congress can end the war, but we know the democrats won't...
"History will record that we have made a great mistake in subverting and circumventing the Constitution of the United States [by giving the president] warmaking powers in the abcense of a declaration of war. What is wrong with letting the Constitution operate as written by our constitutional fathers? Why should we give arbitrary discretion to mere men who happen to hold office at a given time when the American people and their lives are at the mercy of those mere men?" - Sen. Wayne Morse (following the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution).
it seems 40 years later congress did not learn the lessons of vietnam either (such as John Kerry, who the democrats marched out there a few years back with no apologies for doing the same damn thing that sent so many of his fellow servicemen to die for no good reason). and so now they are trying to right this grevious wrong (which could easily have been avoided if any of them had any training in history - or even something beyond a middle-school understanding of the subject) by declaring that the money they approve for the war must be used to get the hell out by next year.
a whole bunch of complete and total morons are going on and on about how congress cannot now "micromanage" the war (because apparently it is a problem if the most representative body of the government does it, but heralded if don rumsfeld does it) by attaching conditions to money...namely, get the fuck out next year. most of these fools have never seen a day of combat in their lives (although one did land on a carrier once, so that he could declare the mission was accomplished and then watch another few thousand American soldiers die for his lies)...but they insist they know exactly how to "support" the troops. the amusing part is that they try and harken back to vietnam as a time when the troops did not get the "support" they needed from washington (because they were sent to a war based on some presidential liberties with the truth, lied about to as how the war was going, and wound up stuck in a war going nowhere against an "enemy" that had absolutely no intention of stopping - the only way to win such a war - while the folks in washington decided to just keep sending a few more boys off to die...sound familiar?).
but congress absolutely can and should put conditions on the money it hands out. of course that would mean the strict constructionists (which the conservative elite assholes so love) would have to be listened to, and the unambiquous language of the constitution would need to be followed. congress has the power to tax and spend...congress only. congess has the power to declare war...congress only (even if it tries to hand that away). congress has the power to spend for the common defense...congress only. (and yes, there is a rather intellectual and pointless argument that this is offense its extra-constitutional and how can the congress have power over it). put them all together...and congress can give money to for military operations...with whatever the hell catch they so want. once again...activist conservative leaders are trying to tell us the constitution does not say what it clearly says. that being said...
some applaud the democrats for doing this...I say bullshit, the democrats are still a punchline and a farce. the only way they would ever take this step is with the knowledge that it won't pass in the end. they claim they want to end the war...and tell us they are trying to do just that. well, I for one am calling BULLSHIT! you want to end this thing? repeal the resolution authorizing "all necessary force." repeal the faux-declaration of war. if you were serious about any of this, it would be done. you have the president by the balls...your constituents and the world are begging you...squeeze goddamnit...squeeze.
until that day...don't give me your baseless rhetoric. until that remain an embarrassment to democracy. until that remain frauds.
there must be someway out of here...
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