spreading "democracy" and understanding Bush's plan...
finally, our leadership is getting serious about spreading "democracy"...because nothing says "democracy" like invading a nation, deposing its rulers, appointing new leadership after firing every civil servant there and disallowing them to help in running the country, and then remaining as an occupying force for a decade or so. unless of course, it is sending in a nominal (i.e. not enough to do anything but piss everyone involved off) increase in americans (and illegal immigrants trying to get their citizenship) with big guns against the wishes of the vast majority of americans, and, perhaps more importantly, the wishes of everyone anywhere close to the conflict into which another few ten thousands americans are being sent to kill and die. warmongering...is there anything more democratic?
well...perhaps there is something more democratic. fillibustering non-binding resolutions condemning such undemocratic and immoral action. at least that is what my "young republican primer" has taught me.
it is mindboggling how incredibly ignorant of history this administration is...or at least how much they believe they are immune to its lessons. take that speech and change a few terms and give it four decades ago...and we are on our way into the vietnam war in full. hell, go back even further and we are finding ourselves as the defenders of an empire where the sun never sets. we've got a faux-nation here...put together by the british while divying up the middle east between them and a few colonial power friends, managing to mix people that really dislike each other (on a religious level...another interesting message from history that is missed, religious hatred leads to some nasty fighting) in a nation with easy straight borders (because we all know how nations that rise on their own do so with conveniently straight borders) that is then presided over by someone not even from within those newly discovered borders and was originally promised rule of a palestine state that happened to be promised to the french and the israelis as well...a situation which led to the only person able to keep control over the country being a brutal tyrant who was very much one-sided in his approach. under the circumstances...how the fuck are 20,000 more american bodies to shoot at going to do a damn thing? well...they will do something, increase the short and long-term disaster for this nation and give the "enemy" of al quada even more room to retake afghanistan. fan-fucking-tastic.
but then I thought long and hard about the "new" plan (apparently bush is catching up with the times...because he recognizes that recycled is often as good as new...unfortunately he doesn't apply that to the environment, only to ordering death and destruction)...and I realized the hidden brilliance in it. what most of us don't realize, is that this plan "working" will not mean we "win" the "war"...the beauty of it is that through escalating the war we will unite the "iraqi" people.
the one thing that both sides of the civil war in "iraq" seem to agree on is that they hate us being there. the one thing they can get along on is that they need to take potshots at the guys with the american flag on their uniforms any chance they get. and this is bush's brilliance...if we put enough americans in "iraq" both sides will be too busy shooting at them to shoot at each other. eventually, they will combine together in a faux-nationalist spirit to drive out the invaders...succeeding where the everyone else in history has failed, uniting the people of iraq. and even if it is unification through hatred of the united states and driving an occupying force out...
on second thought. that was tried by just about every colonial power too...and seeing as how we still have brutal civil wars in the vast majority of those nations where it was tried...maybe this isn't such a good idea afterall...
wake up...it's no use pretending...
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