Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

bush's brilliance, gay athletes, sunshine and baseball

so harriet miers is out as the next nominee for the supreme court. i wasn't too comfortable with the choice in the first place...not because of any stance she may or may not have taken on abortion or affirmative action or any other issue that special interest groups think are the only thing that should matter for a supreme court justice...but because of the only thing i think should matter for a supreme court justice...ability. reading some of her writing made me nervous...as someone involved in the legal field trust me when i tell you how important it is to have strong writers with top shelf legal minds on the supreme court...too often opinions come out practically indicipherable...i prefer a justice that can make you think, no matter what the outcome, "yea...he/she's got a point." just not sure if she was up to it.

which brings me to my point...her pick seemed very strange to me at first...especially since there seemed to be people out there with abilities clearly laid out...many of them women and minorities. but as it became clear that miers would either be yanked or yank herself i realized it was yet another politically brilliant move by republicans (who have become masters at the evil genius stuff). they had to know she wouldn't fly...especially after sending up wonder boy earlier...so why would they send her up? then i realized how difficult it will be for anyone to stop back to back nominations. watch the next one be an uber-conservative, and watch all those opposed struggle to explain themselves when they try to block another one. maybe before being fingerprinted rove pulled another one off.

sheryl swoopes came out of the closet...biggest name athlete to ever do it while they are still going. not many people noticed...not sure if that is a sign that people are more accepting of gays, or just that not very many people give a crap about the wnba. it must suck to be a gay athlete...at least on the male side, i really don't know how it would fly with teammates and opponents on the female side. i even came from what many would call a "gay" sport anyways (gymnastics)...and i was shocked at how unaccepting people i knew in gymnastics were of gays. maybe someday it won't be big news when an athlete comes out...i'm not holding my breath.

since saturday i've had an easier time enjoying the sunshine and moon in this town. not sure what triggered it...but i'm hoping the corner is turned and i can get through my last months/years here mentally and emotionally in tact.

the white sox swept the series...it's tough to stomach. the north side is pissed, the south side is ecstatic. someone in a column on espn noted that it's a racial thing. of course it is, it's chicago...everything there is racial. it has a lot to do with class too (although the two are way too intertwined in that city)...but either way...may god smite their rally. go cubs.

do you ever get the feeling that you've been written off...


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