Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

so sorry, so selfish...

with the world crashing down around us my brain is scattered...and today it is more about me...or at least the randomness that is running through my head before lunch...

enron verdict is in...guilty. and the government is claiming a big victory on how this will send a message to all those corrupt corporate ceo's who want to fleece their workers and the american public. except these guys will go to a joke of a prison, and will still live very, very comfortably afterwards.

and it is hard to send a message to corrupt businessmen when you turn around and bitch and moan because a housemember's papers were seized from his office as part of a search warrant after he was busted taking a $100,000 bribe. that's right, our house of representatives is so intent on cleaning up washington, that they want to make sure that no law enforcement agency has access to their offices, even after a neutral magistrate has offered a warrant. they bitch when the administration doesn't use a warrant, and then they bitch when they use a warrant, but they are the target. and we wonder why nobody trusts washington anymore...

our drug laws are racist and classist. a rock of crack will get you thrown away for far longer than a bag of cocaine. herione will get you far less time than meth. interesting how the drugs that are more frequently used by poor or minorities garner the longer sentences, and those used by uppity kids in the suburbs and their parents and lawmakers get you a slap on the wrist...

for a country that loves our freedom so much, we have an awful lot of the population in prison. no other "free" nation on earth puts anywhere near the proportion of people we do behind bars. at least we are beginning to admit it has nothing to do with rehabilitation though and is purely for revenge. although god may be smiling for smiting his enemies, the founding fathers are laughing in horror. if you would've told george washington he could get life for being caught with opium three times he would have told you to fuck yourself as he lit the pipe...

people bitching about the southern border are rascist...don't give me your "security and rule of law" bullshit...you are rascist, plain and simple. your solutions are rehashing of old rascist, xenophobic and know-nothing ideals. it is pathetic and embarassing.

people bitching about the southern border also seem to have no knowledge of american and world history. but then nobody really does. i blame people like me for giving up on teaching history in favor of a job that requires putting up with less crap, is less stressful, and more favorably looked on by society...namely defending rapists, kiddy diddlers, and murderers. what does that say about how fucked up our priorities are?

dry heat is still hot...it just means there is no water around to cool off in.

i used to think the american public would be appalled if it knew what it's government (or rather it's intelligence services and military) were conducting in their name. now i realize that these bozos would most likely cheer the development of a new world empire while shrugging off the collateral damage of millions of people...

lincoln is embarassed to be a republican...

everyone should be embarassed to be a democrat...

when will we stop voting for someone just because they aren't someone else? until then, we deserve what we get...

a judge in nebraska refused to sentence a man to prison time after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a child, partly because the man is 50, and only 5'1" and would not survive in prison. while i would hope people would applaud his courage in finding ways to avoid turning someone into a useless drain on society while keeping an very, very close eye on him (he is on very stingy probation)...i'm putting the over-under on death threats against this judge at 1 day. god bless america.

greg maddux beat a water cooler with a bat in the dugout after his teammates blew another game in which he was crusing along. this season is done, call up the kids and find a taker for greg. i will forever resent the cubs for trading him the first time, but i will forever resent them for not trading him this time. he deserves more than this at the close of his career...chicago will understand.

here is a shocker for you...the feds already had all your phone info if they wanted it, despite not having warrants or anything of the like. the english speaking nations of the world have agreed to share all their intelligence info on each other...which means they only ask another country to keep an eye on one of their own and take the info. one of the many things you had no idea the military-intelligence-industrial complex was up to...but if anyone cared to investigate, you would.

the "humanitarian" aid we've been promising to areas ravaged by mass slayings...well, it wouldn't have been necessary if your military-intelligence-industrial complex hadn't taught those governments how to "silence" opposition and create "stability"...and somehow the rest of the world knew about the role of the united states, except for the united states. and THAT is why "they" hate "us"...

i've been informed that american children develop atherosclerosis by age 5 compliments of things like fast food...people laughed at me years ago when i said that lawsuits against fast food would eventually win, and win big. it's big tobacco all over again folks...so fatten yourself up and line-up for a paycheck.

another century pointing guns at anything that moves...


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