Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

wishing i was somewhere else

i am sitting at my desk staring out the window at the blue sky, no clouds in sight...and i can't help but wish i were somewhere else...the skies were gray and gloomy...dirty snow lined the streets, piled high from storms past and darkened by passing cars...the cold biting, able to feel it down to your bones...the wind whipping around your glasses so cold and so hard that your eyes pain...buses and trains full of commuters dancing by...people bundled, carrying briefcases, on their way to a meeting, to court, to a lunch date, to anywhere else...someone to meet me at home, slip into those old baggy college sweats, crawl under a blanket on the bed and read a movie for the night. if only...

instead i remain in albuquerque, stuck in my office, unable to concentrate on the task at hand. it is getting bad.

atleast i can take comfort in knowing that the voters of albuquerque have it out for the poor. the voter id initiative passed...i hear you dont necessarily need a photo id (if you do, it's a poll tax...and i'll challenge it myself, i need the practice), but that a credit card or library card will do. anyone else see the problem there? again, its the poorest, most disadvantaged that are the least likely to have any of the above...and in a state chalk full of poor, this is a really bad idea. interesting that the democrats pushed for it...would've thought it would be a republican thing.
to further stick a thumb in the eye of the poor...the living wage ordinance barely failed. i didn't vote...so those approximately 1,500 others of you like me...shame on us. god forbid we pay more for a sandwich. the minimum wage has fallen too far below what is necessary to sustain yourself...and it is disgusting that we refuse to adjust it.

mayor chavez won reelection...apparently its a big deal, never been done before in albuquerque. i have hopes that he will bring machine politics to this town...god knows it is ripe for it. he reminds me of home sometimes...i can't believe i am missing chicago.
well, i can take comfort in knowing i may be out of the office within an hour.

this place is a prison.


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