Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, May 21, 2007

rejoining the world...exhausted, bruised and still royally pissed off...

with a month of trials in the rearview mirror, and one man still with his family (including his adopted children) and another forced to leave his one year old son without a father based on the unsupported word of one shaky witness...I am ready to rejoin the real world - as unfortunate of a horrific mess as it may be - and vent my anger through my fingertips while being amazed at watching the fall of yet another grand republican experiment happen before my very eyes...

so with that in mind...here is some of what is on my mind...

the christian right is such good folk that their bigotry led a homeless woman in chicago to be denied access to a shelter because she happens to be attracted to other women. the beautiful legacy of folks like jerry falwell - withhold charity from human beings in desperate need due to bigotry...the big guy upstairs must be proud.

the boy king continues to show just how much he respects and honors the hundreds of thousands he has ordered to war...their return home is still ignored after they have given their lives and those that return home alive get to live in squalor and receive sub-standard medical care. this of course after ordering them into combat without so much as the tools necessary or a plan. nothing says "support our troops" like ignoring them at every step of the road.

the white house is mad at jimmy carter because he dared offer some critical comments of their almighty leader. a spokesman called him "irrelevant" with his "reckless and personal criticism." once again, the administration has shown how incredibly tapped into history it is...seems they just forgot that it is a doctrine bearing carter's namesake which has developed into preemptive war in the middle east. so if carter is irrelevant...what does that say about the policies of the boy king in the middle east?

word on the street is the attorney general may quit before the "representatives" of the people can express officially that he is a useless bag of shit. funny how it took this long to figure out that a guy who wrote the book for the boy king on how the law did not apply to anything the drunken speed freak might do might not exactly be the best guy to be in charge of little things like upholding the laws and the constitution. I don't know about you...but I feel much better knowing that congress figured that one out...even if it took years.

the fanatical right wing is having a rough go of it - I would enjoy watching them falter so very much more if they hadn't already destroyed all that is good in the world. poor hitler-esque jerry falwell finally found out if there is a hell (where he no doubt joins all the gays) and wolfy got the demotion previously reserved for such failed right-wing schmucks as mcnamara. of course we then found out just how much "respect" and "dignity" the right wing brought back to washington with it...as he used that position to assist him in getting someone's panties off.

the brits have plenty of openly gay folks in their military...does that mean we cannot use them as allies anymore?

bill clinton is still one of the worst presidents in history...unless you are a right-wing Big Business asshole out to line only your pockets with child labor and the like.

of course when followed up by the worst president in history...one with absolutely no knowledge of history...he comes out looking pretty damn good.

you would think after a few hundred years of trying to subvert the middle east and turn it into a little america we might have figured out that it just isn't working.

don't look now...but the green zone was just hit again. good thing the mission was accomplished or a less secure baghdad might be somewhat of a concern...but then, freedom is messy...fight rummy? by the way...how's retirement? and one more thing...falwell sends his regards...he says it actually is pretty damn hot, but he'll see you soon.

while we've been busy killing middle eastern folks africa continues to wilt.

so does latin america.

and parts of asia.

not to mention your neighborhood.

for a nation that was founded partly on a fear of the tyranny that standing armies inevitably support...we sure have been on a war footing for a hell of a long time.

for a party that loves to talk about american ideals...the republican party sure has been flouting all that the founders said for a hell of a long time.

mccain is going to push efficiency and ethics in government...which makes one wonder what the republicans have been doing all this time. didn't they sweep into office in the mid-90's promising to bring efficiency and ethics to government?

if you were really conservative...you abandoned the republican party long ago.

if you were really liberal...you abandoned the democratic party long ago.

if you are a mindless drone...you probably haven't left either.

michael moore is a shitbag.

with the world going to shit and this country falling apart...why are those that are supposedly the best and brightest busy campaigning for an election still years away? even more proof that this place is seriously broken.

john brown doesn't seem so crazy anymore does he?

I have the greatest plan involving everyone else...


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