cross-dressing teens and why liberalism won't catch on...
a kid in indiana was turned away from his prom because he is too fabulous. after wearing women's clothes to school all year long, he showed up for his prom in a slinky prom dress and they wouldn't let him in. but it had nothing to do with him being gay...of course not...(just like the immigration issue has nothing to do with rascist attitudes towards mexicans), it was because he broke the "dress code" for prom. it isn't like he showed up wearing a g-string and pasties on his nipples...he was covered, so what's the fucking problem? my guess is the dean/principal/whoever was pissed off because this kid looked better in a slinky dress then they ever would in anything...ever. fabulousness is a me.
why are americans so goddamn hung up on homosexuality? what is it about a man that likes to wear panties that is a danger to society? although i guess i can see it...i mean, if my son (if i had a son) saw another man in a dress, he obviously would run out and buy women's clothes and start having unprotected sex with thousands of dirty old gay men...although the more realistic scenario is that the fucker that kept this guy from attending his prom is at home on the computer sending pictures to a future student of his penis. i guess this is what happens when you repress sexuality in a country for centuries while claiming to be a freedom loving nation.
the aclu wants to stifle dissention in it's ranks. and this is why liberals get a bad rap in this country. the aclu...the organization that will defend anyone's right to say anything...wants it's folks to shut the fuck up if they don't agree with the company line. who's idea was this? how did this get to the point where enough people at the acl-fucking-u decided "let's release some standards that call for our officials to never disagree with the party line." good god. we are all doomed.
fuck this time and place...
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