boy king: buy more guns, more cronyism, and the "free" market conservative lie...
so a horrible thing happened on the virginia tech campus yesterday. a student who apparently had some issues went on a shooting spree and left 33 dead (including himself) in the wake. from initial reports it appears he utilized two guns in the shooting his way through a few buildings. at such a saddening time with thirty plus families grieving the loss of a loved one at the end of a muzzle the boy king once again fabulously led this nation in moving forward. at a time when folks mourned the shooting deaths of friends, family, children, and others they never knew the president decided to reinforce the party line by reminding us how guns are a good thing (of course, when the boy uses one of the worst acts of mass murder to push a tax cut for his Big Business friends can we really expect anything else?). so while you mourn the senseless deaths of so many by a man with two guns...the boy king wants you to remember this...guns are fantastic.
perhaps realizing the blunder of his chuck heston-esque "pry from my cold dead hands" moment the fool has decided it is a time for us all not to jump to politics about this incident until we know everything that happened. well...except for that little shot he got in about how wonderful guns are immediately after the that he got his say in we shouldn't let a debate happen. because god knows the man does not like debate...what the hell did you think this was? a democratic nation?
the brainchild of the fabulously successful Iraq War was demoted over to the world bank (much like the brainchild of the fabulously successful Vietnam War before him). which wound up being a good thing for mr. wolfowitz. see, it was difficult to advance his girlfriend at the pentagon...but at the world bank...that's a whole nother story. once at the world bank he could get her effectively fired so that she could get a huge raise. apparently he is pleading ignorance now...because anyone with half a brain might not figure out right off the bat that giving your girlfriend a gigantic raise for nothing might not be the most ethical and proper way to run things. but then coming from the administration that is all about cronyism and "if you nod and say yes you will be rewarded greatly" what more can we expect really. they told you they were going to bring respect back to the white house...instead they brought you abramoff, haliburton, refusals to testify under oath, half-truths and lies to lead you to war. but don't worry...nobody is fucking in the lincoln bedroom...which is really all that we should be concerned with when our democracy is going to hell in a handbasket.
I've noticed lately that most of the folks that speak loudest about how horrible illegal immigration is tend to be the same folks that speak loudest about how wonderful the "free" market is and complain about "handouts." of course they also bitch about how illegal immigration drives down wages. they don't expect you to see the glaring obvious hypocrisy in everything they say though (perhaps because they figure if bush can get elected hypocrisy is something to be proud of). they want you to forget that if the "free" market was really as wonderful as they like to claim, that if that magical invisible hand that guides us all were truly at work, then the labor market would have to be free too. but if the labor market had to be free, that would mean movement of peoples as easily as capital and goods. and this is where they struggle...because free movement of things is only good for them if it lines the pockets of Big Business with money. if the "free" market gets in the way of their paycheck because apparently they aren't worth what they are making (which they will tell you is because they worked so hard and who are you to come in and demand the same pay without having worked as hard...ironic since their argument against immigration inherently includes an admission that there are folks that will do their job for a lot less then them) then we just ignore it. if the "free" market is so perfect...what are they worried about?
we all lose one another on the way...
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