about time for a bombing campaign, affording legal immigration, and gouging the poor...
seems as though the white house is unofficially officially looking into a military solution to the "problem" in iran. (the "problem" being that it is inherently unfair that the current superpowers of the world, although on the decline, hold the right to the most powerful weapons ever made while keeping anyone else from joining the club of good ol' boys). we can only hope that a military solution would not involve yet another deployment of american troops that are already spread way too thin in a region that is already flooded with them at horrifying costs to our nation. of course that means that another bombing campaign, presumably much like that taking course in iraq over the last decade or so, will be on it's way soon. woot. it appears our plan in the war on terror is to use our technology as a kind of hidden biological warfare and give the entire middle east population tumors while destroying the infrastructure necessary to treat them. pure genius. i can see absolutely no reason why bombing another country with a history of a strong middle class (the inevitable trigger to democratization) back into the stone age will end up a bad move. hell, they are with the evil-doers...they earned it.
clarence page addressed an aspect of illegal immigration that the folks in washington don't want you to think about...money. see, it isn't just that employers want cheaper workers and americans will not (and cannot legally) take those jobs for that little pay...it is that the rest of america can't afford the rise in the cost of living that would result if everything was done according to the law. here is where i diverge from clarence though...it isn't just an american obsession with living on the cheap...it is the american reality that most of the population can't afford to live any other way. while the economy was "booming" in the 90's it became harder and harder for people farther and farther up the ladder to make ends meet. now, you have professionals that can't afford not to shop at evil empires like walmart. i guess i have more faith in americans...i want to believe that if they could afford it, they would pay more for goods and services if it meant that some of our poor could have jobs that sustained them. then again, our society has a pretty detailed track record of ignoring poverty...so maybe i am wrong.
speaking of gouging the poor...bill richardson is for it. that's right, big bill has disappointed the voters that had such high hopes for him yet again. this time he decided it was necessary to fly around on a jet provided by the largest payday loan company in the country. amazingly enough, after his trips paid for by payday loans, he came back to new mexico (how sad is it that it is almost surprising that our own governor is even in the state?) to oppose patsy madrid (another winner) in her quest to seriously regulate payday loans. gee...i wonder where bill could have gotten the idea that payday loans might be good for his campaign fund, er, i mean the people of new mexico. is there a way to impeach the governor? never mind his possible ties to dirty money and corruption...how about just for being useless? come on bill, not only are payday loans a way of shifting money from those that can afford it the least to those that don't need the money...but the funds are being shifted to out of state companies...how in god's name is this good for new mexico? i guess you just know something none of us do...maybe you learned it from the inflight movie provided by the payday loan folks.
you don't taste like her and you never will...
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