

this raises another issue...since when do we have an "our" culture...since when has this been a melting pot? it has always been more of a tossed salad, or maybe a not quite finished stir fry. that is part of the beauty of this country, people can come here and hold onto their heritage while getting the benefits of being a part of this country and sharing their heritage with the rest of us.

and of course ignorant nativists are upset at politicians pandering to votes by suggesting logical immigration reform that does not include capital punishment for all those seeking a better life without waiting the 20 years it takes to get naturalized. but they seem to gloss over an enormous hole in their logic...who are the politicians pandering to when the illegal immigrants can't vote? me, i like to think that perhaps politicians are doing the right thing despite the public's "moral outrage" at helping other human beings...but i could be wrong.

i suppose the worst part of all the backlash is all i hear/read directed at the children of illegal immigrants. people calling for an end to education or health care for children here because their parents brought them here. as if a young child concsiously decided to wander across the desert and risk his/her life and the life of their parents so that their parents could live in the shadows of society and miss out on the rights guaranteed by the 14th amendment. (i remind you...it does not state that all citizens are guaranteed equal protection, but rather all "people"...something we tend to forget when we are howling about the foreign invaders throughout history - to be read irish, german, italian, chinese, eastern european, russian, japanese, etc., etc.)

suddenly the children of immigrants that got "legal" status simply by showing up in the country, children of immigrants that were once blamed for the moral decline of america and pinned as lesser people are turning that same treatment on other groups. and maybe that is what america is all about, learned elitism, racism, bigotry, and a false nativism that conveniently leaves out the only people that were truly native. somehow because your grandparents set foot here before the nativists scares of the past that put disgusting quotas on immigration which were blatantly racist it must give you the right to withhold the american dream from millions of others. this is a pattern unfortunately repeated throughout american history, and yet we cannot ever seem to learn. but then the easiest way to make someone feel like an american, and to feel like they belong, is to exclude someone else.

so maybe i am wrong in thinking that a mass populist movement organized by people tired of living as subhumans is american, maybe the american way is really to lift yourself and your worth by excluding others, which always happen to either be foreigners or dark skinned.

i weep for my country...and for humanity...so much for the city on a hill.

i guess we all fit into your slogan on the fast food marquee, red-blooded, white-skinned and the blues.