minimum wage and the gas "crisis" and attacking the evils of gayness...
gas prices continue to head towards the stratosphere, and the pundits are beginning to tell us we have a gas "crisis" on our hands. if you ask me, i'd say we had a crisis on our hands the first time an explorer rolled off the assembly line...but then noone wants to look inward to solve problems, especially has always got to be coming from somewhere else. so now we rant about evil iran while we give tax windfalls to oil companies which are somehow managing to reap in record profits despite the price of their natural resource doubling...hmmm.
recently albuquerque passed a city ordinance which will raise the minimum wage over the next few years...a great idea since it is impossible to support anyone on minimum wage, which has remained stagnant for decades. of course by the time minimum wage catches up to what the living wage is at this moment, it will no longer be enough to live off of. which got me to thinking...with gas prices soaring, something that inevitably adversely effects the poor far greater than hummer guy, why is the federal government not revisiting raising the minimum wage? gas tax credits for the poor is a worthy idea...but why not just give them extra money from the start by forcing employers to pay them a decent wage which makes it possible to support oneself on. hell...high school kids won't even put up with a minimum wage job anymore, and we expect a family to survive on it? no wonder hustling and crime are out of control.
which reminds me of a game i played in 8th grade, it was about the ghetto. the fastest way out, although full of risk, was hustling (i.e. illegal activity). i don't think i fully understood what that game was teaching me at the time.
the gays are catching it from everywhere still (although they are getting a break from it thanks to the horror of mexicans picking our fruit). illinois may be making a stand though, the crazy uber-moral folks (who, by the way, seem to always stand in the way of social progress in america...always have, always will) are having problems getting enough signatures to get their hatred on the ballot for a referrendum. although i don't have much faith that illinois can hold out me a little homestate pride for the time being.
wishing liars got to heaven..
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