Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

mexican high, my lobbying reform bill, more immigration thoughts, and impending doom...

mexico is on the verge of decriminalizing just about every substance the united states has declared immoral...and the united states (well, it's high and mightly leaders anyway) is pissed. i find it rather telling that a man swept into office in mexico by the promise to undue cartels and fight them to the death has realized the best way to end crime associated with an illicit drug trade is to stop criminalizing people that want to put something in their bloodstream that makes them feel funny...you would think we learned the same lesson with prohibition, because that worked out just so well. some political leaders north of the border are ranting about the inconsiderate action by mexico, even calling it hostile...basically implying that the world should be more concerned about our "moral" well-being than straightening their own nations out and helping their citizens. of course they should...i mean, we've made it pretty clear, especially between the united states and mexico, who is the important one...hell, we did the same for them, just look at the good we induced for mexico via NAFTA. and this is the way they repay us? by allowing their citizens to carry a couple hits around with them? my god, what if our college students drop across the border for some drugs? then again, who will fucking do that when they can walk down to the corner and get it from their congressman's dealer? anyways...i am watching with interest the effect this has, especially after the UK had such luck in giving herione addicts prescriptions for herione and watched drug-related crime fall.

the senate passed a lobbying reform bill...of course it ended up being weaker than promised...amazing isn't it, our lawmakers promising to clean up their act and then hoping we don't notice when they balk...who would've thunk it. so here is what i propose...swap lobbyists and illegal immigrants, deport all the lobbyists and build a huge wall around capital hill to keep them out. fine and jail any employers that hire a lobbyist, and organize militia groups to protect washington from the invasion of lobbyists with their funny way of speaking and their unamerican ways. i'd vote for anyone that even suggested it.

and apparently there is a junior senator from oklahoma that is going that route. he pissed off some colleauges (i can't spell) something awful when he called them out on specific pork projects attached to hurrican katrina spending. pretty much the entire senate was put on the defensive, and a few of these frivilous spending projects almost were knocked out of the bill (a vote here and there and we would've had a miracle). i forget this guy's name...but he makes me want to move to oklahoma just to vote for him. maybe all is not lost afterall.

steve chapman of the chicago tribune had a column about responses to the immigrant demonstrations and the irrational fears of big wigs that want all those people to go back to the shadows or go home. apparently with nearly half a million people crowding in chicago streets...there weren't incidents...shit, us citizens can't even have our hometown sports team win a championship without a shitload of incidents...and we are scared of the folks that can gather in huge numbers and remain happy and civil with each other. seems to me we need their "unamerican" ways.

he also mentioned trent lott (who i hear is auditioning for the next american idol) and the anger over the use of foreign flags in these demonstrations (which, if you saw any of them, is ludicrous...the american flag was far and away more prevalent). chapman noted that while lott is aggravated by the appearance of foreign flags, he seems to have forgotten that while in college he ran around with a confederate battle flag for football games (as a cheerleader, and i leave the comments about worries about the homosexual agenda to myself at this point...and please, no angry cheerleaders, i was a gymnast, i got it too)...and as chapman put it "unlike the architects of the Confederacy, those people waving flags from Mexico or Honduras never tried to tear this country asunder."

we encouraged these people to come here, and as they come, they do learn english, they assimilate just as much as any immigrant group before them, and they become a healthy, law-abiding part of the social fabric...and much less violent type than us "natives" anyways. yes, they are breaking the immigration laws...but those are laws we never bothered to enforce, and by our actions, actively encouraged their being broken...so lets at least turn a couple of those fingers around.

the bird flu is coming. you will all die. and if you think i am wrong, watch the made for tv movie coming out soon. just try to forget that bird flu has killed, what, a whopping 10 people worldwide so far...in third-world living situations. seriously, it's armageddon...dust off the biological warfare shelter and stock up on bottled water and canned beans.

i hope you're happy now...


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