health care for Big Insurance, trickle up, and Buchanan's insight...
with all the talk of how incredibly moronic Bush's health care "plan" is something is not getting enough mention. we all know that, if everything goes perfectly according to his brilliant "plan" a whopping 3 million people might pick up insurance...great, only about 40 million more to go and you'll be there George. we all recognize only this asshole and his immoral supporters could use a population desperately in need of medicine as an excuse to give their uber-rich comrades more of your money back in tax "cuts" that are more like windfalls for those that don't need it. but what drives me nuts is that nobody seems to be pointing out that this plan basically is an excuse to transfer more of your money into the hands of Big Insurance while offering you less coverage and removing any bargaining power you may have.
here is the obvious and inevitable result of the tax incentive plan (no, it is not a tax break for the average American...if you believe that you likely still can't imagine that there actually were entire civilizations here that needed to be exterminated and/or pushed into what are basically refugee camps in order for this nation to be what it is)...employers will stop offering insurance packages. (and this is where are all the braindead sheep drones go on and on about how it won't matter because you will have money - which is funny considering he is proposing to actually tax your health plan if your employer gives you a pretty good one). and so what is left? a bunch of people that still can't afford the astronomical rates charged by the same companies that spend millions on propoganda and lobbying of "public servants" to convince the people that jury awards are the problem - conveniently leaving out that in the locales where jury awards are capped, malpractice coverage rates are increasing faster than they are in locales without caps. only now, these people will have no collective bargaining power...there will be no employer able to say "give us this for this or we walk"...because why would a heartless corporation with executives who's only concern is whether the next house will be in rio or tahiti give two shits if they lose one customer...especially when that person won't have anywhere else to turn but Big Insurance anyways. so rates will go up, and in the short, medium and long term, less Americans will have access to health care, and those that do will be paying even more for it. and in Republican (big "R") fantasy land...this is progress.
speaking of Republican (big "R") fantasy land "progress"...they now are looking to not only use need for medicine as an excuse to hand your money to the already disgustingly rich...but its time to use the inability to afford food, shelter and provide even a basic level of subsistence for your family as an excuse to hand your money to the already disgustingly rich. now it is because the minimum wage increase will hurt "small business" (don't be fooled...translated from Republican fantasy speak "small business" means fucking rich bastards that rent out the beachside home once a year) that they need to give yet another tax break to the tiny number of folks that already own half the planet. never mind that a minimum wage increase has proven time and time again (such as in Santa Fe here in New Mexico) to boost business and proceeds for true small businesses. because if you are going to be making 7 bucks an hour to feed your family rather than 5 bucks an is only fair that Dick Cheney get a few extra million of your's and your neighbor's dollars (yes...Dick Cheney is a "small business" in Republican fantasy speak).
and that's the beauty of trickle-up economics (the bullshit they drill into your head if you are studying economics in this country...friedman is god, bla bla bla...don't ever question the market, bla bla bla...simply ignore historical precedent indicative of the results of unrestrained capitalism and "globalization" in reality, bla bla bla...) it takes what little you are compensated (far below what you actually earned and are theoretically entitled to in the "free" market) and gives that to the richest of the rich. because if there was ever a sign of a "strong" and "vibrant" was severe stratification of wealth...that has never led to problems before...really...never...I swear...
which brings me to the horrifying realization that Pat Buchanan was the only member of the McLaughlin Group that was grounded in reality last week (how frightening is that?). Pat Buchanan uttered the words that anyone who has been paying attention and has any semblence of historical knowledge is well aware...we are witnessing the end of the American era. his short monologue was eerily reminiscent to a conversation I had with a friend about a year ago about how fascinating the disintegration of an empire is to witness first hand. so get over yourself, find a job in the EU, sit back and enjoy the historical fireworks...
get used to it...
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