the white man's burden...
In considering just how incredibly boneheaded it is for the United States to be running around invading nations and eventually (after every other excuse falls apart) claiming it was to promote democracy and freedom, take a look at this chart put together by William Easterly in his work, The White Man's Burden, which examines the cold war interventions, the negative consequences of them and the silver lining observed by this nation. I just found it too amusing not to share.
Vietnam War (1961-1975). Effect - 58,000 American dead; communists still rule the Vietnam; one of the poorest countries in the world; millions of Vietnamese dead. Silver lining - explosion of Vietnamese restaurants in the United States.
Cambodia (1970-1973; support of pro-American military ruler; American invading and bombing). Effect - Khmer Rouge genocide; Vietnamese invasion; today one of the poorest, most corrupt, most tyrannized nations. Silver lining - Cambodian food is good too.
Afghanistan (1979 on - arming the mujahadeen against the Soviets). Effect - civil war and chaos in Afghanistan continued after Soviets withdrew; destabilization of Pakistan; former mujahadeen supported perpetrators of 9/11 attacks. Silver lining - the CIA got practice for when it had to fight mujahadeen after 9/11.
Guatemala (1954 CIA backed coup). Effect - decades of civil war and death squads; genocide against Indian population. Silver lining - market for Guatemalan handicrafts boomed in the United States.
Korean War (1950-1953). Effect - 2.5 million Koreans killed in North and South; left behind rogue state of N. Korea, the only nation that can achieve both famine and a nuclear arsenal at the same time. Silver lining - Thank God for American ally South Korea!
Iran (1953 CIA backed coup). Effect - Shah's tyranny; Khomeini's revolution; hostrage crisis; Iran still ruled by clerics seeking nuclear weapons. Silver lining - talented Iranian exiles became available to work in international organizations run by the United States.
Liberia (1945-1985, backing dictators with massive foreign aid in return for American military base and Voice of America broadcasting station). Effect - Liberia collapses after 1985 into horrific and violent anarchy under born-again warlord Charles Taylor, who also fueled civil wars in Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire. Silver lining - American television evangelist Pat Robertson could pursue lucrative business deals with Mr. Taylor.
Ethiopia (backing Haile Selassie against Soviet-backed Somalia). Effect - military overthrows Selassie and aligns itself with Soviets; two decades of civil war; Ethiopia is still one of the poorest countries in the world. Silver lining - Live Aid concert to help Ethiopia in 1985 gave valuable experience to Live 8 musicians to help Africa 20 years later.
Somalia (backing against now Soviet-backed Ethiopia). Effect - devestation of Ethiopia-Somalia with war and famine; collapse of Somali state and descent into chaos; fiasco of American intervention of 1994. Silver lining - Black Hawk Down was great book and movie.
El Salvador (1980's - backing army against Marxist rebels). Effect - 12 year civil war kills 70,000; right-wing death squads rape and murder such dangerous guerillas as American Catholic nuns. Silver lining - Salvadoran refugees became cheap housekeepers for desperate housewives.
Nicaragua (1980's - backing contras against Soviet-backed Sandinistas). Effect - civil war in Nicaragua with atrocities on both sides; Nicaraguan economy destroyed by corrupt leftists. Silver lining- Corrupt leftists thrown out in 1990 to make room for corrupt rightists.
Zaire (assassination of Lumumba and support for pro-Western Mobutu). Effect - Mobutu loots billions; collapse of state; civil war with intervention by virtually all of Zaire's neighbors; abysmal poverty. Silver lining - Needed stimulus to American and Swiss banking industry.
Angola (1975, 1980's - backing Jonas Savimbi against Soviet-backed Angolan government). Effect - government wins anyway; civil war continues after Soviets and Cubans leave and American aid ends; Savimbi is power-hungry warlord; land mines outnumber people; spectacular misery today despite great mineral wealth. Silver lining - Can't think of any.
So there you have it. We are amazingly adept at intervening and creating markets for foreign food, shady banking practices, aid concerts, Pat Robertson, handicrafts, and further "necessary" intervention. Something to consider next time you want to argue it is a great idea for us to stick our high and mighty noses into areas of the world we know nothing about.
if I ever hurt will be in self defense...
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