history is mocking us...
I woke up to check the news this morning and found myself so incredibly disillusioned I could not even bring myself to shake my head in disbelief...nothing seems too ludicrous anymore.
the harsh realities of history are laughing at us...the ghosts of many a fallen "liberal" empire are preparing another spot around the fire for lady liberty and her entourage. we now exist in a frightening netherworld where "Republicans" support the advancement of tyranny at home and abroad, berating any attempt at representative government and "Democrats" dive into the fracas in an attempt to show they too can subvert the popular demands of the public. if you are still supporting either of these two parties there are only two possible explanations...(1) you are filthy rich and have a vested interested in perpetual warfare and the shaky economy it supports; or (2) you are a fool. if you are reading this...my guess is that the later is more likely to apply.
if you still believe that republicanism is supported by "Republicans" former Senator Wayne Morse (a one-time Republican) would like to remind you that "History will record that we have made a great mistake in subverting and circumventing the Constitution of the United States [by giving the president] warmaking powers in the abscense of a declaration of war. What is wrong with letting the Constitution operate as written by our constitutional fathers? Why should we give arbitrary discretion to mere men who happen to hold office at a given time, when the American people and their lives are at the mercy of those mere men?" apparently nothing says republican government like one-man tyranny disguised as "the rule of law."
"the rule of law" - that old trusty stalwart of republicanism...no longer applies. this latest "Republican" administration has finally fully transformed the "rule of law" into the "party line." few things will destroy a republican form of government quicker than ignoring the rule of law and subverting those ideals to "safety" and "security."
and for those "Democrats" out there that still think the aptly-symbolized donkeys are representing democracy and liberal government...your favorite perjured president has some words for you..."There is nothing patriotic about pretending that you can love your country but despise your government" and my favorite "We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans." and so keeping in mine with avoiding a fixation on the rights of man and democratic dissent...the "Democrats" have now folded up camp and moved in with tyranny. "Send us to Washington" they cried..."let us be your voice" they asked...only to once again prove everything I have ever said about their desire to maintain the status quo and all the worldly benefits they derive from a faux-democracy hell-bent on war at all costs (because someone has to be on the receiving end of those payments).
I am sick of waiting for a savior from within the system...it will never happen. Obama made me hopeful, but turned out to be just another politician who found his way to Washington and promptly lost his moral compass. our country is broken, and unless we stand up and hold the shop-owners responsible for wrecking the inventory history will not remember us kindly. you don't have to put up with this...they cannot make you choose between two equally evil entities as your representation unless you aquiesce in the hijacking of your ideals.
throw the bums out...anyone but in 2008.