keep the car running...
ski season is drawing to a close (earlier and earlier every year)...sports illustrated reports that estimates show the season at taos will be three weeks shorter within my lifetime. but it's ok...I don't mind...really...go fill up the hummer and crank the air conditioning...
speaking of air conditioning, haven't been hearing much from the "there is no global warming" folks as of late. remember when they were all telling us "I told you so" when some storms (belatedly) hit the east coast. apparently they forgot that people were jogging through the streets of new york and boston in t-shirts in january. well...this has officially become the warmest winter globally on record. what is it about the human race that leads us to destroy so arrogantly?
and why is it that the people that are the most arrogant about destroying the planet and future generation's ability to ski, or even breath, are the ones that claim to so love god? if you truly were tight with god, don't you think you might just want to take care of his creation? not that I am a biblical scholar or anything...but somehow I doubt god would take aggressive war and environmental destruction well at the pearly gates.
news flash...the guy who for the last 10 years we have been told was a mastermind of attacks for al queda and for the last 5 years have been told was the mastermind of the 9/11 crimes...the government is now claiming he admitted to (gasp) being the mastermind of attacks and the 9/11 crimes. see...torture really does work.
of course we can't be sure of that because the hearings where his alleged statements were read by some joe were closed to the public, the press, and basically the accused themselves (because really...mere physical presence doesn't mean shit...good thing we "won" the cold "war"). but the government promises us that is what he really said...and we all know, that if the government tells us something it must be true...especially if it means we get to send poor kids to kill and die somewhere far away from home.
and I guess I shouldn't say "torture"...because in the statement (read by someone else) apparently he said that, while he had spent time in secret cia prisons (and they assure us they do not torture or do anything illegal) he was being pampered when he made the statements at gitmo. sometimes law "enforcement" folks tell the same lie so many times in so many cases, they really begin to believe it.
and of course the cia doesn't do anything illegal...its an extra-legal institution. technicalities always get in the way.
now that the presidential election is right around the corner and campaigning is in full swing...consider this...anyone able to get elected in an American presidential election should be banned from ever holding public office.
even obama is breaking my kucinich running again?
this saturday people will march on the pentagon...what are the odds makers saying about the administration ordering troops in?
oh...that's right...there aren't any troops available to send.
anyone with any semblance of an understanding of the beginnings of this country and the ideals that birthed must recognize how incredibly horrifying it is that our "leaders" are arguing with each other over who is the best militarist.
one wonders why the "evil-doers" don't just pay for mcdonald's and anheuser busch's marketing...
bush is "frankly not happy" with alberto gonzalez and the way he fired eight united states attorneys at bush's behest. this is what your presidency has become people...lies and half truths about anything and everything. afterall...if you can bullshit your way into a couple is nothing to bullshit your way out of responsibility for destroying the american justice system.
a teacher is in a lot of hot water because he used materials from a british website in a sex ed class that informed pupils about sex in a frank and honest manner. notice the source came from outside this country...because we all know that as good, god-fearing Americans...we don't fuck.
don't look now...but the housing market that was going to save the "economy" from a tailspin is having some issues...
...not that it matters since you lost your job and can't afford a house anyways.
but hey...the tax "relief" has given you 200 bucks back...
...not that it matters since you now pay a couple thousand a month on child care, health care, energy costs, and all the other nice things that tax money used to help you out on...
...of course now that you are jobless you don't need child care and you have time to study home remedies...
...except you just remembered you no longer have a home to study them in.
keep the car running...
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