Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

so much for securing oil and pathetic democracy...

well then...now we are in some shit. turns out even the Bush family's favorite royals, the Saudis, have realized what countless worldwide already knew...the United States is not in Iraq legally. now they are even talking to such evil-doers as Iran. so the continued occupation of Iraq has now killed 3,245 American servicemen and women...another 700 or so civilian "contractors" (for a grand total of somewhere around 4,000) and god knows how many thousands of Iraqis (another couple dozen recently after the american-trained Iraqi "security" forces went a little trigger happy). and what do we have to show for it? (I mean besides the wonderful brutality of a civil war a long, long time in the making of course). we have secured American interests in the region of course...meaning we have enough oil to keep them hummers coming off the line and to keep ingoring the fact that my ski season has been reduced to about a month and a half, etc. well...we would have anyways...if the infrastructure of Iraq hadn't been dismantled and the place wasn't so unstable that there was no way to get their oil industry anywhere near up and running...and if we hadn't pissed off the entire arab world with our belligerent and baseless posturing to the point that now even the Saudis are calling us out. but there is no need to worry...a few british sailors will conveniently provide the excuse to go after Iran. afterall, if we destroy most of the world's oil pumping capacity, then at least a whole lot of others will go down in flames with us.

remember about a decade ago when the republican party had its collective panty in a hizzy over clinton telling a deliberately misleading technically true statement and wanted his ass out on the curb (not that it would have been bad to have clinton out on the curb necessarily)? oops. now it seems that alberto gonzales has tried to get out of some sticky situations by uttering statements that may not be outright falsehoods...but are deliberately misleading. and he even took it a step further by sending incomplete information to congress to avoid getting the boy king's rasputin in any danger. so this is where this country has gotten...we have gone from the chief executive commiting perjury to the leader of the justice department lying to congress. this is where the conservative movement has led us...government officials in charge of upholding the law that we can now all count on to do everything to subvert the law and try and dodge it. thank god for accountability and values...whereever would we be without it.

and so yes...our democracy is pathetic right now. and contrary to what a whole bunch of misguided and misrepresenting talking heads and pundits will tell you...the democrats aren't the answer to shit. they sold you out. they sold the country out. they sold everything they stood for out. don't buy their bullshit about how they care about the american people because they are offering a spending bill that would require the troops coming out of Iraq (knowing full-well that it won't ever be enacted into law anyways)...remember just two years ago they paraded around a man who once fought an unjust war before fighting against that unjust war as a war candidate. remember the last time people went into the voting booth they did not vote for anything the democrats stand for except for "not as bad as george bush" (a debatable point considering they sold us out on everything george bush wanted until they realized the public was sceptical...years too late). remember that they are proud that they raise plenty of money from corporate big wigs. remember that they sold you nafta...they kicked you off welfare...they destroyed your kids school with NCLB...they voted away your constitutional rights because it said "PATRIOT"...

impeach them all. start over.


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