rwanda de ja vu, bird flu, resegregating our schools, drug morals, and gators...
well, the force currently trying to hold the shaky peace in darfur and protect the folks in the region from the killing that has become common place in this day and age is having a tough go of it. they are inadequately equiped and have orders to basically not do a damn thing. starting to sound a lot like the international force which was in rwanda to protect it's people...a force that had to sit by and watch as people were slaughtered because other nations wouldn't admit what was going on and refused to give the UN force the ability to actually use force to end the bloodshed. (side note - how fucked up is this world that apparently the only way to end needless killing is to kill more? boy did humanity take a wrong turn). don't expect things to change much once the UN force makes it's way to darfur.
bird flu hasn't developed into the mass killing machine we were told it would. so maybe you can unpack the left over bomb shelter and give all those canned goods to charity. sure enough, bird flu isn't killing millions...because it is BIRD flu. go figure.
nebraska is looking to redraw it's districting lines, and critics are worried the new district boundaries will basically become racial divides. well no shit. there is a reason bussing had to be done to integrate crackers refuse to be neighbors with any serious number of black or brown folk. i wonder when we will figure out that increasing the educational opportunities for the entire community, rather than just those with the best property values and lightest skin will actually benefit everyone...including those with the best property values and the lightest skin. of course, that would entail not only sharing our schools with children of disadvantaged folk and minorities, it would also mean sharing our tax dollars. and god knows, if there is anything americans hate (well, at least the americans that vote in large numbers and have the money to influence politics), it is sharing their tax dollars. afterall, you are poor because you are morally wrong, because you won't work hard enough...economic and political realities stemming back to slavery have nothing at all to do with it...really...i mean, that was almost 150 years ago...and i didn't own any what's the problem? just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and git 'er done. as if the american dream is possible anymore...
watching south park last night there was a speech to the children about how drugs are bad and if you do drugs you are bad...and all too frequently held view in this if addiction is a moral issue. of course, if poverty is a moral issue, then drug use must be as it is a lot easier to blame the sinner than to examine the sin itself. i wonder how many of those condemning drug addicts as immoral people partake in alcohol?
gators have gone wild in florida after finally figuring out that humans make for easy meals...and probably pretty damn tasty with how damn fat we are in this country. of course our solution is to round up gators and kill them. never mind that we have paved over their habitat to make room for old folks that can't figure out a ballot. although i guess at least they are getting to the point in the process where not being able to figure out a ballot is an issue...maybe if we all did that we could "accidentally" elect someone worth a damn (and no...i do not mean al gore or john kerry...neither are worth a damn either). again, you move into a nasty carnivores habitat and take away his/her home and food supply...and plan on becoming a main course at some point. but's the gator's problem...not mine. i'm american...i can do no wrong...and the everglades were put here for me to fill in and drive over. why else would god give us pavement?
people of the earth...your world is crap.
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