retaining the ability to misrepresent: flip-flopping and the truth about executive privilege...
"Evidently, [the President] wants to shield virtually any communications that take place within the White House compound on the theory that all such talk contributes in some way, shape or form to the continuing success and harmony of an administration. Taken to its logical extreme, that position would make it impossible for citizens to hold a chief executive accountable for anything. He would have a constitutional right to cover up."
Those words were not written by any Democrat posing as a true liberal or any aspiring presidential candidate...they were written by Tony Snow (yes, that Tony Snow, White House propogandizer) in 1998 about Bill Clinton. Funny, now he is being sent out amongst his former colleagues to argue that this president, whose administration has made misrepresenting an art form, to be just that...impossible to hold accountable with a constitutional right to cover up. Snow went on to write this in the same piece...
"Most of us want no part of a president who is cynical enough to use the majesty of his office to evade the one thing he is sworn to uphold, the rule of law."
My how times change for the elitist conservative assholes that have risen to the top of the Republican all they want is a president that will undermine the rule of law in any and every way possible. Of course they will blame the "war on terror" and claim it is different now, because we went to war by no fault of our own on September 11, 2001. But then they will merely forget to mention that "war on terror" was actually a term coined by the Clinton administration...and that the "war on terror" actually began many administrations ago. But reality and historical fact have never been much of a concern to these children posing as men.
Executive privilege is a sham, and it should be absolutely foreign to any nation that claims to be anything resembling a democracy (so don't give me your "we aren't a democracy, we are a republic" bullshit...I know my government and the history of its origins better than you). It is nothing more than an ability to lie to the people you supposedly represent, to keep the person who should be most accountable in our government from being accountable at all. What have we learned from executive privilege and claims of it? Nixon was involved in felony burglary with political motivations. Reagan was involved in illegal weapons sales and dealings with a member of the "Axis of Evil." Clinton perjured himself. And now Bush wants to avoid any accountability whatsoever...gee, think he might be hiding something?
So he offered up his cronies to give "interviews" to Congress, as long as no record is made of what they said. There is only one reason for maintain the ability to effectively lie to Congress, and to hide the truth from the American people. Unfortunately, as Mr. Snow so eloquently put it ten years ago...Americans tend to want no part of unaccountable government officials. It is why Democrats swept both houses despite being completely useless in their own right. It is why Republicans swept both houses a decade ago despite being completely useless in their own right. It is why so many of us cannot stand to vote for either of these two incompetent and elitist parties anymore...they aren't accountable. It is why the boy in the Oval Office will fight so hard to quash the subpoenas...accountability is foreign to him (whether it be for ditching out on fighting a war, or ordering a war on misrepresentations to the American people, or overseeing the complete lack of adequate care for the wounded he sent to lose limbs, or pissing all over the Constitution he took a solemn oath to uphold, or drug use, or get the point).
Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum...the thought that an entire branch of your government is claiming to be off limits to your scrutiny should be appalling. I have no doubt that child will tell you these people work for him and should be able to give him "advice" - like how to get away with politicizing the criminal justice system - without worry of scrutiny. Slight problem with that boy, they work for us. They work for you, they work for me, they work for that guy down the street, they work for the single mother across the tracks, they work every American...and they must answer to every American.
Wannabe Boy have done enough damage in direct contradiction of your most solemn oath. As an American who still, somehow, miraculously believes this country has much to offer, and on behalf of all those in the past who looked to our laws as a guide to "freedom," and all those present who are horrified at losing the very essence of freedom, and all those in the future who will live in the gestapo state you are leaving in your wake...answer the damn questions.
If not, give them/him the Judy Miller treatment. Sit their ass in prison for contempt.
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