teaching them "rag doll" illegals a lesson, the "last throes", and pandering...
so I was watching america's most wanted for the first time in years this weekend (and if you haven't seen it in awhile...walsh has lost his damn mind...it has become a worse version of cops) and was horrified to yet again learn how incredibly screwed up this nation is becoming as we texify ourselves. in between segments of a swat team from the broward county sheriff's office rounding up sex offenders (including those oh so dangerous flashers) who got home a couple minutes late the night before (yup...talk about good use of law enforcement dollars...these guys, who were at home when they were arrested and would have shown up with probation the next day were carted away by about 15 deputies...and how many preventable incidents happened while those 15 were busy?) they told the story of some border partrol folks that got a little trigger happy and found themselves in prison.
the first two gunned down a man trying to cross the river. of course amw tried to play it up by saying he was a drug smuggler...but then one must wonder how the two patrolmen, in the dark, were aware of this when they shot a man for crossing the river.
the second story was about a local sheriff's deputy in some backwater town in texas (yea...I said it) that got a little trigger happy when put in "danger." see, he pulled a minivan over because (and this is important) it didn't come to a complete stop at a stop sign. when he approached the car it was full of eight people...traffic stop, crowded car. when he tapped on the window for the driver the driver decided to take off...in the process, he damn near (gasp) ran over the deputy's toes. now...rather than get into his cruiser and pursue the minivan that he knew to be full of people...he pulled out his firearm and unloaded a clip into the back of a crowded car. (what is it about a badge that gives you the right to kill for evading a traffic stop?)
the horrifying part was how this guy was a local hero...FOR SHOOTING SEVERAL ROUNDS INTO THE BACK OF A CROWDED VAN THAT POSED NO THREAT TO HIM! and someone being interviewed (a law enforcement man might I add) had the galls to actually say this about the woman that was hit in the face with one of the bullets..."if she hadn't 'a been stuffed into the wheel-well like a ragdoll she wouldn't 'a got shot." wow. wow. so now apparently being the passenger in a vehicle that the driver decides to drive away from a traffic stop is punishable by death. good to know.
of course they then did a story about another woman, trying to get into the country illegally that was tricked by the smugglers into becoming a sex-slave. and the folks at amw were getting all teary eyed over her...rightfully so...except that five minutes earlier they were telling me someone else that may or may not have been trying to get into the country without papers deserved to get shot. ah...the beauty of "christian" hypocrisy.
on a happier note...the insurgency is apparently once again in its "last throes"...remember the last time they were "desperate" and used such methods on "their way out" as taking over towns, slaughtering civilians and killing american service folk? at least this time they struck before the administration could get a "mission accomplished" banner up again (remember all the talk for a few days about how great things were because the "surge" had quieted baghdad?). oh well...at least the president is puffing up his chest towards Iran and offering them stern warnings...because they aren't fucking laughing at us now. (what was that I read recently about "strong" nations picking on lesser ones?)
john mccain missed his bid for the presidency years ago...at the time I would have loved to see a mccain/bradley race (imagine how much different the world may be today...ok, it wouldn't really be different because they are all worthless...but at least it would take longer to go to hell in a handbasket). unfortunately, mccain has decided the only way he will win now is to pander to the extreme right fanatics...the same people that are quickly losing their popularity. his latest...coming out and declaring roe should be overturned. (side note - roe was a horribly written decision...not a wrong decision, just horribly written...overturning it is not the solution..."clarifying" it - i.e. rewriting - is). sorry john...but your train already left the station...and your blatant pandering has exposed you for the hack that you are.
set fire to the rooftops...
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