torture chicago style, gitmo, speaking english, and those damn gays...
torture is bipartisan...chicago's cops were at their worst with the old democratic machine in place. the UN looked into torture by chicago cops which is somewhat amusing. wonder how much time and energy they spent on this inquiry...hell, you could ask anyone from the chicagoland area and they can tell you that chicago cops, especially years back, were dirty as hell and beat the crap out of prisoners. maybe next they will send an inquiry to look into allegations of genocide in rwanda. i'm going to guess they learned this brilliant tactic from congress...set up an inquiry, and then you don't actually have to do a damn thing about it until the populous forgets and moves on to the next issue.
speaking of torture, the UN told the united states to shut down gitmo, but not to send any of the prisoners to countries where they will be mistreated. be careful what you ask for folks. i am all for tearing into the establishment for their abuse of the world in the name of my "security" (which apparently everyone else can see is code for "retaining american superiority in the worst way," and by that i mean wasting an opportunity to actually live up to american ideals and the american dream and instead desparately clinging to hegemon status through military buildup against non-existent enemies and actual enemies made by our obsession with military buildup and retaining too much improper influence around the world...maybe we can try the good old fashioned tried and true role model approach and just be a good neighbor and use our market power to produce changes...but that would mean abandoning our global military presence and the idea that the best way to enforce "human rights" is by trampling them)...where was i...oh yea...closing gitmo is a double-edged sword. sounds great on paper, except that the folks in gitmo have it made compared to the folks our intelligence agencies and military never bothered to bring to gitmo...and forcing the entire operation underground won't end up helping much. although closing gitmo would send a message, and maybe folks would begin digging into other activities of our intelligence services...but it would have to be average citizens or foreign media seeing as how our media has shown it is scared of entrenched washington.
the senate wants english to be the national language. part of me is mad...but a big part of me just can't help but laugh at these morons. seriously, how in god's name do you suggest making any national language work, and making people actually enforce it. instead of making a english speaking population and integrating those crazy foreigners, we will end up alienating folks more and making government even less responsive to millions and millions of people's needs. did anyone pay attention when france was burning? i have a better idea, let's run with the national language idea...but pick a more interesting about ancient greek? make everyone start from square one, it will build a sense of community.
a constitutional amendment to define marriage as a man and a woman got out of committee...not that it stands a chance to actually get through the senate. still, i seriously want to know if anyone'e life has been adversely affected by the long-term partnership of the gay couple down the street? is it just that these christian nutjobs worry that all this repressed sexuality will explode and they will suddenly be craving anal sex with their fellow senators? i don't get the obsession with the gays...especially when those crying out against the gays will likely be the ones responsible for the end of civilization.
the comedy is over...
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