Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Friday, May 05, 2006

too easy and just desserts...

kennedy's kid got loopy on something and crashed his car...it's just too easy. i suppose it's nice that he didn't bring a young girl along for the ride. i mean, really...how do you get hammered, and then go for a late night ride around d.c., crash near the capital, and expect to get off? especially with your dad being who he is. wow. of course if he were a poor black man rather than a wealthy white aristocrat, he'd be in lock up now...as it is, he got a ride home from the cops and is willingly going into rehab. american justice for you.

a florida teen died at boot camp...the state originally tried to claim it was sickle cell, but then someone got a hold of surveillance tapes that showed the guards beating the crap out of the kid. he eventually died of suffocation. and why was he there? he and his cousins stole his grandma's car...and he missed a court date. sounds like a capital crime if i ever heard one. this is what happens when you get all high and mighty about "fighting crime"...you end up treating "criminals" as subhuman, and they wind up tortured and dead. and then when it happens on the world stage, your fighting men and women get beheaded, and the UN gets pissed off (not that that means anything)...maybe this will bring attention to the inhumane treatment of prisoners in this country...but i doubt it.

the big mouse went down swinging...and the judge shouted him down. good for those twelve people refusing to send him to death though. although, to be honest, death might be more human than life in super-max. either way, the sentencing phase was a ridiculous waste of money. we knew he would be spending the rest of his days alone in a cell in colorado. yet we really, really wanted to kill him...so we spent millions trying to convince twelve people he should be dead. and they said no. good job buddy...you did it.

these drugs ain't workin...


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