it's the economy stupid, not another dynasty, and hope...
well, some of the gains tax cuts will be extended another few as the dow has gone back near record highs suddenly these tax cuts are responsible for a bustling economy and growth, growth, growth...only, just like in the 90's when the dow really took off i wonder where is the benefit for 99% of the population. funny, when the dow is at record heights, the average american has a harder and harder time making ends meet...the middle class family falls farther and farther behind their uppity neighbors...and blue collar wokers witness the salary gap skyrocket to record highs, leaving them behind while their ceo's take home hundreds of millions based only on the bottom line. sometimes i feel like i am in all too small a minority in realizing that an overemphasis on capital and the stock market is a giant, flashing sign that a world economic hegemon is on it's way out...but then people don't bother to pay attention to history anymore (witness the shock people display over the "recent" trend of wars for if this isn't a century old phenomenon in itself). if you measure economic growth by growth in capital and the stock market you are dooming the united states to hasten it's slide into the position formerly filled by the dutch and the british as the last great world economic superpower...only problem is, we don't have a friend to latch on to as the next one history has previously allowed. as far as i am concerned, our leaders can take their goddamn tax cuts and backassward economic theories that are proven failures and return to their city council seats...but then as the growth in capital came, so came the growth in the power of lobbyists and those with capital...and since 99% of americans don't have it...we will continue to see the same bullshit and the same jackasses in office.
speaing of the same jackasses in office...i am horrified that after witnessing the disasterous effects of making the presidency into a dynasty for the bush clan...many people are seeking a solution of turning the presidency over to the rival clinton clan. we can set up for our very own war of the roses to pick which royal family will continue despotic rule over us. now don't get me wrong, i dislike ms. clinton for all kinds of reasons...but add to that the fact that she is the former first-lady (what a condescending term) of only one administration ago...and we get the same problem we are dealing with now...a monopoly of certain views and interests in the white house. there is a reason that term limits were imposed in the first place, there is a reason over two centuries ago folks here worried about a hereditary ruler...but we've apparently forgotten.
along those same lines, if jeb bush makes a serious run for the white house...i'm learning how to say aboot and write all my signs in english and french.
the cubs won a game...and in the process kept barry bonds from hitting 714 for another day. also in the process...they managed to revive the light of hope that has been hidden deep within the caverns of my soul. losing eight in a row...ok, we can come back from that...but 9 in a row...not a chance. and kerry wood will be back next week. and derek lee in a month. and maybe dusty is finally figuring things out (mabry played first last night...imagine that, the back-up playing his position when the starter goes down, pierre was taken from the leadoff spot and responded with a couple hits while cedeno took over the leadoff spot and singled, stole second, advanced on a sacrifice, and scored on a groundout in the, fundamentals...briefly). of course it will all come crashing down again soon. being a cubs fan is torture on your soul...but it's probably the only reason i can stand to watch the goings on in washington without completely losing my mind as gives you eternal hope.
we've been had...
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