massachusetts sick, spreading aids by abstinence, and investing in jobs...
massachusetts wants to give everyone health care, and it looks like they may have put together a bill which would allow for that. i have an issue with it though...there is a provision that requires that folks that can afford it, get it or else suffer the wrath of the tax man a little extra each spring. ok, i'm not an idiot, i understand the reasoning...making sure people that can afford it get insurance, theoretically, will allow insurance companies to spread out the pain a little more and hopefully keep rates down and affordable for more folks and allow employers and everyone else to get insurance. but isn't a little odd that we are telling people "you must have health care, even if you don't want it and can afford to live without it?" and do we really trust insurance companies to follow the theoretical model? aren't insurance companies the ones with souring profits from gouging patients and doctors alike? i don't know...i smell disaster...but i'm hoping for the best...
a new study out there shows that the united states' insistence that at least one-third of it's aid going to fight aids is routed through abstinence programs is diverting funds from worthy programs and hurting the fight against aids. imagine that. stop giving people condoms, stop working to stop the spread from mothers to children, stop doing preventative work...and it spreads more. wow. who would've thunk it. just like having kids put on those damn "saving myself til marriage" bracelets ended teen sex and teen pregnancy. i mean seriously...what kind of use of tax dollars is it to send billions overseas to tell people "don't fuck." hell, we should be over there handing out condoms and telling them to go ahead and fuck like rabbits as long as they use them because our globalizing of the world is going to ensure their life is hell for at least a generation or two...might as well give them something to enjoy in the meantime.
it seems the tax cuts aimed at investments have provided a windfall for rich folk to the tune of half a million a year. we all knew that was coming, but i wonder if it really is being re-invested in jobs? well, i mean other than the construction industry building ridiculously large mansions that are no use to anyone...of course those are being built by undocumented workers...who are stealing jobs from joe american...and who's children are using protests as an excuse to get out of school...isn't that about how it goes? if we were serious about investing in jobs, i wonder why we don't go to the one model that proved to work in history, the one model that proved to put millions of americans to work...the new deal. say what you want about the new deal and the public works program and the waste of tax dollars and the frightening expanse of the executive put people to work. they got pay checks. so if you really want to invest in jobs...forget the tax cuts...go the other way and use that extra tax money that isn't being adequately invested in jobs (well, at least not in america, i'm sure china and india are grateful for the funds though) to build up public works programs again. yea, it'll never happen...but we can dream.
sorry for wasting your time...
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